The Car Crash (Multi-part Story)

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James's POV

Adam was driving around to the area around his neighborhood. It's been a day sense we left Vidcon. So many things were swirling around my head untill I realized something.

"Adam!" I yelled.

He stopped the car on the side of the road and looked at me. "James? What's wrong?"

I reached over to one side of the car and pulled the seat belt over to the lock. "Wear your seatbelt."

He looked kinda pissed off from me yelling at him just to make sure he put on his seatbelt while he was in the middle of the street. He started driving again. It was silent for a bit. I kinda felt bad but I didn't want him to get hurt if we crashed.

"Dude, that wasn't funny. I was worried for a sec." he finally said.

"I wasn't joking. I really care about you and I don't want you to get hurt. Why else do you think I say that at the end of my videos?"

"You really were worried about me weren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

We were sitting quietly for a bit until I saw something. "Adam look! It's an aquarium! Pull over a sec."

He pulled over and saw it.

"Why did you want to see this so much?"

"Let's go inside!"I said.

Adam parked the car and I grabbed him by his hand into the area. I payed for us to head inside and I admired all the fish. All the different types of fish seen in one place was really relaxing. Adam however didn't seem too impressed but still looked happy to see me look around.

"Oh hey look there doing a show! It's with seals and stuff. Wanna check it out?" Adam didn't seem too excited.

"I don't know dude. I'm not really interested in this stuff. I mean seals are fine and all but we still have to unpack at home and stuff."

I had to think of something to keep him here a bit longer. I didn't want to leave but I didn't want to be here alone.

"Adam I didn't know you were gonna wuss out."


Adam's POV

Oh he did not just call me a wuss! I pouted.  "Alright Jameson! I'm gonna let you know that I am not a wuss. I'm not scared of a seal who can balance a  dumb ball on his nose. I can handle this!" I grabbed James hand and  brought him over, personally, to watch the show.

The people working with the animals seemed pretty nice. They showed off some great tricks with the seals. James seemed to enjoy it while clinging into my arm. I felt my cheeks turn red everytime he looked at me like that. He was like a child who had there first piece of candy.

"Hey Adam. They have a exhibit on whales! Wanna go?" he asked.

"James you know how I feel about whales. Let's just go." I said.

He agreed and we left.


We got in the car, put on our seatbelts, and I drove us down the street. Suddenly, something pushed the car and we stopped.

We were stuck. A tree was on top of the car. I looked out James window and I saw that someone pushed us into the tree.

"James!" I said looking over at him. James passed out. I was terrified!

I heard some guy's voice.

"We're here. Don't worry were going to get you out!" he said.

While he was trying to get is out I tried to wake up James. I shook him, yelled, tried lightly hitting him, nothing worked. The tree was falling inside. I was pulled out.

"Don't worry sir. We're going to get your friend out." he said.

I didn't listen. I was too scared. They were too slow. I grabbed James seatbelt and unbuckled it. I didn't think about anything. The police, the tree, my car, just James. Only James. I pulled James out and I helped put him on a stretcher. They were sending us to the hospital.

I sat in the ambulance. I had a ice pack on my head. I didn't care about me I was worried about James. "James. Wake up dude! James get up. Please."

I saw James eyes open. I never been so happy to see his eyes. "Adam? Where are we?" he asked

I sat there looking at him. "We got in a crash. Someone pushed us into a tree. You ok?"

He looked up at me smiling. "I'm fine. My head just hurts and so does my leg. Why are you crying though?"

I didn't even notice I was crying. "I was just worried about you James."I said.

"Everything is going to be ok Adam." He said reaching up to my face and using the sleeve of my sweater to dry my tears. I held his hand during the rest of the way.


We were fixed up at the hospital. James had a bruise on his leg and head. I had a few cuts on my arms from dragging James out. The doctor said we were both luck we were wearing our seatbelts. James really was right.

"Adam?" he said resting in bed.

I walked over to him while putting on a new shirt. "Yeah?"

"Thanks. They said if you don't drag me out of the car I could of died. You saved me."

I felt my face warm up. "Hey you saved me. If you didn't tell me to wear my seatbelt neither of us would of survived. Your a great person James and I'm lucky to spend more one with you."

He put the hood up and it looked like he was blushing. "Thanks Adam.....Your a great person too. Let's get one sleep."

I snuggled into bed with him. "Oh yeah and my sweater. You can keep it. It look cute in you."

"It's looks better on you. And thanks."

We seemed to both fall asleep until I felt James moving. It looked like he was having another nightmare. He rested his head on my chest and rapped his arms around my waist. I felt my face turn bright red but I ended up rapping my tail around him. I put my hands around his back as we cuddled closely together for comfort.

I never slept better in my life. Love you Jameson.

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