Fighting with Common Sense (Multi-part Story)

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Adam's POV

I hate him. I hate him more than anything in the world. My fear, my regrets, my heckin Common Sense. He does this every time. Well not today. I'm gonna tell Jameson the truth if it kills me. Too bad it just might. I walk into the kitchen and I see that everyone else already started working on the cookies. I got my mixer out so I could at least try to help.

In the corner of my eye I see him. My Common Sense. He's sitting on the fridge and looking down at me shaking his head as if he thinks that's going to stop me. I ignore him and pour the batter intk the mix bowl.

"I'm still here. Ignoring me won't help." He said now peeling a banana. "Go away.." I mumble under my breath. He downstairs listen but I didn't expect him to.  He's so annoying I swear I was going to put him in the trash. I wasn't paying attention because as soon as I tired on the mixer I was covered in batter. "AGH!"


James's POV

I heard Adam yell and I stare at him from outside the kitchen. "Frick!" he said obviously angry. Jaiden and Rebecca start laughing a bit after looking at him. I chuckle off to the side as I look at Adam. He glared at Jaiden and Rebecca as if a sign for them to stop laughing. He looked so cute when he was mad.

"I'm gonna go get a new shirt." Adam said as he walked up to his room. As he walked out I walked in. Both Rebecca and Jaiden we're still laughing and I couldn't help but laugh along with them. We all helped clean up the mess Adam made and we made another cookie batter.

I couldn't help but notice that Adam seemed annoyed. Maybe he didn't like it when we laughed at him. Or maybe he's just mad he got his shirt dirty. While Jaiden put the cookies in a tray and Rebecca got started on another batch I walked over to him.

"Hey Adam. You look like you have something on your mind. Is there anything bothering you?"

"Nah. I'm just making cookies with friends that's all." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well sorry for laughing at you before. If it hurt your feeling or anything."

"Pfft-. Nah. But thanks for caring James. I got plenty of clean shirts upstairs."


Adam's POV

"I told you not to put it on high! Now he thinks your dumb. Clumsy. You should listen to me!" he said. He kept going on and on about all the stuff I could of done differently. I, on the other hand, couldn't of cared less. James didn't seem to care so why should I?

I just walk away once I finally got tired of him. I wanted to keep making cookies with my friends. After the second batch we all sat down and waited for the cookies so we watched a movie.

I couldn't even hear the movie because my Common Sense was taking over completely. I couldn't even hear myself think it was just him. I was so fed up with it. I put my hands over my ears hoping it would over soon.

"Adam you ok?" Jaiden said looking at me. I nodded my head and looked back at the TV.

"Are you sure Adam? You haven't been acting like yourself for a while and you seem a little on the edge. " Rebecca said walking over to me. 

I didn't answer I until I heard James. "Adam... please." I blush a little bit as I give in. "It's not you guys. I just have a lot going on and I really needed some time away from it all. But our cookies are  probably done so we can decorate them now. I'll calm down I'm just a little upset."

Everyone seemed ok about it. James put him hand on my shoulder." It's ok Adam. I'm here for you." I smiled. "Thanks Jameson.

I grabbed some red and white icing to make a little me as a cookie. It wasn't easy but it was fun. It was what I needed after negative voices were spinning in my head. James was making his cookies into hearts. I took one of them and ate it.

"Hey I wasn't finished!" he said.

"It's alright I'll let you have one of mine. I made one of you." I said putting a cookie of James next to a heart. James added the cookie of me on the other side of the heart. I see him blush and I blush too. James eats the heart right after though. I start laughing. I don't hear my voices anymore. It finally stopped. Maybe now I can tell James how I feel.

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