Screw Up (Vent)

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(Hey, so I was kinda in a bad mood today. Since I woke up to writing this. I'm sorry that I made another vent I'm just not doing well. I feel like I'm messing everything up as if late. Nevermind that. You don't need to worry about me. Yeah the emotions in the story are real but the story itself is fake. I never tried to kill myself, ok? I'm fine. I didn't hurt myself. I promise I'm ok. I'm just blowing off a little steam and I do that through writing. If you are feeling this way please seek help and talk to someone. Just saying there is a bit of suicidal thoughts and a suicide attempt in this story. Just a warning.)

Adam's POV

I woke up early feeling really hot for some reason. I was exhausted and really not in the mood for the light. "James probably woke up and turned off the air conditioner while I was asleep." I thought as I got up. "And kept the light on." I told him so many times that I have a hard time getting back to sleep after being woken up and the smell of freshly made coffee didn't help ethier. I just surrendered to the morning calling me and go out of bed.

First things I did was go to work. I didn't feel like eating anything for breakfast so I just decided to make myself useful. However, while trying to open the file I realized the work I did yesterday wasn't there. Goddamn it, I forgot to save. "How could I make such a rookie mistake? Stupid bitch..." I didn't have any other choice but to redo everything from yesterday and add more.

My head was throbbing and my stomach was begging for some kind of substance but that didn't stop me from getting everything done. I was tired as hell and in tons of pain. I heard James walk into my office and look at me. "Hey Adam." I turn around and look at him. He probably noticed the bags under my eyes and my grumpy look as he flinched.

"Adam are you ok?! You look so tired and hungry. Did you skip breakfast again? That isn't healthy for you. You need to eat something. Want me to make you something?" he asked.

"I'm fine James, I'm just not hungry right now." I said quietly.

"Adam! Please just eat. I'm worried about you dude. You've been skipping breakfast for almost two weeks now. All you've been having is yogurt for breakfast. You don't even like yogurt!"

"Stupid, why are you scaring him? He just wants you to be safe. Why are you like this all the time? Why do you always hurt people? Why can't you be better for him, for your family, for your  friends? Why are you such a shit?" I thought.

"Leave me alone you fucking bitch! God damnit you're so annoyingly!" I yelled. I realized what I just said and I wanted to wake it back. I looked at James who looked deeply hurt. "Fine, keep hurting yourself. It doesn't matter to me anyway." he said walking out of my office and slamming the door. I put my head down on my desk. I feel awful... why would I say that to him...

All day, I was in a bad mood being stuck in my office. I at least spent all day finishing my work and made sure to save this time. After that, I just felt empty inside. I can't believe I let my words slip like that. James might never want to see me again. What if he wants me to move out? What if he breaks up with me?

I started to fear a faint demonic voice in my ear and a slight ringing. "James, doesn't deserve you. He could do so much better. What kind of boyfriend are you?! You should be alone. You're such a screw up, a mistake, a fraud. Why can't you just be there for him the way he's there for you? He shouldn't be begging for you to eat like that. Why can't you just be a decent human being for once?" The voice was loud near the end and the ringing was peircing my ears. I felt my fangs grow sharper, my tail grow longer, my horns grow longer, my wings breaking through my clothes.

"You're so worthless aren't you? So pitiful. It would be a good thing if he left you, if they all left you. You deserve to die alone."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I held it close to my neck. Suddenly, I though about what I was doing. "No...this is wrong." I put the knife back and sit down on the couch and pulled my hood over my head.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and felt two arms wrapping around my waist. "What's wrong?" James asked. I told him everything. I told him that my inner demons were acting up again. How upset I was for hurting him. How I wanted to make it better.

"It's ok Adam. I'm not mad at you trust me. I'm just glad you didn't do anything harmful to yourself, I'd never forgive myself if you did that. You're not worthless or a screw up, or a piece of shit. You're Adam and your loved more than you know." I turned around and threw my arms around James. "You probably should get professional help though." he suggested. I agreed as we stayed in our hug for what felt like forever. I'm just so glad he understood.

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