The Podcast (One-Off)

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( I was stop impatient so I'm putting out two stories in one day instead of sleeping. If don't post a story in November then it's because 4 stories came out in October. I also wanna start on my other stories plus new ones. I think I wanna do a school story or a Reader x Person story. Who should the person be? IDK really. Anyway here's the story byeeee Please comment and give me ideas. Byeee-)

James was animating a video while feeling lonely. Just then Adam called. James eagerly answered. "Talk to me." he said.

"Hey James. Wanna talk? I'm kinda bored and could use someone to talk to."

"Sure thing!"

"So how was your day? Did you get any work done? How's little Floof doing?"

"I'm fine, I'm getting work done right now, and I could go on about Floof for ages."

Soon James and Adam were just having a nice conversation about dogs and life. The two friends were cracking jokes and working for hours. After a while they shifted the conversation into the Voice Chat Podcast. "So I got invited back to do it again by Maaz. I've done it a few times though." James said reviewing his drawings.

"Me too. I think we might have the same episode this time , which is perfect because I get to spend time with cute Jameson." Adam said.

James face sparkled with bright red. "Did you just call me cute?" James asked. He couldn't believe Adam called him cute. He didn't want to admit that he has feelings for Adam because he knew he wouldn't feel the same way but it made him feel hopeful that Adam complimented him.

"W-well I have to go. Bye James nice talking to you." Adam said hanging up right after, leaving a very confused and flustered James.

"What the hell was that? He's never acted like that before. Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't of he called me cute. You don't call a person who hurt you cute. Maybe it's just a prank. Yeah, a prank....or not. Ugh! Just get back to work James."

James went back to work trying not think about the conversation. Once James was getting ready for bed it crossed his mind again as he brushed his teeth. What was the reason Adam left like that? Why did he? Was it him? Why did he call him cute? Could he....nah. But it's the only logical answer. James just went to bed and fell asleep.

The next day, everyone was ready for the Voice Chat Podcast. Laddi, Rush, and James were already in waiting for  Maaz and Adam to get in.

"Sorry I'm late." Maaz said. Everyone started joking about it as they waited for Adam.

"So, is he coming or?" Rush asked.

"He should be. We were talking about it yesterday. Maybe something came up?" James said.

Maaz texted Adam and then they waited some more.

"Sorry I was late! I was uh.... doing stuff?" Adam said.

"Doing what?" Rush asked.

"Using the bathroom." Adam said.

"It doesn't matter let's get started!" Maaz said just as he hit record. Everyone got into place as if they've done this before. Everyone said hello and introduce themselves. Fan art went by, they started taking about memes, and any other topic that came to mind. They made some jokes, had some laughs. It was a normal podcast until they got near the end.

Everyone was just saying bye before they logged off and someone randomly said. "I like James." The podcast ended and everyone was confused.

"Uh who said that." James asked.

"Wasn't me" Laddi said.

"Um I didn't do it." Maaz said.

"Maybe it was Adam." Rush suggested. But Adam was gone. He left the call as soon as possible.

"I'll talk to him. Thanks for the fun guys. See ya." James said leaving the call  to get ready to drive over.


James knocked on the door wand waited for an answer. Adam opened but then shut the door. "Hey, I didn't know I was that ugly." James said jokingly.

Adam chuckled but went back to being serious. "Why are you here? I thought you were busy."

"I'm never too busy for you Adam. You do like me after all." he said.

Adam groaned and just open the door. "I know I should explain but I just want you to know I'm really sor-"

Adam couldn't finish because James kissed him before he could.

"True I would like am explanation but if you don't want me to then you don't have to give me one. Now are you gonna let me in or not?"

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