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We entered the fourth floor and it was significantly brighter than the last floor. There quiet music playing and it sounded like video game music. "What the hell?" Was all I could mutter before Tsumugi came back on the announcement.

"You made it~ This is a special challenge...don't fall or-" She paused as the floor in front of us moved apart to form platforms...and it revealed a spike pit at the bottom. I flinched seeing the spikes...god how are we even going to--

"You will be killed! There are other obstacles that will come in your way~ Have fun with it~!" She cackled before the platforms started to slowly turn and tilt. It didn't even look real at all. I was wondering why it seemed so hard...I mean this is the fourth floor--so it makes sense that it is harder than the others...

"What are we supposed to do Kokichi?" Kaito asked, coughing again. Maki gently pat him on the back as his coughs calmed down. I looked to the obstacle course before looking back to the others.

"It's going to be hard because of the condition Kaito is in...but I think we should go in two groups." I paused before looking over to Tenko and Himiko.

"You two will be group A, while Me, Maki, and Kaito will be group B," I moved my gaze over to the course.

"Group A will take the right and group B will take the left," I said before the announcement turned on again. I heard the monitor click on and sighed to myself...god what else does she have to say...

"Ok!" Tenko said before taking Himiko in her arms. Himiko blushed and quickly gripped her shirt so she wouldn't fall.

"H-Hey! Don't all of a sudden-" She started before Tenko cut her off.

"I don't want you to fall..." She whispered looking to the side with a noticeable blush on her cheeks. Himiko blushed more at this before Tenko faced her again.

"So, I'm going to carry you so we can get to the other side safely," She finished before Himiko nodded.

"Alright, I trust you," She whispered, hiding her face in Tenko's chest. Her face turned bright red before she shook her head.

"Himiko and I are going to get the other side," She stated before she jumped onto the first platform. "Woah Woah!" She said getting her balance from the turning. After a few moments she started moving across the platforms with exceptional speed.

I looked back at Maki and Kaito and frowned to myself. How the hell are we going to get Kaito across...? I looked at Maki with a questioning look hoping she would understand my gaze. She looked at me for a moment before her eyes went to the floor.

"We are taking Kaito with us." She said before moving onto the first platform. I looked over at Kaito and he honestly looked like he wasn't going to make it much farther...

"Okay, let's get going-" I was cut off by a dart coming across the front of my face. I watched it in horror before I saw that there were some other things being shot at us.

"Shit..." I groaned before I joined Maki on the platform behind her and Kaito. Kaito's ankle was still dripping badly and his foot looked like it was just going to fall off at this point...why did that have to happen, and on the second floor no less...

Without another word I started following Maki's movements as we made our was across the floor. Maki got hit with a couple of the darts as well as some of the arrows. There were a few close calls with me getting hit...but they both took the fire off of me, and honestly I hated that they were taking it instead of me...

"Guys! The staircase is over here!" Tenko yelled as her and Himiko made it to the other side. I noticed that Himiko had a scratch on her cheek and Tenko's arms were cut while some of the fabric was torn around the cuts. Tenko seemed to not be phased by them, but by the way Himiko was holding her cheek, it was obvious that she didn't like the pain and frankly seemed like she was going to cry.

"Alright!" I yelled back as there were only three platforms left. I felt confident that we would be able to make it to the other side...that was before the platforms behind me started falling to the ground with a crash as the platform broke because of the spikes.

"Kokichi come on!" Maki yelled, sounding like her voice was strained. I started moving faster and made it to the other side after the one under me started to fall. I felt my eyes widen as my legs extended as I leaped towards the edge. Tenko grabbed my hand just in time so I would be able to make it up.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. She seemed to frown at the praise, but soon Himiko came and grabbed my other hand.

"We got you!" She said with a grunt as the two of them pulled my body onto the floor. I panted when I was finally able to stand...I feel so tired, but now isn't the time to falter or even slow down...we need to keep moving.

"Guys..." Kaito whispered, drawing my attention from my breathing. He coughed up some blood and it was dripping onto Maki's shoulder.

"Kaito!" Maki yelled, turning around to hold him up in front of her. He coughed again and sighed.

"Sorry guys...I was already sick before and I-" He got cut off by some coughs...I felt a frown form on my lips as I went to him and Maki.

"You should all go on without me..." He paused.

"Because...I'll just slow you down..." He whispered, putting his eyes to the floor. Kaito...sure, we never really got along much, but Kaito isn't a bad dude...just someone who doesn't agree with me most of the time. He is going to die...why...WHY! WHY is this happening! I thought, putting my hands in my hair. Gripping on the thin strands.

"You can't." Maki said looking down so her hair covered her eyes. I looked over at her before giving Tenko and Himiko a side glance.

"Maki?" Himiko asked, sounding a bit scared and confused.

"DAMNIT! YOU CAN'T DIE ON ME!" Maki screamed at Kaito revealing her tear stained face. Kaito seemed surprised by this reaction.

"Maki...don't cry...smile." He said weakly with a pained laugh. Maki just cried harder.

"I-I...I have never felt these feelings before I met you! And I-I don't want to lose that!" She yelled finally letting her cold persona fade away...to reveal the raw emotions she has been having on the inside.

"You...l-like me?" He asked before he smiled.

"I like you too Maki!" He laughed before adding. "You are a good friend to me!"

"Dumbass..." She whispered, putting her head against his chest. He seemed to be more confused.

"Maki?" He asked gently, putting his hands on her shoulders to hold his weight off his ankle.

"I love you ok?!" She yelled before looking away with a blush on her face. I smiled. She was finally able to tell him, sure the situation isn't ideal...but she still was able to.

"Y-you..." He cut himself off before he blushed and looked away. After a short moment of silence Tenko spoke,

"We should get moving, we still have the fifth floor and possibly the sixth..." She said before Himiko nodded.

"We don't have a moment to waste!" Himiko exclaimed before Tenko finally put her back on the floor. I looked over to Maki who was wiping her tears away quickly before she went back to being Kaito's crutch.

"Alright! Let's give it our best..." He said as his voice was slowly becoming more and more hoarse. Maki frowned as we all walked up the stairs to the next floor. The next floor was completely grey...and the ground and walls seemed to be metal..what the hell is this floor puzzle? Half of me didn't want to know the answer to that question...while the other part knew we needed to get to the end of it...to get to Shuichi.

-Another part! Thank you all so much for reading!-


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