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Kokichi woke up with a yawn and looked up at Shuichi looking down at him with a smile. Shuichi was content with holding the smaller boy in his arms. Kokichi smiled at him with a half-lidded smile sleep still clinging to him. He was so happy with being with Shuichi and even half-awake he was smiling up at him. His arms were around his torso while Shuichi's were on his sides holding him close to him.

Kokichi just moved his arms to Shuichi's chest and let his head rest in between his hands and let his eyes close again. Shuichi looked over to Kokichi's clothes over in the corner and saw the little doll nestled in his scarf making him blush. He moved his arms around Kokichi's neck and flushed. They stayed there for a moment before Kokichi finally opened his eyes again.

"Hey Shuichi," Kokichi sighed looking into his eyes adoringly.

"Hello beautiful," Shuichi said tucking Kokichi's hair behind his ear making the smaller blush.

"But I'm not-" Kokichi started to make a self-deprecating comment but Shuichi cut him off with a kiss.

"You are an Angel Kokichi. The most beautiful one of all of them." He said making Kokichi's eyes widen while his blush darkened.

"If anything you're an angel with that angelic voice of yours..." Kokichi said under his breath looking to the side.

"Oh, you heard me last night?" He asked voice shaking a bit. Kokichi looked back at him seeing he was embarrassed. He smiled while his composer came back.

"Yeah, and your voice was one in a million. It was so beautiful. I wanted to stay awake just to hear your singing." Kokichi said taking his cheek in his hand caressing it with a small smile. Shuichi just blushed more and couldn't bring himself to look at Kokichi. It's not that Shuichi didn't like his singing voice... just others haven't in the past and this made him anxious to sing in front of other people...

"You think so..." Shuichi said under his breath still not finding the courage to meet Kokichi's eyes.

"I wouldn't lie to you about this," Kokichi said sternly loving his other hand to caress Shuichi's other cheek.

"Hey, look at me Shuichi," Kokichi said softly trying to coax Shuichi to get him to look at him.

"Mn," Shuichi groaned and slowly moved his eyes to meet Kokichi's. Shuichi absolutely loved Kokichi's eyes, the beautiful purple they are, wait...

Shuichi looked at Kokichi confused seeing that Kokichi's left eye was slightly yellow around the edges. Kokichi looked at him confused before he knew what he was looking at. Kokichi averted his gaze but Shuichi moved his hand to his chin to hold him in place. He was much too curious to let this one go.

"Kokichi are you wearing a contact?" Shuichi asked looking concerned and a little confused that Kokichi never thought to mention this to him before.

"Y-Yeah..." Kokichi said getting more nervous. Suddenly worried that Shuichi would judge him just like everyone else. Hate him for something he was born with.

"Why do you-" Shuichi started only to be cut off by Kokichi getting up briefly while flinching a bit before heading into the bathroom. He opened a drawer and pulled out a container and popped out the contact in his left eye. He took in a shaky breath before turning back around to Shuichi who was now standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Kokichi-" Shuichi started but Kokichi cut him off again not wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Don't I know it's super gross and repulsive. Everyone tells me that when they find out. Maybe it's better that you are disgusted by this... so you won't have to be around me as much-" Kokichi said only to be wrapped in Shuichi's arms with one of his hands petting the back of his head.

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