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I woke up in the middle of the night except I wasn't in my room as I usually would be...what the hell is going on?

I looked around the room deciding it was best to get an idea of where I was. It looked like a hotel suite...on my god I'm in the love hotel? I felt panic come over me as I had no idea who was going to be in the room with me tonight...I didn't want it to be anyone other than Shuichi, because I feel like he would be more understanding of how self-conscious I am of my own body.

God, if this means I have to have sex tonight...I felt my stomach flip at the thought. Sex, the one thing that allows others to let lust and greed take over them. Making them act irrationally and even forgetting that the other person has feelings and values of their own.

It makes me feel sick just thinking about it- I was about to think harder before I heard the door unlock. I felt my face pale as the door opened. Fuck! Who the hell is coming in here? And what are they going to do to me?

"Shuichi?" I felt my body relax a bit. Okay it's Shuichi, he will respect me and he is safe...so it's okay. "Ah, Kokichi..." He seemed to relax as well. I smiled at him as he moved over to join me as I sat on the heart shaped bed. I mean there aren't any cameras in the room, probably because people usually come here to do--certain things together, but I mean there is nothing to say we have to do things like that here right?

"Monokuma dragged me here against my will...I'm just glad it's you in here," He said before he grabbed my hand. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder feeling my body slump against his.

"Yeah, same here," I paused feeling an awkward silence come between us. I knew the subject of having sex with one another was going to come up...I wanted to avoid that topic because of how self conscious I am of showing my body to others...not that Shuichi hasn't already seen my change in front of him...but it still makes me feel nervous.

"So, what do you think about sex?" He asked, looking to the side with a blush on his face. I could feel my face heat up as well making me feel nervous as well. "W-well I," I started before I shook my head a couple of times and looked at him. He wasn't looking towards me which made me frown a bit...but I cupped his face in my hands to make him face me.

"I think it should be a way people can show how much they love one another, but that's just me," I said in a more teasing tone, but only because I felt more comfortable teasing and joking about this sort of thing...because of how it makes me feel.

"The media makes it seem like it's different...but that's what I think of it." I said looking at him before he fell back onto the bed while pulling me on top of him. "Shuichi?" I asked fondly with a smirk on my face.

"I feel the same. I should be a way that lovers are able to show how much passionate love they have for the other person," He said, making me laugh a bit at how poetic he sounded. He blushed at this before I moved my fingers over his lips.

"Kokichi? Are you-" He started before I pursed my lips together. "I think we can just talk, taking is nice," I said, moving my head into his chest while our legs tangled together. I let out a content sigh as I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"So Shumai, how were you able to find out you weren't straight?" I asked with a teasing tone making him scoff a bit at this. "W-well, it was when I was younger." He said looking to the side making me playfully groan.

"ShuShu! You barely gave me any information~," I sighed and propped myself up on my elbows. I pouted at him and he just sighed a bit, "You want the whole story don't you..."

"Yup!" I said the word in a more sing-song voice. He shifted to the side so I was now laying beside him. "Alright..." He said with a sigh before I laughed a bit at how distraught he was.

"You are adorable, you know that right Shui~," I said, poking his cheek with my finger. He smiled a bit as he got over his embarrassment.

He moved his face closer to my own as we were now inches apart. "You know I'm okay if you want to do something like that here." He said more sternly, making me feel nervous all over again.

"I-is this just because you don't want to answer my question from before~?" I asked in a teasing tone more to change the subject than to actually tease him.

"No, I'm being serious," He said, moving his hand to cup my cheek as his other arm moved around my waist making me shudder a bit at the touch. "But Shuichi-" I started before he cut me off with a small kiss to my lips. It made me hesitate long enough for him to plant another on my nose before he moved back to look me in the eyes.

"No, I mean it," He said in a tone that made my breath hitch. "I want to do that with you if you want to, if you don't I respect your decision." He said with a kind smile that made my heart melt. The room seemed to get hotter and it made me feel embarrassed that my cheeks were feeling so hot.

"No I am fine with that it's just...no one has seen me in that state before...and I'm afraid you will judge me for it." I said moving my hands to cover my cheeks. I hated being this honest...but with Shuichi it wasn't so bad, but I still felt a feeling grow in my stomach that made me feel sick.

"I would never judge you for something like that, being in that kind of situation does make you quite vulnerable...so I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable around me especially if you trusted me enough to be that vulnerable around me." He said looking to the side for a moment. I felt a small ounce of courage well up inside of me as I moved over to him and put my lips against his own.

"I love you always remember that," I said before letting the night continue on.

One body colliding with another as love was being embraced by both of them.

They loved each other and understood that love shouldn't be used for lust

They are different sides of the same coin
You can either let lust take over you to make lies for love
Or let love guide you to be in the moment with another
Two people becoming united in one act of love


: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person. : attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship. : a person you love in a romantic way.

Please let your love be meaningful
Till the end of days.

-So for this bonus chapter I wanted to do a scene in the love hotel, but knowing me I don't do the details. But know that I believe sex is to be an act of love not lust. Thank you (for listening to my ted talk sorry this is a joke I have with my sister) Thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed this bonus chapter.-


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