Stuck In the Dark - (Ella X Hailey)

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Ella's POV (Her first one.)

A few years ago, I had my first day of Kindergarten. Most of the kids were scared of me, because I was a demon. My dads always say "There's no shame in being yourself Ella," but I wasn't sure they were right back then.

They all looked at me like I had three heads. When I tried to play with them,  they ran away. But I always had someone who wanted to play with me, one girl who didn't mind me having two horns and a tail. Hailey, my best friend.

In the sixth grade, these mean girls came in. I was used to being teased for being a demon back than, still am. Hell, my dad, Adam was used to it when he was a kid. It didn't really faze me anymore and they soon found out. So they went for something else.

Once I found out they were talking about me behind my back. I overheard them from outside the girl's bathroom. "Did you guys know that the demon girl doesn't have a mom? She doesn't even have a face a mother could love. Probably why she's adopted!"

I still have PTSD everytime I someone bring up my birth parents. Now people were talking about them all the time. Every whisper was about me, it was too hard to escape. Yet, through every break down, Hailey was there for me. She would tell off anyone who talked about me behind my back and I did the same for her. I told my dads and they talked to the teacher about it. No one brings it up anymore. I think that year I started to fall for Hailey.

Hailey's much braver than me. She not afraid to get into a fight. She's confident, strong, tough, and she never judged me for being a demon. Sometimes she would flirt with me to make me laugh, it's great. I don't know what I would do without her. Maybe one day I'll have what my dads have with her : Someone to love and trust.


"Ella, stop drawing and talk to me. You're not gonna be an animator over night ya know!" Hailey whined. The two were having a sleepover at Ella's house.

"You're so impatient, Hails. I don't know how your planning to be a police officer if you can't wait." Ella said.

Hailey got off of Ella's bed and covered her eyes. "Play with me or I'll delete your work." Hailey said.

"You wouldn't dare!"

Hailey took her hands off of Ella's eyes. "You're right, I care too much. But can we please do something. Watch a movie or play a game?" Ella giggled and nodded. The two sat down and watched The Avengers, on Disney+.

While the movie was playing, a light flash covered the room in light for a second. Following the flash was the sound of loud thunder banging. It started raining heavily outside, raindrops pounding on the window. Ella, frightened by the outside storm, leaned closer to Hailey.

"What's wrong? You scared of a little thunder?" Hailey asked.

"N-no! I'm just cold."

"You're wearing a sweater Ella."

Suddenly, the thunder banged again. Ella screamed and snuggled close to Hailey. The lights turned off and the room was swallowed by darkness. Ella shivered in Hailey's arms as she whimpered. "Don't worry Ella, let's go find your Dads." Hailey said. The locked fingers and walked outside the door. Hailey used her phone flashlight to help find there way.

"Ella? Hailey?" a familiar voice called out. Ella perked up and followed the voice. "Daddy!" she cried out. Hailey shinned a light at Adam's face. Ella ran over and hugged Adam.

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