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Kaito's POV
After trying to get Shuichi out of Kokichi's dorm room with no luck... I went to go and get Maki-Roll so we could go to breakfast together.

"Maki-Roll?" I asked knocking on her door and with a moment of silence she opened the door.

"Kaito. We are going to the dining hall right?" She asked already walking in the direction of the dining hall.

"Yup! You got it Maki-Roll!" I yelled running to catch up with her. We walked to the dining hall in silence and sat down at our usual spot. I was tapping my foot waiting for Shuichi. What the hell could they be doing? Well he is with Kokichi...

"Kaito, calm down." Maki-Roll said without looking up from her food making me grunt in response. I tried to get the worry off my mind. But the more I tried to get rid of it the more I worried. I placed a smile on my face and started to eat my food. This caused Maki-Roll to give me a confused glance which I just shrugged off.

Right when she was about to say something Kokichi and Shuichi entered the dining hall. I gave him a smile and he smiled back at me. He seems happy with him... I guess I should at least try to support him. I would never support Kokichi no matter what because he is a dirty coward, but if he makes Shuichi happy... or is this all a lie.

I gave Kokichi a half glare and I could tell Maki-Roll was doing the same. He looked different than he usually would he didn't laugh it off or glare back at me, he just looked away and averted his gaze from mine. Well that's new...

I looked at Kokichi when his gaze met Shuichi's. They had a small conversation before Kokichi looked down. He looked almost guilty about something. What the hell would a lying price of shit like him feel guilty about? Shuichi then squatted down to look up at him and they said more things I couldn't hear from all the chatter in the room. I mean the noise was mostly Miu, but I won't say anything...

Kokichi leaned down and put his face in Shuichi's chest making me want to say something like get the hell of of him. But then I realized that they were together and it was ok to be like that. I guess... I wish it wasn't with Kokichi, but it wouldn't be very manly to be controlling of his relationships. I cut my thoughts off when Shuichi pulled Kokichi to his feet and slowly walked him out of the dining hall and out into the hallway. I got up to go after them but I felt Maki-Rolls hand pull me back into my chair.

"What?!" I yelled annoyed I didn't know what was going on. Before I realized, what could be happening? I trust that Shuichi won't do anything bad... Kokichi might. But I feel like Shuichi can handle himself.

"You know as well as I do that we should try to support them as best as we can." She said putting a supportive hand on my shoulder causing me to sigh.

"Yeah you're right Maki-Roll." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I bet they left so they could fuck!" Miu yelled making Keebo and a lot of other people in the dining hall to groan.

"Hey! You know I'm fucking right! I'm the girl genius Miu Iruma! And I can tell Cockichi and Pooichi wanna fuck each other!" He said with a laugh before she got nervous from the look she was getting from the people around her.

"Wh-what? Y-you know I'm right." She said leaning back into her seat before she scoffed.

"You guys can't even see something that is happening right in front of you! Such dumbasses!!" She yelled before taking her plate into the kitchen.

"What the hell is her deal..." Maki-Roll sighed under her breath.

"Well yesterday they did say they were together..." Himiko said taking a sip out of her cup.

"Yes that is true. But I do not believe Shuichi would let Kokichi do that to him!" Keebo yelled back at her.

"Well Kokichi is pretty good at manipulating..." Himiko said with a dark stare.

Before Keebo could respond Kokichi and Shuichi walked back into the dining hall and a lot of people gave them weird looks making Shuichi blush a little before he shook his head and went into the kitchen to get some food. I heard Miu come back into the dining hall and whispering "they probably fucked" before she walked out of the dining hall. I sighed and went back to eating my food looking up at Maki-Roll who was giving me a blank stare.

My gaze still followed them I was still confused by this entire situation. Maybe the new motive caused this? Wait, could it be- No, it's not kind to think like that. I'm pretty sure that the notebook couldn't be Kokichi's. Why would he write that stuff down? I thought he liked this killing game? I shook my head again and realized that Kokichi wasn't really eating any of the food on his plate. That's weird... Then it clicked.

Is Kokichi anorexic?

I jumped up abruptly making Maki-Roll give me a "what the hell are you doing" look. I just scoffed and walked over to Kokichi and Shuichi who were sitting next to each other leaning into each other.

"Kokichi are you anorexic?!" I yelled causing Kokichi to go pale and Shuichi to give me a glare.

"Well?!" I yelled not getting the reaction I expected from him. Maki-Roll ran over to my side and punched me in the face.

"You can't just say things like that! Dumbass!" She yelled grabbing my arm and dragging me into the hall. I could hear a couple gasps and Shuichi apologizing to Kokichi. I looked over at Maki-Roll confused when we got into the hallway.

"What the-" I started to yell only to be cut off by her hand smacking me again.

"I know we both don't really get along with Kokichi, but you shouldn't just walk up to him and say things like that. Even though they may be true it hurts Shuichi when we both treat Kokichi this way. So at least try to not be a dumbass around Kokichi." She said giving me a blank stare again.

"Ok. If it makes my sidekick happy then I will try my best! I mean I am Kaito Momota Luminary of the Stars!" I said making her sigh.

"That's good." She said whispering a sorry for hitting me earlier before she walked back into the dining hall me following her close behind.

-Here is another POV besides the main boys. I love them! Kaito may not be my favorite, but I do like how Maki keeps him in order... My best friend Yuuki-san reminds me of Maki. And I love Kokichi... I have no idea why she sticks around me... Anyway, thanks for reading!-


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