Angels and Devils : (Part Seven)

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Adam's POV

I saw James falling from a distance. I couldn't let him fall to his death so no matter how scared I was I went up to save him. "Adam..?" he mumbled. I chuckled. "It's good to see you too Jameson."

James rapped his arms around my neck in a attempt to hug me. I set him down on the roof of my house. "Why are you here? You could of died!"

"I came to tell you I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have tried to change someone that I already like the way he is." he told me. I felt myself blush but I shock off the feeling of smiling.

"It's alright. You wouldn't of known about what happened anyway." I said.

"What are you talking about?"

I pulled back a bit but James grabbed my hand as I tried to pull away. My heart stopped for a second as he looked up at me with his fucking cute puppy eyes. "Pwease....." he said.

"Damn it James, why do you have to be so cute all the time?" I ask. Welp looks like I'm telling him the story.

"You see I was never born in Hell. I was born like most people we're : on Earth. When I was young I had a hard time making friends so I tried to fit in. That never worked out. I was stealing, drinking, doing weird shit. Sometimes we even got into gang fights. One night, we were all up late and another group of kids were up and ready to fight. My ' friends ' retreated without me, and killed me. That's why I hate fitting in."

James hugged me and looked up at me. "I promise, I'll make things right. I'm gonna tell my parents and I'm going to make sure that you never have to fit in again."

I smiled as I hugged James back. "I love you, Adam." James said. "I-I.....I uh...I love you too, Jameson." Once we broke from the hug I picked James up and flew him back to Heaven. His wings slowly grew back. Everyone was so happy to see us but James was focused on other things.

"Mom, Dad. I have something to say." James said holding my hand.

"You caught him! That's my boy!" the King said.

"No. I'm here to say. That I'm gay. Adalina never existed. It was just Adam. I told Adam to pretend to be someone that he's not. But the truth is, I love him they way he is now." James said as blush crept up his face. I blushed too as he looked at me.

The King and Queen looked at each other. "James we knew the hole time that you were gay." The Queen said. "They way you looked at guys instead of girls was very obvious."

"The Adalina thing had us a by surprise but it doesn't matter. If your happy, so are we." The King said.

James ran over and hugged his parents, both seeming to be very happy. I was proud of James and his family so I let them have there moment.

"Come here son." The King said. I looked around confused. Was he...?

"Come on Adam, don't you want a hug too?" James said.

I walked over to them as they pulled me into there hug. It was weird but, pleasing.


James and Adam sat on the cloud above counting the stars. "Look there's a shooting star!" James pointed out while holding Adam's hand. Adam blushed at James' childlike imagination. "Let's make a wish." he said.

"I wish you could be my boyfriend." Adam mumbled.

"Wait what?" James said.  Adam's face was almost bright red. "No,Ididn'tmeanit!" he said in a panic.

"Aww.... that's too bad, if it was true I would of totally said ok."

"Well...maybe I meant it a bit." Adam said.

James turned and leaned on Adam starting to laugh. Adam started to laugh too as James leaned closer to him. As James rapped his arms around Adam's neck the two of them were silent, inches away from each other.

"You sure we can make this work?" James asked.

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure it does just so I can hug, kiss, and love you every day." Adam said rapping his arms around James.

"We're gonna make out aren't we?" James asked moving closer.

"It would be a shame not to-." Adam said as they both kissed, with him falling back onto the soft white cloud.

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