Father's Day

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Ella's POV

Father's Day is a huge day for me. It's not just because I have two dads, it's because they've done so much for me. They saved me from my abusive home, calmed my anxieties, got me a therapist for my PTSD, and excepted me for being a lesbian. It's huge! I need something to show them that there important.

In the past years, I've used my talents to make something for them. I've drawn some artwork, played some original songs. One year, I played my trumpet and guitar, while singing a song. That was super hard. I never felt satisfied those years. I have to do better.

"Oh come on Ella, you're great at giving gifts!" Hailey complemented. We we're sitting in my room trying to think up ideas. "I mean it's kinda your thing. James and Adam are happy with whatever you do."

"I know they are but I'm not. Nothing screams 'I love my dads!', ya know? There has to be something I haven't tried yet? Something that'll blow the socks off of them."

"Don't you make animations on YouTube now? That's pretty amazing for a 14 year old. Maybe you can animate something for them." Hailey suggested. My head popped up as I grabbed Hailey's face. I pulled her into a deep kiss and looked at her. "Hailey, you're a beautiful genius!"

I got up and sat at my desk. I opened up Google Docs and started to write. Hailey stood above me and rested her arms on my head. "What kind of animation are you gonna make anyway?" Hailey asked. I stopped and thought about that question. "Well...how about a storytime animation? They used to do it, why don't I give it a try?"

"Oh cool. So...are you gonna voice all the characters on your own or do you need someone to help? Just asking just in case." Hailey said.

I laughed at her and looked up at her face. She's so beautiful, honestly the most stunning girl I know. "If I need someone to voice act in a part you'll be the first person I ask." I said. Hailey smiled and hugged me. I nuzzled her shirt while thinking of what story I was planning to tell about them. There were so many, it was hard to just choose one idea!


After Hailey left, I decided that the best story to tell, with the most meaning is the day we first met. The day the adopted me. Which meant I would be talking about my abusive parents. I don't really talk about it in detail, not even to Hailey. The only people who got to see it first hand were James and Adam.

I started to type about it. "I wasn't always with James and Adam. Once, I was with a mom, a dad, and an older brother. Now, it's normal for families to fight and disagree but this wasn't normal. I would wake up with only about an hour of sleep or so. The living room would be a mess and it would be my job to clean it up before I could eat anything. Even when I was done my mom would only give a leftover scraps if I was lucky. Everytime I asked if I could have more she would say, "Be faster next time and you'll get more." While my brother watched TV I would continue to clean. Now you see, I hated my brother with a fiery passion! He would always make everything a mess, take my stuff, and beat me up. And when I tried to defend myself, he would always play the victim. And my parents always believed him because he was the angel and I was the demon."

I stopped typing for a second. My vision became blurry. Flashes of myself being shoved down stairs started to hit me. My birth families faces in indented into my mind. I screamed and started to tear up. I closed my laptop and held my head.

"Ella? Are you ok?" James said as he walked in, Adam following close behind. I clung on to them and they hugged me. "I-I'm sorry. I'm ok, really. Just bad memories." Adam kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair. "We know, you don't have to be sorry kiddo. It's not your fault." I smiled and hugged him  "Thanks Daddy, thanks Dad."


"But one day, despite all my bad luck, I got to meet a demon in a red sweater and I guy who was really obsessed with MnM's. They were both really nice to me and even let me take a picture with them. They were the first people who didn't judge me for having horns. It was like a breath of fresh air. But, I had to go back home. Everyone was a dick, per usual, until I saw them by my window. The same YouTubers I met were reaching out to me. Trying to help me.

Turns out they called the police and my parents were charged for child abuse. But, who was gonna take care of me now? Anyone couldn't randomly take care of me. Maybe they wouldn't of been as open to a demon child or wouldn't be able to deal with my anxiety or PTSD. So they stepped up and took care of me.

Whenever I was scared at night, I would sleep with them. They would assure me that I was safe. They made sure no one was going to hurt me.  they showered me with love and affection. They were the first people to tell me that I deserved better. They made me feel like I did deserve better.  I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for them so, to me there the best dads in the whole world and I wouldn't want to be adopted by anyone else. So I may not be their biological daughter but it feels like I am. That's what matters."

"So what do you think of the video?" I asked them. They were both chocked up. Adam trying and filling miserably to hold back tears and James sobbing quietly.

"I-It's the b-best gift e-ver." James stuttered. I ran into there arms and gave them a hug. "Good job Ella, were so proud of you kiddo." Adam said. "Happy Father's Day Dads..."

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