Angels and Devils - (Part Seventeen)

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Adam's POV

I walked into school like every other day. It was pretty normal, I grabbed my books from my locker and headed over to talk to Rebecca before classes. However, something was up. Some kids were looking at me weird. Everyone was normally loud and crazy since the school was mostly filled with demons with angels coming in sometimes. Today, when I walked into any hallway it was quiet with a few whispers. Everyone's eyes were on me and it creeped me out. It was like a horror movie and everything is still and quiet. You know something is coming for you but you don't know what or who it is.

I stumbled upon Rebecca and I looked at her. "Hey Rebecca! Guess what? I've been flying better."

"Good, now you can get off 3 inches and not be scared." she said laughing.

"Well remind me not to be helpful on your date with Maaz." I told her rolling my eyes.

"It's not a date, it's a hangout." she said. I just rolled my eyes again while still hearing all the whispers. "What's all the talk about?" I asked her.

"What do you think?" She asked me.

"Well, I know I'm good looking but-" Rebecca cut me off. "No there talking about how you were stealing, breaking and entering and a bunch of other rules you were breaking the other day. Of course people are going to talk about that." The bell rang and we both separated since we had different classes that day.

"Hey, nice job sticking it to the man Adam."  someone said to me.

"I wasn't sticking it to no one and you should follow the rules."

"Sure buddy..." he said walking to his seat.

It was like that all day! Random kids coming up to me saying that I did a good job! I'm upset. I really am. Rebecca got the same thing with people asked why were friends and people coming over to tell her that they think I'm cool. I didn't have much time to process this because I had to be there for James speech. He was talking at the school today and I was going to meet him behind the stage. James isn't the best at public speaking so he needed support from me. We talked for a few minutes and then it was time for him to speak.

"Hey everyone, as you all know my name is James and I'm your prince." He just went on about how change is good and that the point of the school is to make people happy and to reform people who didn't have a chance or wanted a second one. It was pretty good until the QnA part.

"How come when we do something wrong we get in trouble but when your boyfriend does stuff wrong he doesn't?" someone asked.

"Woah uh...who said he's not punished..." he said nervously.

"He still lives with you, he's still has his role, and he wasn't doing any extra jobs." another person said.

"What do you mean? He fixed everything." James said.

"But there was still damage. He broke into places! It's not fair. My family's store lost business that day because of him."

James and I were both worried until James looked like he had an idea. "If a place lost business I promise Adam will come and make it up, staring today." Most seemed pleased with that idea and then the school day was over.

"Smart thinking James, telling them I'm gonna be working for them. That's gonna shut them up." I told him.

"Uh, Adam. I wasn't kidding." I was confused. "You made them lose money so it's only fair. So I need you to go and fix your mess."

"What but I..." I was getting mad at James. "You can't do that! "

"Dude, your the first demon that's this close to royalty! There not gonna let you be party of society if your not good to them." He said walking off. So I spent the whole day working my butt off. By the time I got back my feat were killing me. I laid down on my bed.


"Hey Adam, glad your back." James said. "I can't believe you."


"I said, I can't believe you! You should of had my back. I fixed everything the other day and those guys didn't even need my help! Some places I just stood for an hour and other places were making me do all the work!"

"Well you shouldn't of pulled those bad deeds the other day so this is just your lesson." James said trying to put his hand on Adam's shoulder. Adam slapped his hand away and got up.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you angels. Only the best of the best."

"Dude, were not perfect."

"Right. Because some of you angels are worse than the people in Hell. How come you never stop those people and harp on the demons?"

"Adam I never do that. I know I'm not perfect."

"Yeah but you never get in trouble. You were always the best since day one!"

"Adam being in a relationship with you in a sin! Demons and Angels don't get into relationships."

"Well what if I don't wanna be in a relationship with you?!?!" Adam said. As soon as it came out he wanted to shove it back into his mouth and lock them in his soul. He could tell that James' feelings were hurt.

"Well you don't have to be. Since your such a piece of WORK WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO! SEE IF I CARE! I WAS BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU!"




James left Adam's room and slammed the door. James slammed his own door and started to cry. Adam was right, He was hopeless. He was a terrible king and a terrible boyfriend. He lost someone he loved so dear. Adam packed his stuff and left he flew over to Rebecca's house. Jaiden was with her.

"Hey Adam what's wro-" Adam just ran into the spear bedroom and dropped his stuff. He was still mad. Adam punched the door once and punched the desk. Finally, he punched the door again he saw that he left a huge mark. His fist was bruised and has a few splinters in it. Adam just say down against the door and started to cry. He fucked up, big time. James and him broke up.

"Adam, are you ok?" Jaiden came in. Rebecca followed. Adam told them what happened through his sobs. The two tried there best to calm him down. When they did he just say there. Jaiden kept him company while Rebecca was gone and then Rebecca kept him calm after her meet up with Maaz.

"You can stay for as long as you want Adam." she said.

"Thanks Rebecca. I miss James." he said.

"I know. I'm sure he misses you too. You guys can make up. Just give it time." Adam appreciated Rebecca's hope but he doubted that he and James would ever get back together.

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