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Kokichi's POV
Saihara-Chan I don't want you to worry about me. I don't want you to feel bad because of me. I know you always say that you are happy with me, but is the anxiety and fear I cause you to have worth that?

"Hey, Saihara-Chan?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah, Kokichi." He said into my hair making me giggle a bit.

"I was wondering how did you become friends with Kaito and Maki?" I asked. I really wanted to know why he became friends with the idiot and Maki... she is just suspicious so I want to know why he got close to her regardless.

"Oh." He said with a slight gasp probably from the randomness of the question.

"Well, I and Kaito had a rough start because he punched me after the first trial..." He paused probably thinking about how he let Kaede down. I nuzzled my face into his chest trying to tell him it was ok and it wasn't his fault. I really didn't trust Kaede to much... She was always too positive and sort of pushy... but seeing how she and Shuichi got along and how much courage she gave him, I have some respect for her.

"He was always trying to make me stronger and sometimes he does make dumb decisions, but he is always trying to push me and Maki to be our best." He said and I could feel he was smiling. I guess if you think of it that way Kaito's not that bad... but, I mean, he is still an idiot.

"And Maki. She was always on her own and she opened up to me and Kaito and kind of balanced out his rash decision making. She was always pushing us to become better in her own way." He said rubbing my back.

"Why do you ask?" He whispered into my ear making me shiver and flinch from his words.

"I just wanted to know is all..." I said in a whisper. It's not that I'm jealous of his friends, well, not all the time... but that's not the point! I have never really had any close friends before besides the members of DICE I never really had anyone. I felt a frown form on my face tears coming to my eyes. Why am I sad?

"Kokichi! Did I offend you?!" Shuichi said pulling back to see my face and moved his hands to wipe my tears.

"No, you didn't it's just." I paused putting my head down hiding my eyes with my bangs.

"Kokichi..." He said before I interrupted him.

"I have never had anyone I had considered a friend. Everyone always avoided me and the members of DICE were my associates and we were like a family, but besides that, we did our own thing. I just think it's so nice that you have friends Saihara-Chan. And I'm happy that now I get to spend every moment with my beloved." I said moving my head up to give him a quick kiss on his lips.

"I'm glad that I get to be with you all the time Kokichi and I are glad you enjoy being around me as well." He said kissing my forehead and moving his hands to caress my cheeks. I smiled and looked back up at him.

"Thank you for everything Saihara-Chan," I said nuzzling my head into his neck making him blush.

"Kokichi, why do you still call me Saihara?" He said making me blush. I still call him by his last name because I don't deserve to call him by his first name. I shouldn't be around him at all.

"I mean I'm not mad! I just want to know is all..." He said getting flustered again making me smile at how cute he was being.

"No, it's ok. I just don't think I deserve to call you by your first name." I said looking to the side awkwardly.

"Kokichi." He said sternly making me look back at him. His head was down and his hair was covering his eyes.

"S-Saihara-Chan?" I asked a little nervous. Did what I say to make him angry. He hasn't done this before...

"Kokichi. I want you to call me by my first name. I want to be able to get to that stage with you. You are my boyfriend and I want you to call me by my first name because you deserve that Kokichi. You deserve so much. So don't think for one second that you don't deserve to call me by my first name. I would be honored if you Kokichi Ouma called me by my first name." He said looking into my eyes with a blush on his face. I blushed and tried to avert my gaze from mine but he only pulled my face closer holding my chin in place.

"But Saihara-Chan?" I started only to feel his finger on my lips shushing me.

"Call me Shuichi, Kokichi. You deserve to show everyone else how much you mean to me. So please." He said kissing my cheeks and planting more kisses all over my face.

"Shuichi! You're smothering me!!" I yelled pushing his face away from mine my blush covering my whole face. He didn't say anything he just softly moved my hands to his heart and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Well what if I want to smother you Kokichi~" he cooed in my ear making my blush darken. He moved so he was on top of me and leaned down making our faces so close I could feel his breath warm on my lips. He gave me a smirk making me frown. I knew he was liking how flustered this was making me.

I put a smirk on my face getting over my the flush on my face and pinned him to the bed instead.

"Shuichi~ That wasn't a fair move~," I said taking in the flustered look on his face smiling to myself at my achievement. I stayed there for a second before bending down to kiss him only to move my head into the crook of his neck to snuggle him.

"K-Kokichi?" Shuichi asked confused making me laugh to myself. I pulled out of the embrace and leaped off the bed.

"Alright, Shuichi! Let's play a game!" I exclaimed making him groan from the loss of contact and give me a confused look slowly sitting up on the bed letting his feet dangle off the side.

"So what game do you want to play my beloved?~" I said putting my hand to my chin and tilting my head cutely making him blush.

"And if you lose I may have to kill you Shuichi!" I exclaimed loving the worried face he was making.

"K-kill me?" He said looking at me with unbelief making me sigh.

You can read me too well Shuichi.

-Here is the next part. I wanted to bring in Kokichi's free-time events because they made me laugh so hard. So I guess that's where this is going... Thanks for reading!-


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