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(This is more of an Adam story. It's just him not being shipped with anyone. So... hope you still enjoy! Also Warning : Gore and Violence)

Adam's POV

I ran through the streets as fast as I could. The wind in my hair, the flow of my tail and the rush of my heart. The only thing motivating me was the acceptance of my friends. In both hands, cases of beer. Behind me, as guy yelling. I tried the best to hide any features, incase he called the cops. My hood fell down revealing my hair but I didn't stop running. No turning back.

I hid behind some bushes near the park. The man cussed out and left. Safe at last. I waited for him to leave and let out a sigh of relief. I picked up the beers and walked over to my neighborhood.

"Did you get the stuff?" Brayden asked.

"Yup, two cases of ice cold bear."

"Nice word A-Dog. Dig in boys." he cheered. The rest of the group quicky grabbed bottles and started chugging them down. I hesitantly joined, knowing it would cause a scene if I didn't.

"So, there's gonna be a fight coming up soon. You joining us right A-Dog?" Mark asked.

I nodded shyly and looked away. Sometimes, the guys pick fights for no reason. I don't really say anything about it. They would call me a pussy and make fun of me if I didn't. Worth it though, I can take on a few of them.

"Where's the fight taking place?" Jake asked chugging down another bottle of beer.

"Let's have it near the woods. We're meeting at some other kid's place not too far from there. He's bringing his friends and we gotta destroy them." Brayden.

"Wait who are we fighting?" I asked.

"You know, Alex and his friends."


Everyone looked at me and started laughing. Brayden punched my shoulder. I held in my cry for help but it ended turning into a squeak. "Quit crying like a bitch Adam, though you were a man."

"I am a man." I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh come on, Adam's never won a fight. He's a weak kid and now that you punched him he won't be able to play." Mark said.

"I'm not weak! I'm just not good at fighting. It's whatever."

"You're also not good at picking up girls. Probably why you never got one." Jake whispered. The room filled with laughter as my face was burning read. "Piss off, I can fuck you up anytime I want!" I yelled. I threw a punch at Jake and he grabbed my wrist. He began to twist it. I pulled my hand and tried to get out of his grasp but it didn't work. I tried gnawing at his wrist but he just twisted mine further. Tears filled my eyes as I began to whimper.

"Let him go Jake, poor kid had no muscle." Mark said. Jay sighed and dropped my wrist. I held it close to my chest and held back my tears. Jake then punched me in the face. I lost my balance and fell on the hard concrete ground. "That's what you get for challenging me you little bitch!" he yelled, "Now give me your phone I gotta make a call." I handed Jake my phone as he snatched it out of my hand.

"See ya tonight Adam." Brayden said. The three guys left leaving me alone.

Tears started to fall on the pavement as I began to cry. "I'm not weak. I'm not small. I'm not a bitch. I'm a man. I can win a fight and get a girl. Hell, I could get a boyfriend too. I'll show em..." I thought. I got up and dried my eyes. "I'll be the best fighter ever!"


The sun started to set over the horizon. The cool night breeze started to set in. I met the guys near the spot. "Hey Adam," Jake said, "just thought you might want this to protect yourself." In his hand held a small dagger. It was as if time has stopped. I stared at the small weapon in awe. "Well do you want it or not?" he snapped at me. I quickly grabbed it and out it in my sweater pocket.

"It's time." Brayden announced. We made our way into the dark forest. Luckily, we weren't going in too deep. We crossed this old broken fence. Around it were some pieces of broken wood. I heard a small rip from my black sweater. It seemed to have left a hole in it. Well, my mom can fix it. I followed the group deeper into the forest.

"Hello, Brayden." said I young male voice. A red haired, freckled boy walked out. Behind him were a boy who looked similar (probably his brother), a blond boy with a gray shirt, and a kid with chocolate brown hair that was a mess.

"Alex. Ready to fight?" Brayden asked. Before Alex could say yes, his group charged at us. It was a brawl.

The chocolate hair kid dropkicked me and threw me on the ground. "Easy kill." he mumbled. I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the nose. Blood dripped from his nostril and he tried to punch me back. I blocked all his hits but it just made my arms ache. This kid wouldn't give up. He then grabbed me and threw me on the ground. He pinned me to the floor and looked me dead I'm the eye.

"Any last words you weak baby?" he asked me.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed the dagger firmly. "Sorry..." I whispered. He looked at me confusedly as I pulled out the dagger and slashed him twice in the face. I closed my eyes the whole time, not wanting to see the small knife scrapping his skin. Once I opened my eyes I saw two small cuts in his face. He backed away from me in fear.

"He has a knife! You're not supposed to have knives. This is a no weapon fight dude. What the hell? We were just playing around."

Playing around? Playing around! I was scared out of my life. I thought this was a real fight. I felt like one. Everyone stopped and stared at me. Jake glared and laughed at me. "D-did he plan this?"

"You cheated!" Alex yelled.

I saw Brayden turn around and start booking it. Jake and Mark followed. I heard there footsteps behind us as we made our way to the exist. The forest had a lot of trees and it was dark so it would of been easy to get out.

"Why did you have a dagger Adam?" Mark asked.

"Jake-" before I could finish Jake shoved be to the side. I fell on my face and looked up at him. He glared once again at me. I got back up and started running again. "Jake told me not to bring it but I did anyway..."

"Damnit Adam!" Brayden yelled.

We finally got to the fence. The three guys quicky jumped over without a scratch. I tripped over it kid jump and fell. I sharp pain was felt through my tail.I looked behind and saw that it was pierced. The small thorns trapping me in place. "Guys I'm stuck!" I yelled. But they didn't turn back, they left me. I tried and yelled some more but I saved myself the breath. They were gone.

I say down looking at my tail. I tried to untangle it but it was too stuck. I couldn't get it out alone. I was too weak...I was a baby...I was no man. I couldn't call for help because Jake had my phone. I was fucked.

"I think they went this way." I heard Alex whisper. Crap. They were coming. They could definitely beat me up if they wanted to. There had to be a way to get out. What can I do?

As I began to panic I realized that I still had the dagger on me. I looked at my tail, the dagger, and back at my tail. It was the only way.

I held the dagger right above my tail. Tears messing up my vision. Finally, I used up all my strength and dug the knife into my flesh. I held back the urge to cry or whimper. I dug further into myself until I was free. I got up and looked at my tail. The decaying limb was sadly stuck there. I tried to walk but my balance was off. I would get used to walking without my tail. I had to.

I ran away not turning back, leaving the dagger behind. "Never again. I'm never doing this again." I thought to myself.

"I promise, I'll never go through that again."

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