The Last Day of Vidcon (Multi-part Story)

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Note : Before this starts I just want to say THANK YOU! Not only did over 100 people read but this got number 243 for Pride Month. Really thank you guys.


"Glad we could bring you to dinner with us Jaiden." I said smiling.

"Yeah tonight was really fun! Wish we could do this more." Adam said.

We walked to the hotel room Adam and I shared and we all just hung out together. We got to watch a movie until we had to pause it while Adam went to the bathroom.

"So you gonna make a video James?"

"About Vidcon? Maybe."

"No not about Vidcon. About how you and Adam started dating."

My face felt warm, definitely blushing. "Who? Us? Nah. We're just really good friends."

"You were holding hands." she said

"I hold hands with a bunch of people."

"Adam grabbed your hand. And you feel asleep on him. Finally I saw you guys kiss but I didn't want to bring it up."

"You got me. I guess everyone else found out as well. We didn't do a good job hiding did we?"

"No. But we all kinda called it anyway. How you guys interacted with each other was as if you knew each other for your whole lives. A few of us though it wasn't gonna happen, you guys surprise me."

Jaiden was right. There was always something. Adam just felt like something more, something else, well his name holds up. I always thought of him as something else. He was always really funny and creative.

"Jaiden...Can I tell you a secret?"

"Uh sure. What is it?"

"I want to stay with Adam. I'm staying for another week. He's going to be moving closer to me so I want to stay with him for a bit longer and then I'll go home. It's going to be a surprise."

"That's really nice of you James. Your a really good friend. Or boyfriend now I guess." she said


After Jaiden left it was just me and Adam. I put on his sweater and hat. "Hey Adam! I look like you!" I said.

"Very funny James. How do you always get into my stuff?"

"Because I'm a sneaky demon like you!" I said.

Adam was walking with his phone in his hand. He seemed to be looking at something interesting because he looked invested. Before I knew it I saw him slip. His phone flew on top of the second bed and he feel on top of me.

"Oh jeez James. I'm so sorry...." We both went quiet and we both looked back at each other. He saw me pined down below him. His tail stood up straight and he face was shocked with blush all over his cheeks. "James I'm sorry I didn't mean to honest!

I sat up and I looked at Adam. "It's ok. I didn't mind. I like it when your close to me." He smiled but then he looked sad again.

"Adam. What's wrong?" I asked.

"I...I know this sounds weird but, I don't want you to leave." He got up and faced me. "I love hanging out with you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your humor. I don't want you to leave and lose that. And I know I'm moving soon anyway but still I'll be leaving in like two weeks and to be honest I'm lonely. I sit alone and animate. I always take breaks but when I'm around other people I feel alive. That devil side comes out and I'm free! I....don't want to see you go."

"Aww Adam!" I said standing up in front of him. "I should tell you now. I'm staying with you for another week. I want to be close to you and I can't wait for you to move."

Adam was so happy and his tail started to wag again as he held me close and lifted me up into the air. We both started to laugh as he sat both of us down on the bed, him in the best and me on his lap with my legs raped around his back.

"I'm so glad your staying with me James."

"Me too Adam."

"I love you Jameson."

"I love you too Adam."

He pulled me into a kiss as I rapped my arms around him.

The next day I was in bed. I was alone until I was Adam eating a banana in bed.

"Dude what are you doing? I asked. "Wasn't yesterday the last day?"

"I know. First I was waiting for you to get up. Second you may want to put on some pants he said passing me a pair. I look down and realize that all I'm wearing is Adam's sweater. I grabbed the pair and put them on. "But how?"

"I don't know I woke up the same way. I think we did it last night and we both forgot. Can you remember anything?" he asked me.

My memory came to me and I told him everything in detail what happened.

"Well that was something odd." he said.

"What happened will stay between us right?" I asked.

He kissed my cheek with his banana smelling breath. "Couldn't dream of telling anyone else."

I smiled. "Now come on we have to go pack."

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