Angels and Devils : (Part Six)

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I looked in Adam's room. He took a few of his things. The one thing I found the most interesting was his sweather. I hugged it close and put it on. How did this happen? News spread around the kingdom like wild fire. Everyone thinks Adam took Adalina, but my friends and I know that's not true.

"So what are you gonna do Prince?" Maaz asked me.

I closed my eyes looking for the words. "I-I d-on't know..."

"Well maybe I can help." Rebecca said. "I know where he lives and all the places he hangs out. But you would be crossing borders and you know what happens if you stay too long without permission from a ruler."

Without permission from royalty crossing borders is deadly. Your wings would burn, your horns or halo would fall off and soon death! "I'll go through Hell and back for Adam." I said.

"Good I'll get the others." Rebecca said.

An hour later we all stood against the edge of Heaven. Rebecca went first, next was Jaiden, Maaz and Tim after, and last was me. We stayed close together to make sure no one would get lost as we traveled down. Demons began to show up in every corner. Criminals, murders, and sinners all were one down here. Jaiden shot everyone of them a look, but deep down I knew she was scared. Tim held her hand probably out of fear. Maaz stayed quiet and didn't say anything, he was giving me mixed messages.

We got to Adam's house when we started doing a wing check. Everyone's wings were fine. Rebecca knocked on the door but no one answered.

"Don't you a key?" Tim asked.

"Used to but Adam thought it was best for me to knock first, so he took it away." She said. Rebecca grabbed a hair pin from her hair and unlocked the door. We all spread out looking for Adam. Sadly, he was no where to be found. Next, we tried the park, and stores but he wasn't there.

"Guys? I don't feel so good." Maaz said. We all looked at our wings. Little bits were fading away slowly.

Lastly, we went to Rebecca's house. Adam normally hangs around there too.  Sadly, he wasn't there. 

"What are you going to do?" Maaz said.

"Well you guys can't stay here. Your wings are disappearing faster now. I'll keep looking here and I'll let you guys know if I find him or not." Rebecca said.

We all started to fly back up quickly. It was hard but everyone made it. I was the last one but it was too late. "JAMES!" everyone yelled. I started falling. My wings were too broken. This was it, 'Prince found dead' I thought. But before I could die someone saved me. They flew me away and I felt myself being carried in a bridal position. "Adam...?"

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