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Shuichi's POV

"Kokichi?" I asked a little hesitant because one I was breaking the silence and two I don't know if he wants to talk right now.

"Saihara-Chan?" Kokichi said turning around on me and looking me in the eyes.

"Do you...     want to talk about... what happened?" I asked moving his hair out of his face.

"Um..." he started looking nervous when he said that. Did I say something wrong? Am I being to nosy?

"Well... I'm scared... you will..." He paused putting his head down. What is he scared about? What kind of nightmare did he have?

"Think less of me..." He finished finally. Think less of him?

"Why would I think less of you?" I asked in a tone that could be taken as accusing, but in actuality I was worried...

"Because I'm so weak... you must think I'm weak for not being strong enough... to just fight this..." He said starting to cry. I let him cry while slowly pulling him closer to me until he was crying into my chest. My heart hurts every time he says things like that... Why can't he see how great he is? Why can't he see that nothing could change how I look at him?

"Kokichi... I don't think you're weak... if anything, I think you're so strong for what you have gone through. I am so happy that you are strong. Because I have you now because you have stayed alive through all of this." I said holding his face in my hands with a smile on my face. He looked at me and tried to pull away, but I pulled him into a kiss. I slowly pulled away after a moment and nuzzled my head into his neck.

"S-S-Saihara-" he started shuddering from my touch before I cut him off not wanting him to try and tell me how terrible he is. I don't want him saying things like that about himself when it is just a complete and total lie.

"Kokichi, you mean a lot to me and you are so strong for making it this far. I highly doubt I would be able to be as strong as you..."

"But Saihara-Chan-" He started again but I kept talking.

"I want you to know for a fact that I will never think less of you about you no matter what. I want to stay by your side to make sure you're ok. I want you to be able to talk to me when you're scared, confused, bored, lonely, or just want to talk. You can tell me anything." I said placing a gentle kiss on his neck causing him to shiver and rest his head on top of mine.

He didn't say anything for a moment causing my feeling of anxiety slowly become more apparent. I was about to move to see his face only to be stopped by his arms around my shoulders.

"Koki-" I started soon interrupted by Kokichi's voice.

"Saihara-Chan... I want to thank you for being by my side for as long as you have. And I want you to know that I'm happy we can have moments like this... But... I want you to know that I do trust you... and I want to talk about what happened." Kokichi said with a shaky breath. I slowly lifted my head to look at his face. He looked nervous. I tried to give a reassuring smile to tell him it was ok to tell me. I hope that made him feel more at ease.

Kokichi's POV

I took in a shaky breath. I have to start somewhere. When I was younger one of my trusted friends told me that when you have something that is painful to have on your shoulders it's better to tell someone about it... I want Saihara-Chan to know that I trust him. So for me and him... I am going to tell him how I'm feeling. The total truth. No lies.

I closed my eyes taking another deep breath. Before looking back at Saihara. This is it.

"If you couldn't tell I'm not a big fan of sleeping... Because even since I was a little kid I would have nightmares. And my parents..." I paused. Maybe it's not best to mention them now...

Nightmares -Saiouma/Oumasai-Where stories live. Discover now