One Last Day (One Shot)

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It was early in the morning as James started packing. He was going away for Vidcon Australia. He was looking forward to this for months and was super excited to see everyone and he was bringing Floof with him. However, it was going to be his last day home before he left. he didn't wanna start another project yet because he wouldn't get far. He heard his phone right and saw that Adam was calling him.

"Mmm. Talk to me." James said, answering his phone.

"Hey Jameson, you doing anything today?" Adam asked.

"Nope, why?"

"I just wanted to hang out with you today since it is my day off. We can do a bunch of stuff! Play video games, watch a movie, go for a walk, eat ice cream until we vomit! Anything you want."

"That last one sounds gross but let's do the other three."

"Deal! Meet you at the park." Adam said and hung up immediately. James thought it was a little weird for Adam to end the call in such a rush but brushed it off. He finally had something to do for the next few hours.

When James got to the park he started to look for Adam. "Ugh, could of told me where you we were gonna meet before you hung up." James mumbled.   He continued to walk around the park until he heard someone behind him. "Boo!" James screamed and turned around. Adam started laughing as he out a hand to his face. "Adam, what the hell?" James yelled at him. Adam wiped a tear from his eye and smiled,  "Sorry I couldn't help it. Plus your face was priceless!" he said continuing to laugh.

"What are we doing at a park anyway? Do you wanna walk with me or do you just wanna scare me some more?" James asked.

"Nah, I wanna catch up with you a little. We are friends after all." Adam said. James and Adam walked through the park enjoying the warm air and hot sunshine. Adam noticed an empty swing set. James caught Adam looking at it and smiled. "Want me to push you?"  James asked. "Yeah!" Adam said grabbing James' hand and walking over to the swings. Adam sat in the swing and James carefully pushed him.

"Higher James!" Adam chirped as if he was a child.

"Ugh fine!" James said pushing stronger as Adam swung into the air. He laughed as Adam kicked his feet from his height. "You're such a baby sometimes Adam." James chuckled.

"I know." Adam smiled and got off. "Your turn." James got in the seat and Adam pushed him into the air. He squeaked a bit, but James got used to how Adam liked to push him.

After the park, the two went to James' house to play video games. "Hey Floof." Adam said as he got down to let her. The two sat down and James put Floof in his lap. "Bet you can't beat Bowser in Smash Bros." he teased. "Oh you haven't seen the power of Mario yet!" Adam said as they started to play.

As the game went on Adam moved closer to James. James felt Adam's tail slide behind his and wrap around this waist. He was a little embarrassed at first to say anything but grew to enjoy the feeling. "James, you look a little red. You ok?" Adam asked. "Yeah, it's just your tail..." Adam noticed his tail behind James and quickly removes it. "Sorry, I didn't know...." Adam said. "It's ok Adam, I didn't mind." James said putting a hand on Adam's shoulder.


About two hours later, the two were just sitting in the couch watching TV. James brushed his hand against Adam's. Adam's face heated up as he frantically looked at James. He just started to laugh at his flustered friend. "What...?" Adam asked. "Even your horns are pinkish Adam. You can hold my hand if you want to, you didn't ask at the park." James teased. Adam grabbed his hand and leaned on his shoulder.

Adam suddenly looked at the and noticed how late it was getting. "Hey, let's go to that movie now." he suggested. James agreed as they drove to the movie theater.


Night finally fell over the sky. James and Adam were exiting from the movie. It was 8pm now. "Well today was fun Adam, but I have to go home. I'm going to Australia tomorrow. " James said. Adam panicked as James finished his sentence. He tightened his grip on James hand. "How about we get some pizza before you go?" Adam said pointing to a pizza place.

"Adam, I don't have any money-" "I'll pay!" Adam yelled cutting James off as  the he dashed over to the pizzeria dragging James with him. 

"Thanks for the pizza Adam but I really have to go-"

"Another walk through the park? Great idea!" Adam said trying to walk over to the park.

"Adam, what are you doing? We just went to the park earlier today. I need to go home." James said.

"But there's still so much we can do! I never been to that arcade, or what about reading a book together, maybe singing a song. The night is still young Jameson!"

"Adam! Tell me what's going on." James demanded.

Adam sighed and dropped his hand. He looked down at the sidewalk and back up at James. "I knew you were leaving today Jameson. I just didn't want you to go. All I wanted was to spend one last day with you. So I planned everything out, you got to the park before me because I was cashing out my check and buying the tickets. I thought if we had enough fun today, maybe you wouldn't leave."

"But why Adam?"

"Because I would miss you too much. I love being around you. You make me feel like a better me. I always feel alive around you. Your so kind, silly, and smart. You make me feel good about myself. You make me happy James, I didn't wanna lose you for a week. Anyway without you is a sad one. " Adam said feeling sorry for himself and a little ashamed.

"Adam, you could of just told me. I love spending time with you. Today was awesome and I really wanna do this again. I'm not gone forever." James said brushing Adam's hair.

"James, I just...I-I really-"

James pecked Adam's lips and smiled. "I know Adam, I like you too." James said. Adam looked shocked as his face became pinker. James chuckled and kissed Adam again. Adam melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around James. 

He rested his forehead on James' and held his hands tightly. "Well this is new." Adam pointed out. "Yup, and I like it." James said.


It was the day of James flight to Australia. Adam drove him to the airport to say goodbye. "Thanks for driving me Adam. You sure you're gonna be ok?"

"Yeah I'll be ok on my own James. Don't you worry about me." Adam said smiling.

"I'm just worried your gonna be worried about me." James said.

"And I'm just worried about you worrying and me worrying about you." Adam teased. The two broke into laughter. "So you promise to call me every night?"

"Yes daddy." James said. Adam got flustered and looked away.

The two exchanged one last loving hug with each other. "Stay safe James." Adam whispered into his ear. "I will." James whispered back. They had one last loving kiss and James walked out of the car and into the airport.

And that was the last time Adam saw James....

(Just kidding guys. I don't really like April Fool's Day but I would of done that anyway day. I've decided to take a little break from the book to recharge by battery. I'll probably work on my other books while doing so. Thanks for everything. :) )

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