Baking Cookies (Multi-part Story)

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James's POV

I wasn't the best chief ever. I could cook for myself but I wasn't that good. So Adam, Jaiden, and Rebecca wanted to make cookies while we we're at Adam's house. I wasn't confident that I was going to be much help but it sounded like fun. Plus I would never pass up a chance to hang out with friends. Especially Adam. He can make anything fun. Plus it would a good chance to tell him how I feel.

Rebecca, Jaiden, and a bunch of other friends all know that I have feeling for Adam. I never got to tell him the truth about it. I was kinda scared. I always made up excuses to why I never told him but I really wanted to do it today. I hop in the car to go pick up Rebecca and Jaiden because I volunteered to do so.

"Hey James! Thanks for picking me up." Rebecca said getting in the back passenger seat. "No problem." I said starting up the car. "So are you finally going to tell Adam that you have a crush on him or are you gonna make stuff up like "the time isn't right" or "I'm getting a bit sick". I shyly laugh and start driving.

The same thing happened when I picked up Jaiden. "So is he gonna tell Adam today?" she said while getting in the front passenger seat. I feel my face heat up once I hear them talk about my days failed attempts. "Alright I get it I'm not that good with tell people I like them. I really mean it this time I want it done. " I say confidently. I pull into Adam's driveway so everyone can get out.


Adam's POV

I hear James pull into the driveway. I sit down and tell myself.  "Ok Adam don't mess this up. Today your going to be making cookies with Jaiden, Rebecca, and James. Your going to pull James aside and tell him that you like him. Easy."

I heard a small little voice talk to me. "Or you to fuck up. James would probably like Jaiden. They knew each other much longer than you knew either of them."

I groan as I hear his voice in my head. "Why are you such a negative bitch?" I ask.

"It's true! James doesn't even have to like Jaiden. You don't even know if he likes guys. Plus you remember the last few times you tried to get a girl. One cheated on you and the other regected you. What makes you think James won't do one of them?" he said.

My negative voice was starting to get to me. But before I could rethink my decisions my friends were at the door. "Good luck." he said. "You'll need it."

I walk up and welcome everyone inside and a blush a bit when I see James. "H-hey everyone. Come on in and we can start baking." I said letting everyone inside.

"Hey I brought icing for the cookies. I thought it would be pretty nice."

"Alright. Let's make some cookies!" James said.

Now I'm really hoping I don't mess up.

( Just a quick notice guys. I think I'm gonna do some part for this Multi-part Story. I feel like it would be pretty cool. Also I was thinking of doing a Something Odd QnA so if you guys have any questions then go ahead and put them below. See ya. )

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