Angels and Devils : (Part Three)

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Adam's POV

I went to Rebecca's house to tell her everything. I told her about the clouds, the demons and angels, and most of all my new friend.

"Wait so your friends with the Prince of Heaven?!" she asked.

"Yeah he's super cool! You would love him. He likes animating, drawing, video games, jokes, sandwiches, animals,....." I started rambling.

"Well looks like you like him more than me."

"What? No. I don't like him like that. I just think he's cool and sweet and kind. I can't wait for this weekend so I can hang out with him more!!"

"Aww... Looks like you have a new best friend..." Rebecca said looking kind of sad.

"Hey, you were my first friend who stuck by me. Nothing and no one will change that. You'll always be close to me no matter how many friends I have." Rebecca hugged me as I hugged back. Both of us were really happy to have each other. I wouldn't be where I am without Rebecca. I wouldn't be strong enough without her.


After class, James ran up to me and gave me a sheet. "Really? Homework over the weekend?" I asked.

"This is just a list of things I want to do with you this weekend. If you want to you can stay at the castle, I worked everything out with my parents." I looked down at the sheet I was given while James talked. It had out favorite things to do. Feel down I felt a little empty so I had to to stop James.

"Uh James, I mean Prince James..."

"We're friends now, don't call me that."

"Ok James. You see I have a friend named Rebecca and she's spending this weekend alone and because I'm staying here I think I'm gonna be seeing her less and less so I was thinking maybe you could invite her to the school?" I asked.

"Hmmm....Sure! I mean if she wants to come then yeah. " James looked a little deflated all of a sudden.

"You look sad. What's up?" I asked him. James stayed quiet as he looked down. "It's just I didn't know you had a girlfriend." he said looking down.

"Oh no. Fuck no. Hell nah." I said.

"Language Adam!" James said.

"Sorry, it's just that me and Rebecca aren't a couple. W-we're just friends trust me. I'm not into g-irls. Well I am but, I'm b-isexu-al but most g-gay bisexual." I said stumbling over my words.

James lightens up a bit. "Oh cool I'm gay!" he said just coming out but covers his mouth and starts to blush. He's so cute... Before I could calm him down the school bell rings and demons run out the door ready to start their weekend. I grabbed my stuff as James brought me to the castle.

It was so huge, at least 200 feet high. The guards outside were in blue and gold uniforms. They stopped me as soon as I got there. "Let him go guys. Order of the king." James said. They let me go but where giving me the stink eye. Everyone was eyeing me and starting at me. "Dirty sinner." someone whispered. And I thought this was the nicest place in existence.

"Hi Dad!" James said waving to his father and the rest of his family. I stopped dead in my tracks. They didn't look too happy to see me. "Your highnesses." I said bowing to them.

"You may rise young demon." the Queen said. "There's nothing to be afraid of. We're glad your on your way to becoming a better person. Our son speaks of great things from you."

"And we can't wait to see them." the King added."Go on James show him to his room."

James grabbed my hand and brought me to my room. "Wow this place is so cool!" I said putting my stuff down.

"So what do you want to do first?" he asked.

"Everything!" I said.

James and I played video games, drew pictures, watched movies and did good deeds like help Maaz with his advisor work. After that we just relaxed in my room.

"Today was the best!" I said. James was on his phone and looked up at me. "Yeah because your here now. " he said. I blushed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and there were two angels.

"DEMON!" said the girl angel kicking me in the stomach. I fell backwards onto the floor.

"Jaiden, what the heck?!?! He's supposed to be here." James said.

"Why....?" I moaned.


I picked Adam up and sat him on his bed and introduced my two friends to Adam. "Guys this is Adam. He's there to reform. Adam this is Jaiden and Timothy." I said.

"Timothy?!?" Adam started chuckling.

"Yeah, and Adam is the most creative name." Tim said.

"Hey hey. Tim is good. Let's all try to get along. You guys are gonna love Adam. He's really fun." I said.

Adam pulled out his hand for someone to shake. Both Jaiden and Tim looked at each other timidly. "Hey don't worry, if your friends with James then you guys are probably great. " he said. Tim shook his hand and so did Jaiden.

"Good now that we're all cool with each other. Let's do something. How about Devils vs Angels?" I said. It would be a good way for Adam to practice being nice.

Everyone agreed and we had a good game. Adam and I were both angels and Jaiden and Tim were devils. We switched back and forth and made some fun stories.

"Hey James was right, you are fun Adam. We should hang out more." Tim said before saying goodbye and leaving. "Yeah your pretty alright..See you guys soon." Jaiden said walking out too.

"Your really gonna fit in just fine here Adam." I said.

Adam looked up and smiled at me which made my heart melt a bit. I left his room in a good mood to get ready for bed. I couldn't get Adam off my mind and it didn't help when I was trying to sleep. Every 5 minutes I was thinking of Adam so I had to get a drawing in. Drawing turned into a story bored. Story bored turned into a script. Before I knew it, I was animating again.

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