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"Oh the looks on your faces~what a terrible tragedy!" She screamed, making my ears hurt. What did she do to Gonta?!

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!" I heard Himiko scream out to Tsumugi. Tsumugi didn't look like she did before today...she looked inhumane...she didn't even look real.

"Oh~ Would you like to know why the stupid hero has fallen?" She asked, putting a hand to her chin for a moment. This was before her eyes went wide and she burst into laughter.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled before I could even comprehend the words that left my mouth. Shuichi was still trembling from beside me. This whole thing makes me sick...honestly why did she kill Gonta? Didn't Monokuma say that he wouldn't--wait that doesn't apply to Tsumugi...

"Poor Stupid Gonta got here before all of you fools~! And sadly that's the reason for his sickening demise~" She said in the same almost fond tone. The words sent shivers down my spine. Every word was like a small prick in my skin, as if a needle was slowly poking into it as she spoke, making my whole body feel so weak.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked moving closer to her. She blushed more and moved towards me quickly holding my cheeks in her hands.

"Oh, my god you are adorable~ especially when you are in pain~ maybe I should just~," She said before digging her nails into the side of my neck. I felt myself bite down on my lip to conceal the pain I felt...I couldn't let her know how much that hurt me...or she will definitely go farther.

"No reaction huh? Talk about boring~ I wonder what Shuichi even sees in you~" I felt some sadness come into my heart. She's right...he shouldn't be with someone like me--

"KOKICHI!" Shuichi screamed before the floor came out from under him and the lights went out. I wanted to scream but didn't hear any sound other than the scared whimpers of the others still in the room. Himiko was crying and Tenko was gently reassuring her, but that was all that could be heard for a long moment.

I could only feel the sense of dread come over me knowing Shuichi was no longer by my side. Why did she have to take him! Why Why WHY! I hate her for taking him from me! How the hell am I supposed to do this without him...

The darkness made my anxiety rise...where did she take Shuichi? Why did she even take him in the first place? Isn't killing one of us off enough...?

I looked over to where the hole was were Shuichi had fallen moments ago...I thought about moving over towards it so maybe it would lead to a way to him...but I knew that I was stuck here even if the floor was open still, because we are playing Tsumugi's game...except we don't know any of the rules.

The light's soon flashed on before we all looked at each other. Maki, Tenko, Himiko, Kaito, and Keebo were the only living people in the room. I looked over at Gonta...why did she have to take you? You deserved to live more than any of us...more than me.

"What did she do to Shuichi...?" I heard myself ask, not really expecting to get any sort of response. Maki was the first to speak,

"We need to find him, because all we know now is that he is still alive." She said calmly.

"I don't like this!" Kaito yelled while his eyes went wide. I was a little surprised by the reaction but honestly I feel the same way right now...I need to find Shuichi!! No matter what it takes! I must-

"Ah~ Hello Ultimates!" I heard the announcement go off. Am I hearing things...? I looked over at the monitor and saw Tsumugi sitting on the couch with Monokuma in her lap, but there was also a small bottle in her hand.

"Here is the task you must do to find Shuichi~," She started. I already felt my senses on high alert and this wasn't making it any better.

"Shuichi is poisoned and only has hours to live~ how sad~ but with this antidote he will be able to be healed~ Be warned there are traps set up in the school~! Oh! And be ready to take on the extisals! Best of luck! Happy killing!" She screeched before the monitor shut off. What the hell? I looked over to the others who seemed confused and scared. I need a plan...we need to be able to find Shuichi somewhere in the school...I think it would be good to check the dorms just in case, but that all depends on where the traps are.

"Kokichi, I'm sure you can come up with a plan to help us find Shuichi," He held his hand out to me. I was confused by this because this is Kaito we are talking about. I shakily took his hand and shook it.

"I believe in you, so help us to find him," He said again before Keeboy added.

"I know he means a lot to you, but don't let her get in your head," His reassurance made me feel better about it, and I smiled at the both of them as I dropped Kaito's hand.

My thoughts went back to Shuichi...where would she put him in this game. If he is the king of hearts and we are adventurers trying to save him from the wicked queen...then how are we supposed to find him...maybe he is in a tower of some sort---wait, the higher floors of the school! There must be more and because the trial ended we should be able to unlock new ones! So let's start there, I have a plan and now I know how we can beat her at her own game!

"Tsumugi wants to play a game~ Then let's do one hell of a play~!" I said with my confident smile. I can do this with the others by my side! We are coming, Tsumugi, so you better be ready.

-Sorry for the wait on this one and on the post in my oneshots book, thank you so much for reading though!! Stay safe lovelies!!-


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