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Shuichi grabbed my hand after we both had gotten changed and pulled me out of the room. I still felt nervous about all of this, but it can't be that bad right? Shuichi is right here beside me. We walked to the pool together and went inside after Shuichi gave me a concerned glance to which I nodded showing him I was alright.

"Yo! Shuichi over here!" Kaito yelled waving his hand over at Shuichi. I looked over at Maki who was standing right next to him. She didn't look thrilled to be here but maybe she came because she knows how pushy Kaito can be. "Hey, Kaito." Shuichi gave my hand a squeeze before he went over to give Kaito a fist bump letting my hand fall to my side. I hid the jealousy I felt coming to my head. It's fine. It's just Kaito and they are just friends...I sighed and put my hand on my head.

"Kokichi! Are ready to swimming?" Gonta asked walking over and patting my back. "Yeah!" I gave him a smile and we both jumped into the pool on the count of three. I used to love going swimming when I was younger. I almost forgot how fun it was...I'm glad I came. Gonta is actually one of the people here that I wouldn't mind being friends with.

I could here Shuichi laughing over by the edge of the pool. I smirked and got out of the pool and walked over to him pulling him into a hug. "K-Kokichi! You're c-cold!" Shuichi yelped under my hold. I laughed and pulled him into the pool with me. "Ahh!" He yelled as we both went under the water. I loved seeing his face flush when I caressed his cheek before we both came up for air.

"Sidekick are you alright?" Kaito asked jumping in after me and Shuichi. I groaned internally but let it slide. "Yeah!" He laughed with his terribly adorable laugh that makes me blush every time I hear it. I covered my mouth with my hand and backed away from them. They were in their own conversation so they didn't notice me leaving. It made me hurt inside that Shuichi didn't notice that I left but soon after he swam over to me while Kaito got Maki into the pool.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles. I blushed and looked away from him quickly suppressing my blush. "Yeah, I'm fine! Now that you're with me..." I whispered the last part but I'm certain he heard me. Seeing as he had a blush on his face before he kissed my cheek. "Me too," He moved closer and pulled me into a kiss letting his hands go to my hips pulling me closer. I smiled into the kiss but it didn't last long seeing as we weren't alone.

"Look at the virgins! Are you planning on fucking each other in the pool?!" Miu crackled before Keebo threw a pool ball at her making her moan while the rest of us just rolled our eyes. "No Miu! Jesus! Shuichi isn't like that!" Kaito yelled while Maki elbowed him in the chest. I flinched when he only said Shuichi...he still must think I'm a greedy bastard...maybe I am just a no-good-

"Hey, we came here to have fun. Don't let Kaito ruin this for you." I smiled and splashed him in the face. "Let's have some fun then!!" I yelled making most of the others join in. We all had a splash fight making us all get hella soaked. I was shivering by the end of it.

"Well, see you guys later!" Shuichi waved holding my shoulders while he rubbed my arms. "Wait! What the fuck?!" Miu screamed as Gonta pulled Ryoma out of the pool...only he wasn't breathing...there wasn't even a pulse. Oh my god...not again...

Shuichi's eyes went wide and his whole frame started to shake. I wrapped the towel around him and held his head into my chest. Why did this have to happen again?!

Ding Dong Bing Bong

A body has been discovered! Please come to the pool! Oh, wait! You were all already here anyway!! Puhuhuhu!!

Monokuma's voice went over the speakers and I felt my head start to hurt. Another case...another murder...another trial...another execution...I felt myself shudder before Shuichi nuzzled into my neck sobbing cutting my thoughts off. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back while I combed my hand through his hair.

"Here is the Monokuma file! Have fun investigating!" Maki walked over and grabbed the file and she was already fully dressed. When did she have time to get dressed? I shook my head and slowly made my way over to them as Shuichi began to calm down. "It says the victim was drowned and has some abrasions on his hands and ankles.

She walked over to the body which was now lying by the side of the pool...motionless... There were rope marks on his feet and similar marks on his hands. They must have tied him up then...drowned him. We were all in the pool though...surely we would have noticed right? Shuichi slowly moved his head up from my shoulder. With some small sniffles, he wiped his tears and walked over examining the situation.

"We should get dressed Kokichi. Maki, can you take care of this for a moment?" He asked looking back at her. She gave us a nod and Shuichi grabbed my hand and took me to the dorms. I would have blushed at how forward he was being but my mind was racing. Who killed Ryoma? Could we have found out before and saved him?

We got dressed in silence. I could tell Shuichi was still shaken up. I walked over to him and planted a gentle kiss on his neck. "I love you," I whispered into his ear. He didn't say anything back he just pulled back with a small smile and kissed me. I smiled against his lips before abruptly pulling back. "We should go help Maki,"

"Yeah, let's go,"

-Rip rip double rip...that's some major plot right there...sorry about my boy Ryoma...I got to get the plot moving. Thank you all so much for reading!-


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