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"Well, I think this could possibly be irrelevant...because at this time of night most of us were already in our own rooms--except for the killer and Angie." Kiyo said, making me frown a bit. He is right about that, this isn't like Kirumi's trial because we all were off doing our own thing so there isn't much we can get from that.

I looked back down at the evidence...wait, Tsumugi said that only student council members could enter...but we already went over that--wait, if the killer used the floorboard to hit Angie wouldn't it have to be someone who knew the floorboard was loose?

"Shuichi, what about the floorboard that has Angie's blood on it?" I said trying to get him to see what I just figured out.

"What about it?" He asked looking back over at me. Some of the others did the same...should I just go out and say it?

"You mean how it's suspicious that they were able to use the floorboard so randomly right?" Tenko asked.

"Yes," I said with a pause. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this...because there are multiple ways we could potentially go with this evidence, but that doesn't mean we have to. Because we need to find the culprit that should be our goal.

"Wouldn't that mean you're suggesting that the floorboard might have something to do with the Seance?" Shuichi asked, looking back over to me. I gave him a nod before he put his hand back to his chin.

"Now that we know how Angie died...we should look at Miu's murder to see if we can find any more clues about the killer or possible killers," Shuichi said getting the discussion going again. I smiled to myself knowing that we were finally getting to a point where we are closer to finding the killer.

"Yeah, about her death, she was killed during the seance right?" Keebo asked.

"Yes--I mean that is the most reasonable explanation." Tsumugi added. She looked more confused even though she was able to get a good point across.

"I think the floorboard, mostly the cut cross piece, are a big part of what happened," Shuichi stated. I felt my brain start to piece things together again. So, if Angie was killed in that empty room and that was the cause of the whole blood under the floor and the dried blood on the floorboard...and it was the same board that was resting across the cut cross piece of the floor, so I'm positive these are related...this points to the blackned to actually be the same person--but the question is who did it?

"If the blood from Angies murder is on the floorboard than whoever must have been cutting the crosspeices must have used the floorboard they already removed or were going to remove to cut the crosspeice." I said biting on my nail. That sounds right, but I'm not sure if Shuichi will be able to figure out what I'm trying to say...but I mean he is the ultimate detective so I'm sure he will be able to figure this out!

"That means that the person who killed Angie must have killed Miu as well!" Himiko said with a smile. This new energy from her must be the aftermath of the rude awakening she must have had from losing a friend of hers...I mean I know that would take a toll on me, because it's happened before--I shook my head before any painful memories could come back and focused back on the trial.

"Back to the seance...was there anything about it besides the fact that Miu ended up dying during it?" Keebo asked, looking around at each of the participants of the seance. I flinched a bit before I remembered, what about the noise I heard during it, that was very odd knowing that it wasn't supposed to happen...at least I assume so because Kiyo was so set on everything being silent besides the singing...

"Yes, there was a loud thudding noise during the part where we all sang together." I stated. I didn't know anything else about it. I know it's related to the floorboard, but the question is how and why they are connected...I know they are but I can't put it together yet.

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