Angels and Devils : (Part One)

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James' POV

I was doodling on some paper as my advisor kept going on and on about something. Probably about being the future king and all the responsibilities. I didn't care that much. Personally, I like drawing and and animating more than prince stuff.

"Dude are you even listening?!?!" Maaz asked. I looked up at him. He checked my papers and just saw my small drawings. " Your highness, you need to pay attention! How else are you going to be the best ruler you can be?" Maaz said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Look I know this is boring and I don't like it but please, as a friend and as your advisor, try to listen to me. Let's take 5." he said going to his seat and reading through his books.

Why did I have to be the prince? I don't want to be here. All the other angels get to have fun and do whatever they want but I have to stay here in school with boring old Maaz. It's so unfair. At least it would almost be over. It was 5 minutes to 3 and that means I could go soon.

Once I left I met up with Jaiden and Tim. They were my angel friends. We hung out all the time. Both of them were my friends since we were little. More angels tried to be my friends but it always turns out they just want to meet the future king or something. I hate it. Being prince is no fun. You can't spend time with your friends or passions, your always told what's best, and everyone talks about getting married and finding the perfect queen. Everyone thinks Jaiden will rule beside me but I'm not into girls.

"Guys you have to see this!" Tim called.

"What is it?" Jaiden asked as we both flied over to him.

"It says that there opening up a collage for young demons now so they can become better people. I only heard stories about this. "

"They think demons can be good? Hah! They were put there for reasons ya know." Jaiden said rolling her eyes.

"Hey anyone can be good if they really want to. Plus, some of them were just born in hell and never got the chance." I said. I was pretty interested so after I was done with Jaiden and Tim, I flew off to talk to my parents. They said my other siblings and I could help out if we wanted. I was so happy that I couldn't wait until it opened!

(A/N - I wrote seven of these within less than a week. I'll be posting all weekend and then I'll probably take a break. Maybe. I really like this story.)

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