Angels and Devils : (Part Four)

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Adam has been good for a hole month so far. He's the best in all his classes and has been hanging out with James for a long time. James, Maaz, Tim, and Jaiden all decided to surprise him.

Adam's POV

I walked into a school feeling fine as usual. Same demons, same teachers, same Jameson. That's I name I came up with for him a while back. He loves it when I call him that. Today was different because he approached me in the hall.

"Hey Adam. I have a surprise for you!" he said.

"Really what is it?"

"Yeah, I wonder what it could be. I new drawing tablet, or videos game." I heard I third voice say.

I'm jumped out of fear to see that it was Rebecca.

"BECCA!" I said hugging her. She hugged back. It's been a month since I've seen her. We only talked on the phone. "How are you here?"

"James asked me to come. It took a while for to get my stuff together but I'm here now and I can't wait to catch up." she told me.

Rebecca went to out her stuff in her locker as I hugged James close. "Thanks Jameson, your the best." I said and walked off.

James' POV

When I walked outside to see Jaiden and Tim looking at me funny.

"What?" I asked.

"You totally like him." Tim said looking at me.

My face started to burn up. "No way, my parents wouldn't approve and plus he's bi." I said crossing my arms.

"Don't pull that move, I asked him and he's bi but mostly gay." Jaiden said.

"So what if I like him, it doesn't matter. Let's just get ready. We have to finish the animation, get food, and decorations. We don't have time to worry about me today." I said.

Suddenly, Maaz can outside and tapped my back. "James your parents want to see you."

That's never a good thing to hear. I walk up to the throne room hoping it was just a meeting. I walked up and didn't see any of my other siblings so it was just me.

"James. We've realized that our kingdom is bright with you becoming closer to your subjects. And with your father and I becoming older it's time for us to retire. Next year, you will be the ruler. "

I gasped in shock. Next year. That was so soon!!!

"Now let's talk about your bride." my dad said.

Damn it.

"How about you and Jaiden speak one on one and finally handel this." he told me.

"For the last time I'm  not interested in Jaiden or any other girl. Why won't you just let me choose on my own?" I said looking down. I couldn't tell them about my feelings for Adam. He's still a demon. Wait...

"Well the truth is.....someone has already stole my heart." I said. My parents looked confused.

"Really? Who?" they both ask.

"Ugh...her name is.... Adelina. She's good at drawing, loves video games, movies, and really cute. She has black hair and wears glasses and loves the color red." I said digging myself deeper into the lie.

My parents both beamed. "Well we can't wait to meet her at the Annual Angel's Ball." my mom said. My dad agreed as they sent me away. James what did you do?!?!


Back to Adam

Rebecca and I spent the hole day talking and making jokes. Both of us were having a good time but Rebecca noticed something.

"Why are you doing that?" she asked.

"Doing what?" I asked back.

"Everytime we talk about something you end up relating it back to James. you..?" she asked.

"Yeah, I like Jameson. Like a lot. Not that it's not great having you here but I miss him. He wasn't at class all day and I'm worried."

"He's probably doing royal stuff. Also are you gonna tell James how much you like him or...?"

"Nah don't need anything for him to worry about." I said.

We both walked into the castle as we walked into my room I get blown away. "Surprise.....shit!" I heard. Jaiden, Maaz, Tim and James all jumped out. The "shit" was from Rebecca who looked a little upset. "Wanted to tell surprise too. " she said laughing.

"It's not my birthday what's going on?"

"We wanted to plan something for you being good for a while week. It was James' idea." Maaz said as James' face started to flush.

"Aww thanks guys." I said.

James gave me my phone which was on a video called "Way to Go Adam." I watched it and it was a hole video animated about all the good deeds and fun we've all had throughout the whole month. Tears started to form in my eyes but I try to hold them in because I don't want everyone to see me cry. But at the end a few years got lose.

"Aww, he's crying." Rebecca said.

"NoI'mnot,shutthefuckup!" I mumbled. I rubbed my face with my sleeve as everyone looks at me. "Thanks everyone. I really mean it."

We all had a great time but Tim, Maaz and Jaiden had to leave earlier so they could get home leaving me, James, and Rebecca. We all played some Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart and once we were done Rebecca went to get ready for bed.

"Um, Adam.  C-can I ask you something?" James asked.

"Let me here it." I said.

"Well today I just got news that next year I'm gonna be taking the throne and well my parents have been pushing me hard to get a queen but they don't know I'm not into girls. So, I told them that I was in love with a girl that was a lot like you so it would be really cool if you pretended to be her for a super cool dance."

"What. The. Bloody. HELL!!!!" I yelled. "James, I'm not a girl. How could you use me?!? I thought we were friends."

James looked down really sad. His wings sunk with his halo. Ugh! You can't say no to James. It's like trying to beat a puppy. Even the most evil demons don't do it, well most of them anyway.  I sighed. "What's my name...?" I whispered giving into his plan.

"Thank you so much Adam!" he said. I felt my face heat up and James rapped his arms around me. His wings and halo rise. Welp looks like I'm Adalina now.

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