Angels and Devils : (Part Twelve)

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Tomorrow was the big day. Maaz, Rebecca, Tim, Jaiden, Adam, and I were going to make out new lives official. I was going to be King tomorrow. My other siblings were so excited and jealous that I was going to be the next king. But I was more concerned about it.

"James, Happy Almost King Day!" Adam yelled giving me a kiss.

"Thanks Adam..."

"So, how's my favorite angel doing?"

"Making sure everything is ready and that I look good."

"You do that every day and I think your hot as ever."

I blushed a bit. "Dude stop fluttering with me this is a big deal. I'm going to be King!"

"I know and I have something I need to show you." Adam said grabbing my hand and bringing me to the throne.

"I gave it a new paint job to match your outfit for tomorrow." Adam said.
He was right. The throne wasn't old anymore, it was a shiny gold with blue pillows and purple gems. "Awww, thanks Adam." I said holding his hand and smiling. The new throne really calmed me down. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


6:00 PM

The music started to play. In the back, James was starting to get scared.

"Look at all this people Adam...I don't know if I can do it. What if I'm not a good leader? What if a fail? I'm not good enough to be king. I'm gonna screw up. Everyone is going to hate me." James said hiding.

"Where did all this doubt come from? You were fine last night, excited even." Adam asked.

James didn't respond. Adam bent down to look for him. "Look, James. You have been preparing for this your hole life. No one hates you. Before I met you I was a lazy little bitch. I didn't do anything. But now I'm here. I'm not a nobody anymore because I get to spend everyday if my life with you. Because of us, Rebecca wants to be good, Tim wants a relating like us, and many people want new changes. Your a good prince, friend, and boyfriend so you should be an amazing king." Adam said. James rain out and tackled Adam into the floor with a big hug.

"James your on." Maaz said.

James walked out to the crowd. Everyone clapped for him. Next came out Jaiden and Tim. Tim admired Jaiden as the crowd clapped for them.

"You look amazing." he whispered.

"You too. I've been thinking that maybe later on we could....uh...have a dance." Jaiden said while blushing.

"I would love that." Tim said.

Next, Maaz and Rebecca came out on the other side of the room. Finally, Adam came out right next to James.

James' parents walked out holding James' crown. James bowed his head and James looked up. His new crown sparkled on top of his head as his parents and the audience bow down to him. "All hail King James!" The crowd yelled.

After the crowning there was a huge party. "So King James, what does the right hand mean anyway? I know what to do but it confuses me a bit."

"Well Adam...I kinda means that one day your going to rule next to me." James said.

"Wait were getting married?!?!" Adam asked.

"What?! No. Not yet anyway. One day we will and you will be king but for now your just my helper and boyfriend."

Tim stood alone looking over at Jaiden. She was with Rebecca having a good time.

"Go on Tim, dance with her." Adam said.

"I don't know....she's really pretty and smart and I don't think she would what to be my girlfriend..."

"You should at least try." James said. "We tried and now we're together."

Tim shyly waked over to Jaiden and held out his hand. "Uh....may I have this dance? " he asked.

"Oh, sure!" Jaiden said holding his hand and walking into the floor.

"Hey, Rebecca. Wanna dance?" Maaz asked."

"Got nothing better to do. Come on Glasses." she said pulling Maaz onto the dance floor.

Jaiden seemed to be having a good time as Tim kept telling her jokes while they danced. But soon Tim decided that this was his chance to tell Jaiden how he felt.

"So, there's this girl that I like. She has beautiful chocolate hair, her art is amazing, and I don't know if she likes me and wants to be my girlfriend.

"Well maybe you should tell her." Jaiden suggested.

"I would if I wasn't standing in front of her right now." Tim said.

Jaiden's face bright red as she looked at Tim. "Well there's this guy who's really funny and cute and I really wanna kiss him right now so it would be nice if he leaned in."

"Whatever you say Jaiden..." he said as they both leaned into each other and kissed. Both of them blushed as Jaiden rested her head on Tim's chest.

Maaz was hitting it off with Rebecca too. "Hey your a really good dancer and your voice is breath taking."

Rebecca blushed lightly. "T-thanks Maaz. Your not so bad yourself." she said kissing Maaz's cheek. Maaz blushed and kept smiling.

"Everyone is so happy." James said looking at his friends who he'd come to think as his family all enjoying themselves. Tim and Jaiden would probably start dating as Maaz and Rebecca would form crushes on each other. "Maybe, we should join them." James said.

"Well, we could. Or we could take this to the next level. " Adam said looking down and blushing. "You know, there's one thing on the list we never did and you were probably joking about it but...."


"With huh?"

"If you want to then I trust you. Your my boyfriend and I love you, so maybe it is time we do it."

Adam and James hug as they both go into James' bedroom. "Thanks for being by my side Adam." James said removing his crown and putting it in a safe place. "No problem, now less talking and more moaning." Adam said.

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