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They both walked into the living room making me hide even farther into Shuichi's arm. I could tell he was nervous as well when he put a protective arm around my shoulder.

"Detective Kirigiri and detective Ludenburg," The purple haired female stated as she and the other held out their badges for us to see. Kirigiri walked over into the living room and looked down at a file of papers that were stashed under her arm...I could barely see the file but from what I could make out it was the files on the missing kids.

"We are here because Hajime Hinata claims you have found the lost kids that went missing 3 years prior...and there are 5 here so where are the other 10?" She asked, returning the file to her side. Hajime looked over to me and Shuichi for the answer. I didn't want to have to bring that up again, but they probably need to know what happened in that place...

"Well, they weren't able to make it out of the killing game we were all trapped in." Maki said bluntly making the other detective quickly write something down on a notepad she had in her hand. Kirigiri spoke again,

"So, tell me about this killing game. Who ran it? Why were you trapped there? And how did you manage to get out?" She asked Maki. I felt nervous and paranoid from being in the presence of them, one because I was crying and still have tears in my eyes, and two because I don't have a shirt on and all my scars are exposed...

I felt Shuichi move from beside me and he grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around me before placing me in his lap. I felt my face become hot because of how confident Shuichi was acting. I looked him in the eyes for a moment before Maki spoke,

"Tsumugi Shirogane was the mastermind behind the killing game alongside a robot bear named Monokuma," She paused letting the detective write that down. Detective Ludenburg finished writing as Shuichi moved his hands to my cheeks to gently wipe my tears away. When he finished he cupped my cheeks and gently kissed my forehead. This made the fact that I was exhausted more apparent...I wanted to fall asleep on him, and I knew he would be totally ok with that...but there are other people in the room--

"I haven't figured that part out yet, but me as well as Shuichi and Kokichi over there, and Tenko and Himiko, we were able to get out after exposing the mastermind," She said, making Ludenburg write some more things down. I looked up at Shuichi and wrapped my arms around his neck so I could hide my face in the crook of his neck. He tilted his head the other way to give me more space to do so. I smiled at this and nuzzled my head into his neck making his face go hot.

"I see," She paused and looked over to her partner. They seemed to have a silent conversation for a few moments before they both turned back to us.

"We are going to take you to the station so we can see if we can find some relatives that you can stay with after being lost for 3 years." Ludenburg spoke, making me flinch...I have to go back to my house? I clung to Shuichi tighter and felt more tears coming to my eyes...please don't make me go back there...I want to stay with Shuichi...

"Sounds good," Tenko said gently rubbing Himiko's shoulder with her hand. Himiko seemed emotional because of all of this as well...and I could tell that my exhaustion and my emotions were going to get the better of me sooner or later.

"Ok, then come with us." Ludenburg said before she ushered us to the door. I was about to climb off of Shuichi but he just picked me up and held my head against his shoulder.

"I know this is very scary to you...but know I'm right here and I will love you always no matter what..." He said gently running his fingers through my hair with his free hand. I stayed silent not really having any sort of response for that.

We all walked out to the car and Nagito and Hajime walked over to the car with Kirigiri moments after. Shuichi and I sat in the back seat with Maki while Himiko and Tenko were sitting in the middle seats. I felt a little claustrophobic in the back...but I was with Shuichi so that canceled out my fear. I just let myself breath in his scent while his heartbeat calmed me down.

"Shuichi, could you give this to Kokichi when he wakes up? It's just me and Hajime's phone numbers if you ever want to give us a call." He paused and Shuichi moved his arm to grab the paper from Nagito.

"I know we don't know each other very well, but if you are Kokichi's boyfriend I'm sure we will become good friends," He said with a smile before Go-go waved goodbye to the lot of us.

"Bye bye," She said with a sniffle. I heard Tenko move over to Go-go before she picked her up.

"It's alright! It's not goodbye, it's only see you later! We are going to keep in touch so we can see each other again!" Tenko said with a smile. Go-go giggled at this.

"I'm glad!" She said with a smile before she went around giving us all hugs. She gave Shuichi a hand shake because she presumed that I was sleeping...which I wish I was, not because I want to miss this or anything...I'm just so fucking tired.

"Bye Bye!" She said from outside of the car. I could hear Nagito and Hajime laugh a bit before they said the same,

"Goodbye! Best of luck!" That was all they said before the door was shut. Kirigiri and Ludengurg took the front seats and Ludenburg drove while Kirigiri read over the notes. I let my eyes close as the car started moving. It was nice and quiet and Shuichi was just so warm it all made me so sleepy.


I felt Kokichi go limp against me. He must have fallen asleep. I smiled and pulled him up a little more so he would be higher on my chest. I let my hand rub his back while the other held him up from his waist. The car hummed in the background of the sound of Kokichi's soft snores. His eyes still had bags under them but they seemed to be getting better recently, I hope that getting back into this society will help him sleep better as well.

Which reminds me, he seemed nervous when they mentioned relatives...ah that's right, my uncle is probably going to be the one to pick me up and honestly it's going to be lonely but it's manageable.

I looked back down at Kokichi. I hope that if his parents are no good that I can have him come with me...because honestly having a roommate would be nice, and my uncle wouldn't mind because we have so much space...well that is if he didn't move over the last 3 years.

I wonder what Kokichi's parents look like? I hope that if they do come to pick Kokichi up that they are accepting of this relationship...because we are almost 18 years old...and I want to marry him when I get the chance, because I love Kokichi and I want to stay with him forever. This is all assuming he says yes when I propose- wait I shouldn't be rushing things. I shook my head a few times. I'm his boyfriend and I love being able to be this close to him and I hope that one day we can become something more.

As Kokichi clung to me and was gently nuzzling into my neck it made me feel tired. It must be because of all the things that have taken place in the past couple of hours...but what matters is we are all out of that place and that we are together.

-Sorry today I have been feeling a little off and just wanted someone to listen to me but as usual everyone dismisses what I say no matter how many times I explain it...because it's to complicated or something like that--anyway! I have up to part 16 recorded for nightmares now! Videos will be posted on my channel daily! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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