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T/W There are themes of depression and minor self-harm themes in upcoming chapters.

"Kokichi.," Shuichi said flustered.

"Yeah Saihara-chan?"

"I want you..." Shuichi started but covered his mouth with his hand in an attempt to hide his blush.

"You want what Saihara-chan?" Kokichi asked concerned.

"I want you to be able, to be honest with me..." He looked away scared of the expression he would have.

"Saihara-chan..." Kokichi wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry that I made you think that I don't trust you Saihara-chan..." He said bringing his head to Shuichi's chest.

"Cause I trust you more than you can imagine, but" He paused pulling away to see Shuichi's face.

"I have been lying for a long time... And it's going to be hard to try and be completely honest with you... So you just have to trust me and be patient with me. Is that ok with you Saihara-chan?" He said looking into Shuichi's eyes. Shuichi was trying to hold back tears from the words just said. He didn't say anything he just closed his eyes and pulled Kokichi into an embrace.

"Sorry Saihara-chan you must be exhausted you should get some sleep," Kokichi said putting his arms on his upper back and started tracing circles.

"It's ok Kokichi I just want you to be safe because I was never there for you before and you could have-" He said tears brimming over his eyes.

"You don't have to worry now Saihara-chan cause I promise I will stay by your side," Kokichi said muffled by Shuichi's shirt.

"Thank you Kokichi..." He could barely finish his sentence before sleep consumed him.

. . .Time Skip the next day. . .

Kokichi's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed for the first time in a very long time. I can't even remember the last time I slept this well. Maybe it's because I have Saihara-chan with me...

I looked over at his face he looks so cute when he sleeps. I'm really glad I'm this lucky to be with Saihara-chan like this. He deserves so much more than me. I'm a lying bastard and he is an amazing detective that can be kind to anyone and still be able to solve a case without getting too distracted by others' feelings. I admire Saihara-chan for this. He is so strong and smart. And well I'm the farthest thing from that...

"Ko-Kokichi..." Shuichi mumbled in his sleep. He is even thinking of me when he is asleep. I could feel a blush spreading on my face and I could see why. Saihara-chan always had a way of making me flustered before but I never let it show. But now he is just so adorable.

I wiped some drool off of his mouth and snuggled into his chest.

He is so warm. I feel so safe in Saihara-chan's arms. I wish I could stay like this and never leave...

But knowing we are in a killing game this will never be the case.

. . .

"Kokichi?" Shuichi asked as his eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me. He smiled at me and I returned it not even trying to suppress the happiness I was feeling from being by his side.

"How long have you been up?" Shuichi asked putting his hand on my face to caress my cheek.

"Not too long Saihara-chan. Don't worry about me alright." I said trying to keep my smile even though I felt a feeling of sadness in the back of my mind.

"Kokichi I'm always going to worry about you because..." He paused kissing my forehead lingering there for a second before moving to my eyelids and the corner of my mouth.

"I love you Kokichi." He said I could feel his hot breath on my lips before he put his on mine closing the gap.

We stayed like this for a moment before he slowly pulled away to look at me.

"I will tell you as many times as I have to Kokichi. Because it's true." He said with a serious expression. I tried to find any uncertainty on his face, but he wasn't lying. Tears started to fall down my face and Shuichi's face immediately became worried.

"Kokichi I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" He said wiping the tears off my face.

"Saihara-chan you did nothing wrong I have just never felt this way before," I said before nuzzling into his hand.

"I-I love you Saihara-chan and I want you to know that I really care about you and want you to be happy and if you are happy with me then I'm happy," I said smiling before trailing kisses up his arm and ending with one on his lips.

We sat there in silence just holding each other in an embrace. I felt so safe and comfortable with Saihara-chan.

And this is no lie.

-Chapter 2 to the one-shot nightmares in my one-shot book! I hope you enjoy! I'm kinda a sucker for writing touchy-feely stuff with Shuichi and Kokichi cause I just love this ship so much <3-


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