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Kokichi's POV
"Maybe, but it wouldn't be best to just make blind accusations..." Shuichi whispered from behind me. "Yeah, that would just make it harder to work together... if we accuse everyone of being the mastermind..." I whispered before I realized... one of us could be the mastermind...

"What if it's one of us?" Kaito said giving me a deadpan look. I know I have been pretty suspicious... but that's only because I was trying to find a good time to kill myself... "Yeah it could be... but I feel like there is some evidence it isn't one of us..." Maki said quietly.

"Like what?" I asked. "Well, for example, Kokichi was targeted in the last motive... and I highly doubt the mastermind would target only themselves because that could be suspicious later on..." Maki said looking down with her hands on her knees. "That makes sense," Kaito said with a small nod.

"Also Shuichi because he has been with Kokichi these past weeks... and I assume the mastermind has to monitor the school... somewhere where no one else is... So it can't be Shuichi because he has a solid alibi." Maki said pointing to us. I smiled knowing that he has been staying by my side for this long. Most people can't do that... and I'm glad that he loves me that much to show me he does all the time.

"What about me?" Kaito asked looking a bit pale. "I don't really have any solid proof... because you always leave at random sometimes and you are alone for long periods of time..." Maki said with a frown. "But to make you feel any better. I don't have solid proof it's not me either." She said as Kaito paled even more.

"You guys don't think it's me right?!" Kaito asked startled. I laughed at how scared he was. "I highly doubt it could be someone who is as big of a dumbass as you are," I said making Shuichi giggle. "I'm not a-" he started to yell to rebuttal but Maki cut him off. "Idiot, he is vouching for you... so if you don't want us to think it's you, maybe just embrace that you are a dumbass..." Maki said quietly making Kaito scoff. He turned his head to the side, folding his arms. Sometimes I'm certain Maki is like his mom... it's kind of hilarious.

"Alright, so we know that there is a mastermind and we are most likely being filmed in the school and courtyard..." Shuichi said tracing my fingers. I smiled down at our hands before responding to the group. "Yeah, so we should plan to do meetings like this often.." I said while Maki nodded. "We could do it after we train," Maki said standing up. Shuichi pulled me up and pulled me into a hug.

We stayed like that for a moment and I took in his scent letting myself feel at ease. Kaito stood up and they left my room with a brief goodbye leaving me and Shuichi alone. "So Kichi, who do you think it is?" Shuichi asked holding onto my shoulders. "I think that it's too early to tell... because even if we tell everyone... there are so many people making it hard to narrow down who it could be," I said moving closer to his chest. "That's what I was thinking too..." he said voice shaking.

I know he is nervous about this entire thing. I can't blame him... knowing another death could happen and there is a possibility we can't find the mastermind... I sighed and walked Shuichi over to sit down on my bed. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Shu... what if one of us gets killed..." I asked quietly not wanting the question to leave my mouth. Shuichi wrapped his arms around me. "It's going to be ok because no matter what we are going to make it out of here together." He said bringing my chin to his face. He pressed his lips against mine making all my thoughts stop. I put my hands on the side of his face while his went down to my hips. I smiled against his lips making him smile back.

I love you so much Shuichi... I will protect you no matter what... even if that means I have to end this game myself... even if it means I have to leave you to win the game by yourself... out of anyone I want you to be the one to ask it out.

Ding Dong

Bing Bong

The night time announcement rang throughout my room making me jump. "It is now 10 pm!" Monopiane exclaimed. "So you should go and get some sleep!" Monotaro said before the monitor shut off.

I looked up at Shuichi. "He ShuShu?" I asked holding his hand in mine. "Yeah Kichi?" He asked looking at me giving me his full attention. "I was wondering... do you think the others are actually planning to kill me because of the motive," I asked hands starting to shake. He brought my hands to my cheeks giving them a squeeze. "I won't let that happen." He said with a smile. I smiled back. I know that he is being honest with me and it makes me so happy that he trusts me as much as I trust him... this is the first time this has happened.

"We should go outside for training, right?" Shuichi asked me. I nodded up at him before we stood up and left for the courtyard. "So what do you guys do anyway?" I asked feeling slightly concerned because I'm not the strongest person... "we usually just do sit-ups or something, but sometimes we will just sit and talk." Shuichi said intertwining his fingers with mine making me blush. We walked out to the courtyard seeing Kaito and Maki already out there talking to each other.

"Hey, guys," Shuichi said with a wave. "You made it!" Kaito yelled with a big smile. "Alright so let's just do 50 sit-ups and then we can skip the meeting today since we already had one," Maki said moving to sit in the grass. Kokichi sat next to me and we both did our sit-ups. I only did 20 because I didn't want to make my stomach hurt.

My stomach has been weird ever since I was a kid. Whenever I would eat too much I would throw up in the middle of the night and be fine the next day. But even sometimes when I ate a good amount I would still throw up at least once every two weeks. Sometimes if I didn't eat anything I would just be gagging up nothing for hours before passing out from exhaustion.

Shuichi didn't say anything about it and got his done before sitting up next to me. "Alright, well good night you guys!" Kaito said waving as Shuichi offered me his hand pulling me up. We both waved to them before going back to the dorms.

"Who's room did you want to sleep in tonight?" I asked turning to face him. "We could sleep in mine..." he said quietly before blushing. I put my hand on his cheek and pulled him down to kiss him on the cheek before we walked over to his dorm room.

We got into his dorm room. I walked over to his closet to grab the pajamas I left here. I slipped them on and Shuichi did the same. He put his arms around my torso nuzzling his head into my neck. "I love you Kichi." He whispered sounding like he was going to pass out any moment. "I love you to my beloved ShuShu," I whispered before turning around to kiss his forehead.

He walked over to his bed and pulled the covers back, before sliding in. He gestured for me to join him. I smiled and let myself slide into his arms. I turned around to face him wrapping my arms around his. "Goodnight Shu," I said closing my eyes. "Goodnight Kichi." He whispered before he closed his eyes and was out moments later. I laughed to myself before moving as close as I could be to him before letting myself fall asleep in his embrace.

-School is today... I have no idea how to feel about it... another week of homework and going to a place where people don't like me... well it has to be done. Thanks for reading!-


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