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TW There are intense themes of depression, self h*rm, s*icide and self-loathing you have been warned.

Kokichi's POV

The voices are so loud. Screaming at me.


You should have been killed

What are you even here for





My vision starts to darken. I am useless. This mask I wear is just a lie. I really am just a liar...

I woke up at 2 am. I have gotten no sleep my eye bags are going to start being noticeable.


I walked to the bathroom where the scream originated from. I walked in slowly probably overly cautious. We are in a killing game after all. I looked in the shower then moved my eyes towards the door. I see someone in the mirror. I step towards the mirror to see myself looking back at me. He is smiling at me. I step back reflexively. My anxiety started to spike. The person in the mirror is not me.

"Hi, Kokichi~," The mirror me said with the smirk I know so well.

"Have you finally got some sense and found out that you are not wanted here!"


"YOU ARE USELESS NE HE HE..." He faded into the darkness of the mirror only to be replaced by the faces of his classmates. First, it was Kaito and Maki. Then the rest soon followed. They said all the things I have heard before. Lastly, it showed Shuichi. His face pale and his expression bare.

"You should have trusted me..." He said before his eyes went dark. I screamed at the sight and punched the mirror causing it to shatter. The pink blood dripped off my hand. My hands pulled at my hair as I screamed as tears streamed down my cheeks. Fat tears started to flow down my cheeks. Sobs erupting from my throat. I screamed until my throat felt like blades were cutting into it. I fell to the floor of the bathroom and sobbed until the morning announcement came on indicating it was time to get up.

"Well, time to start another day..." I said my voice scarce and broken from the events of the night before. I got up off the tiled floor of the bathroom and went to change. My clothes from the day before were covered in tear stains and blood from my fist. I took off my clothes and threw some new ones on. I bandaged my hand and arms from the night before. To complete the look (and to hide the cuts) I put a glove on my cut stained hand. I sat down on my bed opening my notebook.

twelve more cuts added to my arms and twenty-five cuts on my hand from the glass of the mirror.

I sighed placing the notebook in the fake bottom of the drawer of my bedside table. Pushing myself off the bed I made my way to the cafeteria.

. . . Time Skip . . .

I walked into the cafeteria with my usual mask on.

"Ne hehe it seems I happened to be the last one to show up~" I announced to my classmates sitting around the cafeteria.

"Maybe it's because I was up causing trouble, but who knows even I don't remember~" I grabbed a bottle of panta and turned to Shuichi.

"Ne hehe see you later Saihara-Chan~," I said before leaving the room in a flourish. When I was away from the noise of the useless chatter I pulled out a blade.

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