Angels and Devils - (Part Nineteen)

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Maaz continued to lead the tour as James and Adam talked the whole way though. Both making jokes, flirting, and having a great time. Adam wanted to hint at him wanted to still be with James so he slightly touched James' hand. This was his way of signalling him to hold his hand.

James face was pretty much bright red as he looked up at Adam. Adam blushed as well and winked at him. James awkwardly smiled and held his hand. Both were silent for a few minutes.

"Damn your hand is sweaty." James said jokingly.

"Shut the hell up James! It's not like you never had sweaty hands before!" Adam said getting a little mad.

"I was just joking dude. But it is cute when you get worked up." Adam blushed and let go of his hand. James just walked silently until lunch.

"So did you talk to him?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, everything was going good. We were talking, joking, and flirting a bit until I told Adam that his hands were sweaty. He got upset. Maybe I should just give up."

"Don't James! You have to keep trying. You were close!" Jaiden said.

"No. I tried like I promised. I don't wanna be part of the tour anymore. I'm going to my room to do paper work or something." James said leaving his two friends.

James didn't really go to his room. He went to Adam's. James put on the sweather and laid in bed. Jaiden was right, he was depressed. For a long time. He skipped meals, he hardly got sleep, he was always tried, never wanting to get out of bed, and worst of all his prince work has been lacking.

Suddenly, James heard the door open and to his surprise it was Adam.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked.

"I was bored so I went to see my old room. Why are you here?"

"I was tired."

"You have your own bedroom James. Look, I'm sorry if I was dismissive before. I didn't mean to hurt you again."

"Adam, being without you is hurting me. I miss you. I'm broken without you. I'm sorry about the way I acted. I just wanted us to be together again."

"I want that too Jameson." Adam said walking over to James. The two pulled each other into a hug.

"Jameson, will you be my boyfriend again?"

"I would love too." James said kissing Adam.

The two just laid on the bed cuddling each other. "Adam, these few months we've been apart I've been depressed. I'm starting to realize how much I need you. But in order for us to be together I need you to graduate."

"You heard about the grades?"

"Yup. We're you happy?"

"No Jameson, I was lost. But now I know. I'll be the best I can be. I don't know how but I will pass and graduate for you so I can be your right hand again."

"Great, but I don't what you as my right hand anymore." James said. "I want you ruling beside me."

"What are you saying James?" Adam said sitting up.

"I want you to be king with me Adam."

"Wait.. you do?"


"But I'm still a demon, everyone probably hates me. What will your parents say? What will everyone think?"

"Adam it doesn't matter. As long as we have each other we'll be fine. I'll show you how Adam! We'll be ok and when the day comes you'll be ready." Adam smiled and hugged James.

The next day James woke up and looked over at Adam He was awake and he looked like he already showered. "Adam what are you doing?"

"Studying. I got a test today and I promised someone that I would graduate."

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