Angels and Devils - (Part Eighteen)

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It was about two months since Adam and James broke up. Both haven't been doing so well. Adam's grades were going down and he was starting to go back to being demon like. Rumors were going around that he might get kicked from the school.

James on the other hand wasn't doing great either. He was ignoring his mental health and distracting himself with work. His friends and family seemed more worried about him every day. It didn't help that news stories kept popping up about him and Adam. James still had one thing left that made him happy. He would go into Adam's old room and under his bed was his sweather. James remembered that day, Adam flew off so he and his friends went down to Hell to go find him. After that day, he was given the sweather since Adam had like 20 of them. He loved that sweather and would hide in Adam's room for hours.

"James. James I need to talk to you." Maaz said. James quickly came out. "Hey what's up?"

"Well, next week the school is gonna have a field trip to the castle. You need to be there to help out." Maaz said.

James remembered that Adam was at that school. Adam would be at the trip too. "Uh...Maaz? If you don't mind me asking, how's...Adam ?"

Maaz looked down and sighed and looked at James. "To be honest, I'm not even sure he's gonna graduate. His grades have been going down the day after the break-" Maaz stoped and looked at James. His friends decided not to talk about Adam or what happened so James wouldn't be upset.

"It's alright Maaz. I just wanted to know. Is he still coming?"

"I don't know. He's been skipping school for a few days as well. When he comes in I'll tell him but no clear answer." Maaz said. Once, he left James met up with Jaiden and Tim.

"Guys I need you to get this message to Adam."

Adam was lying in bed playing a video game as Rebecca looked at him. "You need to come to school more. Your gonna fail and you won't graduate."

"I don't wanna graduate anyway. I'm happier where I am now." Adam said.

"You can say that as much as you want but we both know that's not true. You were happier working to be a better person. You can't foul me Adam." Rebecca said. And she was right, Adam wasn't happy. Adam hasn't been truly happy in a while. He pretends that he's happy but deep down he's upset. He's still mad at himself for hurting James. He knew he would get kicked out of the school but he deserved it.

Rebecca went to go knock on the door as Adam tried to snap back to playing his game. When Rebecca came back Jaiden and Tim were with her. "Hey Adam, you'll never guess what's happening!"

It was the day of the field trip and everyone was worried. James was stressed out by all the people coming over for see the castle. He was just happy he didn't have to deal with Adam. He wanted to talk to him again, everyone knew, but he just didn't feel ready.

"Hey James you gonna be alright?" Jaiden asked him knocking on his bedroom door.

"Yeah, just worried."

"James, you need to talk to Adam again. " Jaiden said walking inside the room.

"No, today I have to think about everyone. About the food, about the students, and what to show them at what time."

"But James, you haven't relaxed in months. We're all worries about you. James we know your depressed and heart broken but ignoring your feelings won't help. Trust me I know it hurts and-"

"IM NOT UPSET JAIDEN! " James yelled. The room was silent. Both friends looking at each other not knowing what to say, too scared to look each other in the eye. Jaiden looked down. The thing that got her attention and broke the silence was James small sobs.

"I'm sorry....I can't believe I'm pushing you away, just like I did to Adam. I miss him so much.

Jaiden hugged James tightly. "It's ok. I know your hurting but you have to talk to Adam. After all, you know your in love with someone when your hurt by them and you still think there amazing. Promise me you'll try to talk to him."


"Promise me James." Jaiden said cutting off her friend.

"Ok." He said letting go of Jaiden. Soon the loud noise of teens laughing and joking filled there ears. It was time.

As normal, James welcomed everyone and introduced the staff. Maaz led the tour while James walked from behind everyone. Adam was infront of him. James normally would start conversations but he had to try.

"H-hey Adam." he said. Adam turned around and looked at James. "Hey." The two grew silent for a bit till Adam looked up at him.

"So how's it been?"

"Pretty busy. Ya know prince stuff."

"I get it. Never get time to relax."

"You looked like you relaxed too hard." James said. Adam laughed which made his heart sore. Adam looked at James smile and found the same feeling. Both noticed they were both blushing and looked away from each other. James touched his face it to feel how warm he was.

"Trying to tell how hot you are? Because your still smoking."

James laughed. "I think that was the worse pick up line I ever heard in my whole life! Nothing's changed has it?"

Adam smiled. "Nope. How about with you?"

"Nothing much." The two were hitting it off as if nothing happened. This made the both of them hopeful. They both wanted to get back together with the other maybe there was a chance.

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