Angels and Devils : (Part Eight)

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It was about time for the demons to go home for summer vacation. Man the year went by. Well to be fair it wasn't a full year. Adam and Rebecca would still be with us. It's been interesting how things have turned out after a few months. I couldn't be at the school as much because my coordination would be in the fall, leaving only three months before I would be king. It was stressful but me and my friend handled it together.

I laid in bed as my alarm went off, however it wasn't for me. I got up and walked over to Adam's room to wake him up. "Come on lazy bones, get up."

Adam moaned. "I don't wanna...." he said pulling his pillow over his head.

It always took all my work to get Adam up. I sat on his bed next to him. Adam pulled me into bed with him as he cuddled up with me. "Can we just...stay like this? You and me, in bed, warm." I had to admit it was nice, but things bad to be done. I had to make an important royal announcement, fill some papers, fit my crown and kings wear, and still go on a date with Adam.

I held Adam in my arms put him in his chair. "Adam, go take a shower." I said pushing Adam closer to his bathroom. He put his hands and feet on the door. "I don't wanna." he said.

"But we're having pancakes for breakfast Adam....and we have a date tonight. Also my announcement and my crown fitting."

"UGHHH!" Adam yelled. "Isn't there a day when we just don't do stuff? When we can just stay in bed."

"How about we have an indoor date tonight to make up for our busy day?" I said. Adam agreed and got ready for the day.

First, my outfit fitted. Jaiden sketched out how my outfit was to go and it worked out great! It was blue and gold and even the crown had little diamonds on it. I found Adam sleeping in the corner. "Adam wake up. I need you to look at my outfit."

Adam woke up and started at me. I watched in amusement as his face slowly turned pink as he looked at my  outfit. "You look great." he said nervously . I kissed his cheek and smiled, then he went back to sleep.

Next, I had to fill papers. I wanted to sleep too but I couldn't. Maaz made sure that I did everything right.

"So, you need to have a round table of members to help you out. Who are they gonna be?" Maaz asked.

"There all in my royal announcement. Trust me." I said.

"Well I won't have to wait much longer. Everyone is here." Maaz said.

Tim brought half a box full of papers to fill. He put some cookies next to Adam who was looking pretty hungry. I watched as he nibbled a few and then just took big bites. Jaiden and Rebecca both came in as well waving at me. Before I made my announcement pubic, I wanted to tell them.

"So, today I just choose my round table of Personal Castle Staff or PCS. I decided that who better to choose than my best friends. Maaz, you've been with me for years, you will my official advicar. Rebecca, you will be my connection to the outside world when I'm busy. Jaiden and Tim, you guys are my fastest flyers, you both will be my messengers. And last but not least, Adam, you will be my right hand on the thrown, by my side."

Everyone was excited with their new jobs. High fives, hugs, and celebration. I'm glad everyone was super happy with everything because it's not easy.

That night, Adam and I were both having dinner alone. Adam didn't eat as much as he normally did, he hardly even made a dent in his food. "Adam, are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, never better." he said.

"I don't believe you. Come on tell me buddy." I pleaded.

"Fine. I'm worried about my new role. I still a demon, I'm still evil, why did you choose me? Why am I going to be your right hand? "

"Aww, Adam....." I said. "Your my right hand not because your evil, because you try hard to be better. It didn't matter if you were devil or angel because you would do anything for anyone you cared about. That's what I love about you and that's what being a right hand is, being a role model and a huge support to the King." I said.

"Thanks Jameson. I'll be the best right hand ever. I love you." he said.

"I love you too. Now finish eating, cause when your done it's snuggle time in bed." I said. Adam started eating quickly. Guess he was just as excited as I am.

( This is my last post before Thanksgiving. I have up to chapter 13 done, but I'm taking a break for the holiday and so I can make Christmas stories." It might be a little mixed up like you have to go back to see new chapters. I'll try to fix that but untill then thank you all so much for everything and Happy Thanksgiving. )

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