Left Behind

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Adam's POV

James and I are really close friends. Like really close. Sometimes we would flirt in Twitter or in videos. Sometimes at conventions we would hold hands. It was all just a joke we came up with a few years ago but, at some point I ended up with feelings for him.

His silky soft blond hair. His goofy smile. The way he makes me laugh when I'm upset. The fact that he's loyal to me. If I ever needed something he would be there for me. He wouldn't lie or leave me. He's the one friend in this manipulative hell hole of an industry that I can rely on.

Yet it all came crashing down. It got my so hard.  James did a video with one of the Paul brothers and I can't forget what he said. He said he had a girlfriend? A girlfriend!? Why did he ever tell me? We're best friends. I would tell him if I had one why didn't he do the same for me.

The fact that he never told me wasn't the worst part. The thing that got upset was the fact that he had a girlfriend. James liked someone else. He was in love with another person for 5 months! It was like my heart was shattered in a second. I stopped the video and stopped working. I slammed my head on my desk. "Why him? Why Jameson?" I whispered.

Ever since then I don't know how to feel. On one hand, I'm super happy for him. He deserves someone who loves him. On the other hand, I'm heartbroken. I loved him for a year now and it's over. I decided to talk to Jaiden about it.

"Hey Adam, how it been?" Jaiden asked me.

"To be honest, not good. James said that he sad a girlfriend. Do you know anything about that?" I asked her.

"Oh Adam. I'm so sorry. He never told me anything about a girlfriend. I always thought he had feelings for you." I sighed softly when she said that. I wish he felt that way. "Did you tel him how you feel? It might be helpful. It's better than constantly wondering."

"I'm not wondering Jaiden I know. He doesn't like me. I called so you could teach me how to move on. Any suggestions?"

"Well, you could join Tinder or some kind of dating app of that's what you want. If you wanna move on than that might be a good way."

"That sounds good thanks." I downloaded the app and finally gave it a shot. A part of me really didn't want to do this but whatever. The sooner I decided to be done with it the better it'll be for me.


A week later James invited me over to his house. We were gonna try and make a video together. I happily walked up and knocked on hit door. "It's open!" he yelled. I walked in and saw him playing with Floof. He was giggling and laughing. My heart started to melt as I watched him. He's so cute.

"Hey Jameson! How's it going?"

"Pretty good. Just playing around with my puppy. Say hi Floof." he said. Floof barked at me as I got down to let her. We both started petting her. A few times our hands brushed against each other and I kept thinking of the times we would hold hands. Good times, but there over. I'm left behind. It's over.

"Hey Adam you alright? You look upset. Is there something on your mind?"

"No I'm fine. Let's get working on that video!" I lied. I got up and tried to walk away.

"Adam, I know when something is wrong with you. You're upset. Please tell me why." James said.

"James...the truth is that, I really like you. Your my best friend and I love you. It's just, you said you had a girlfriend now and I know this a bad time for you."

"Adam, I don't have a girlfriend. If I did I would of told one of you guys. I just panicked and said I had one. I'm sorry, I was just really uncomfortable in the video." James explained.

"Oh! I feel so stupid. Of course it was a lie. I'm such an idiot." I said chuckling nervously. I covered my face with my hands. James grabbed my hands and pulls them off my burning red face and kissed me. I locked fingers with him as I deepened the kiss. "You may be an idiot but you're my idiot and I love you for it." James told me. I smiled as I can now proudly call myself James' girlfriend.

(This was bad. I'm sorry. ;-;)

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