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"So, what's the plan?" Kaito asked. I put my hand to my chin...how should I go about explaining this to them? I think maybe talking about the higher floors in a very simple way will make this plan be able to go faster...because if I try to explain all the things going on in my mind at the moment they are definitely going to get confused.

"The plan is to work our way up the floors, then if I'm right Shuichi should be at the highest floor," I said looking at the others hoping that was straightforward enough where they could understand me. Maki was the first to speak as the others took a moment to process the whole announcement and the danger Shuichi is now in.

"So, we work our way to the higher floors to find Shuichi, seems like a good start," She said, giving me a smile. That smile made me feel more confident that this whole plan was going to work. That we are going to find Shuichi, and find him well and alive.

"Yes, that's the plan," I said looking at the others.

"So, you think Shuichi is on the top floor?" Keeboy asked, making my shoulders slump a bit, I need to get them on board with this plan so we can find him before the time runs short.

"How do we know he isn't lying?" Tenko asked standing in front of Himiko protectively. I could tell she was more alert because Himiko was scared. It was sweet and endearing in a way...except that, since she said that others are going to doubt me and we won't be able to get anywhere.

"You are right about that...Kokichi is a liar..." Himiko whispered, poking her head past Tenko's side. I slumped even more and felt my whole confident facade from earlier start to slip as tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

Why was I such a lying bastard? I should have been more honest back then so they wouldn't be doubting me now...because we need to get to Shuichi. We don't have time for the blame game...or even doubt. I was about to speak up about the time limit before Kaito cut me off.

"I believe in Kokichi," He said making me feel surprised. Sure, he said he believed in my ability to lead and make a plan...but some sense of pride came back to me knowing that Kaito was saying that out of all of them.

"You what-" Tenko started only for him to cut her off as well.

"I believe in Kokichi! Shuichi believed in him and trusted him enough to help him in the trials and to be his boyfriend! So I trust my sidekick and his decision making, so I believe in Kokichi! We should all believe in him because Shuichi does!" Kaito exclaimed wrapping and arm around my shoulders. I smiled and looked to the others again. They seemed to think on the idea of trusting me for a lone moment before any of them spoke.

"I agree!" Keeboy said making me feel my tears fade away. They believe in me, they believe that I can lead them to finding Shuichi...but what if I can't lead them to him, and what if he dies before we are able to make it. The weight came to my shoulders once more making me slump. I can't so this...why do they believe in me?

"Hey," I heard a voice call out as my eyes came up to find the source. I met Maki's eyes as she looked at me with her hands on either side of my shoulders.

"You can do this, we have a plan, and we are all standing behind you, what do you need us to do?" Maki asked. Some of the others chimed in with a nod or a yes. I smiled feeling the memories of the times I led my subordinates...and it made me smile.

"Thank you, let's get going then! We have no time to waste!" I exclaimed before I started giving out orders.

"Ok, we should break into two groups, one for the front and one for the back of the search party. Keebo, Tenko, and Himiko, you all take the back. Me, Maki, and Kaito will take the front. This is so we can be more aware of our surroundings. Let's just make our way up the floors and see what kinds of traps Tsumugi must have been talking about...and we are going to have to take on the extisals...so that's going to be a prob-" Keebo cut me off before I could finish my thought.

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