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I felt myself finally relax for the first time in a long time and it felt really nice. Being able to have Shuichi here by my side and still being able to feel his arms around me as I was asleep next to him. I was feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing with staying with Sam instead of my parents. But honestly I didn't care, because my parents took a part of me and never gave it back. They took my younger self from me and made me grow up into this adult I Know nothing about. Who the hell am I? I thought to myself as the car came to a halt. I assumed that meant we made it to his house.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Shuichi gently smiling at me. I blushed a bit at the sudden cute face right after I woke up...but I suppressed my blush as soon as I noticed it creeping onto my cheeks. Shuichi just laughed a bit at my reaction before he moved in closer to me so his lips were by my ear.

"You ready?" He asked before leaning back to look into my eyes. I felt a smile come to my face before I replied.

"Of course my beloved~," I said in a teasing tone making him blush instead of me. I laughed before I unbuckled and got out of the car after Shuichi. Sam's house was fairly big so it made sense how he had enough room to take in 3 highschool kids. The house was a nice dark pale blue color. It gave me some cool paranormal vibes, like when I would read the ghost books at 3am kinda vibes. The house was about 3 stories, but assuming it had a basement and an attic it probably had around 5 floors.

"Here you go Shuichi, can you unlock the door?" Sam asked before tossing the keys over to Shuichi. He and Maki got our things out of the trunk. I felt a little guilty about not helping with carrying my things, but didn't let it bother me too much. Shuichi took my hand and walked with me over to the door. There was a dark grey stone path to the door. There were flat rocks that seemed to be placed on top of cement. It looked really nice with the dark blue color of the house.

We walked up to the door and Shuichi put the key into the lock. The door was a nice white color, but as the blue house it was also a pale color to match. As Shuichi opened the door I realized Shuichi still had his dorm key with him. I knew this because I was wearing his jacket still and I could feel them in his pocket. I think I left mine in my shirt pocket as well, and I think Maki and the others still have theirs as well...they are just a reminder of the pain we were put through...and all the pain the others had to go through before getting killed in that killing game.

I walked into the house by Shuichi's side and it was a spectacular house. There was a nice chandelier that has little strands hanging down with gem looking glass pieces added for decoration. There were three rooms it broke out into from the front room where the door and stairs up to the next floor were. The dining room was to the left, there was a small study to the right with bookshelves lining it with a small desk built into the wall with a nice chair in front of it, then there was a small area with some couches with stairs to downstairs.

"So do you guys like the house?" He asked with a smile. I couldn't even form the words, this was like a palace compared to some of the places I have had to live in. Shuichi spoke first, breaking the small awkward silence as I was admiring the house.

"Yes, Sam, it looks amazing. How were you able to pay for all of this?" He asked, making my mind immediately want to know the answer out of curiosity. Shuichi seemed to smile at the change of my facial expressions, probably from my amazed face turning to a curious one in a moment. I blushed a little at the action but didn't say anything.

"Oh? Well, I helped your mother get off her feet and get into the acting industry, so I made some money that way as well as being a detective!" He said with a laugh holding my box out in front of him. He seemed to be a fit man and he seemed slimmer which made sense because he is Shuichi's uncle so they have some things in common.

"Thank you for letting us stay here." Maki said with a small smile. I smiled as well adding,

"Yes! Thank you sooo~ much~!" I said with stars in my eyes. Shuichi laughed a bit, making me want to tease him later to get him back for it in a way...as well as all the times he has made me blush so far.

"Of course! Here I can show you your rooms-" He said before he cut himself off and turned to me and Shuichi.

"Do you guys want to share a master bedroom?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I could tell he was doing this just to make Shuichi flustered. Shuichi blushed at the question and I was able to keep my blush under control making me feel a little proud of myself.

"Yes~ I would love to share a room like we have been doing Shu~Chan~ Do you want to Shumai~?" I asked gently poking Shuichi's chest, making a small yelp leave his mouth. I smirked at this and I could tell Sam was holding back a laugh.

"Y-yeah..." He said covering his face with his hand. Before I could pull his hand off to tease him farther Sam started walking up the stairs gesturing for us to follow.

"Your rooms are up here!" He said with the same kind smile he has always had on his face ever since I met him. He had a clean shaved face and his hair was dark blue the same as Shuichi's and he had the same golden eyes as Shuichi. This probably made me feel more comfortable around him because of my relationship with Shuichi.

"Alrighty~!" I said back as I walked up the stairs behind him with Shuichi and Maki.

Walking up the stairs took a moment because there were a decent amount of stairs. Once we got up the stairs there was a hallway with rooms on either side. There seemed to be at least 5 rooms in the hallway.

"Ok, the master bedroom is in the first room on the left. Maki, your room is the last door on the right and then my room is at the very end on the left, so if you every need anything feel free to ask." He said opening the door to me and Shuichi's room as Maki walked down the hallway to her own. The room had a light pale blue wall with the other walls being a pale white. The closet was a light grey color while the floor was a soft grey carpet. It felt very homey and nice to be in, it even smelled like Shuichi already.

"I'll leave you two to get situated! Also--before I go I should mention that if my door is locked I'm working on something that can't be interrupted, so just shoot me a text if you need something then ok?" He asked looking at the two of us as we walked past him and into the room. I smiled at him,

"Alright! Thank you so much again Sam!" I said to him before he walked out with a nod.

I looked over to Shuichi and he was just taking some of the things out of my box before putting some of the jackets and other clothes into the closet. There were already some clothes on the left side of the dresser and I assumed they were his. One because they were all black, and two they just felt like they were his clothes.

"Kokichi do you want to go shopping for some clothes tomorrow?" He asked looking back at me as I closed the door. I smiled at him before going to grab one of his shirts out of the drawer. I held it up to myself and it was big on me, but because it smelled like Shuichi I wanted to put it on anyway. I am definitely going to be wearing his clothes, they were just so warm and they make my heart feel so at peace.

"I think that would be good." I said with a smile. He smiled back at me before going back to the box. I looked over his shoulder after I put his shirt back in the drawer.

"So, I wanted to ask you...what was the meaning behind the tattoo on your hand?" He asked, making me flinch. I moved away from him and went to sit on the edge of the bed. The dark blue sheets creasing a bit under me. Shuichi stopped looking through the box to move back towards me. I felt some tears start to come down my cheeks. Why do I feel so helpless all of a sudden?

"Ah! Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry! Sorry I just was curious and I let it get the better of me..." He said putting his head down in front of me. I smiled a bit before gently bringing his head into my chest.

"It's alright, I know your heart was in the right place," I said with a smile. Shuichi slowly moved his head so he could look at me.

"But, if you want to talk about it...know that I'm always here to listen," He said, making my heart race just as it did the first time he said that. I want to tell him about it...and I know it's better to talk about it instead of dancing around it like a taboo subject...only to break down every time it gets brought up.

-Today's part! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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