Angels and Devils - (Part Fourteen)

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"Match maker, match maker, make me a match!" I canted. Adam and I were gonna work together to get Maaz and Rebecca to hang out more until one of them tells the other how they felt. Maaz was at his desk doing some paper work as I walked up to him.

"Hey Maaz. How long have we know each other?" I asked him.

"Since your Dad said I was going to be your helper one day. We were around five."

"So you would tell me anything right?"

"Of course James!"

"Alright....Do you like Rebecca?"

Maaz's face began to heat up as he turned around pretending to look for something. He looked embarrassed and got sweaty all of a sudden. Kinda how I feel when I'm around Adam but when were together I feel right at home.

"N-no. I do not at all like R-Rebecca. I mean she's my f-friend and all... Is this about me d-ancing with her the ot-her n-ight?" he stuttered.

"Ok. I hope you don't mind that I out you to work with her for the day. You need to recruit more demons for schools and she's bringing a few. Not to mention you guys are going in to be taught."

"But Rebecca's goes to school there too!"

"She and Adam volunteered to be examples of good demons. It's you and her this week. Have fun." I told him as I walked off laughing to myself.

Maaz's POV

Dang it James! He obviously knows I like Rebecca but the worst part about it is that I'm gonna look stupid when we welcome new demons. I waited outside of the school for Rebecca.

"Hey Maaz! Ready to go? Our first class is coming up." Rebecca said. I just nodded and followed her. We entered the classroom and began our lesson.

"Hey class, you probably all look at me and think, ' Look at Mr. Goodie Boy over their. He's so lame for not sinning like us. Thinks he so cool because he lives here. ' ". Rebecca laughed at my voice. "Well, even demons like you can be forgiven for whatever you did. Even Rebecca here."

"I'm still a student now just like you, but because of great teachers like yours and Maaz I can learn to be good. My friend Adam, right hand of the King, also is a demon but now he's happy and dating the King."

At student raised their hand. "But, demons should only date demons!"

"Well, boys don't normally date each other but King James and Adam love each other! And if two people care deeply about each other them they should be able to find love." Rebecca said. She was so right. Maybe, her and I could work out a time to hangout more.

Another student raised their. "So if we work really hard, we can live here in Heaven and even fall in love?"

"Yup!" I said.

"Are you guys dating a demon or angel?" the child asked. Rebecca and I started at each other and Rebecca looked down and blushed. "No, but j would be lucky if I did." I said. Rebecca blushed even more.

When we were done we headed out for lunch. While eating we started up a conversation. "So, you like showing little demons how to be good?" she asked me.

"Yup. "

"Who's your favorite?"

"Your my favorite little demon, Rebecca." Rebecca blushed and failed to make eye contact with me.

"Well your my favorite angel teacher." We both smiled and finished our food.

At the end of the day, we both walked up to the castle. "Hey Maaz, we should hang out more often. Us two aren't that bad." Rebecca said. I felt her fingers brushing my hand. Slowly, our hands intertwined and we held hands until we got to the castle. "See you tomorrow, Maaz." she said as I waved at her as she walked away.

Adam's POV

"We did it Jameson. There gonna be going out soon. We're great match makers." I told James. We were peeking from the doorway at Maaz and Rebecca. If we pushed them a little more, maybe they would go out together on a date. For now it was just a few hours before bed and I had homework.

I was sitting in my chair finishing math when my phone went off. The number was familiar so I picked it up.

"Hey Mom....."

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