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"Look here," The man pulled out his phone and showed the 5 of us the profiles of the missing kids he mentioned earlier. I felt my blood run cold...they were pictures of all of us....Kaito, Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, Keeboy, Miu, Angie, Korekiyo, Kirumi, Gonta...and the five of us. Tsumugi wasn't even on the sheet and it made sense...because she was the mastermind---so I'm not even sure if we knew her from before...

It said in the article that we were all taken when we were roughly around 14...so that must mean we are all about 17 now...

"I'm going to call the police to let him know you 5 are here!" Hajime yelled before his kid slowly waved their hand out to me.

"Here! Y-you can come home with us a-and then you can meet papa," They said with a wide smile. I smiled back and let the small child take my hand.

"Good idea Go-go," Hajime said as he slowly motioned towards us to walk back down the road with him. We quickly exchanged glances worried that this person could be another person who just wanted to trap us somewhere...It was a possibility, but I hoped that something like that godforsaken game we were trapped in won't happen again...to anyone.

"Ah, sorry, this is my daughter Go-go," He said, turning back to us with a smile.

"You kids must be pretty scared from being missing for 3 years and coming back....I don't want to interrogate any of you because you must have been through hell and back to get here," He said gesturing towards our wounds. My grip on Shuichi's hand tightened as I felt the pain and realization of what we had been through to get out of that place. He smiled and gently placed a kiss on my forehead. I immediately blushed because I was worried that this father would be all judgemental and shit-

"Well it's nice to see some other people in my community around," He said, giving the two of us a smile. Shuichi blushed harder than I did.

"You mean you-" I started before his daughter cut me off.

"Yeah! Papa and Daddy love each other and you must be the same with this blue beauty!" She exclaimed with stars in her eyes. I laughed a little bit at this and Shuichi only covered his now red face.

"Y-yeah, my husband Nagito is at home. Me and Go-go went on a walk around the forest today, I already texted him to let him know you are all coming over." He said with a soft smile. I think I have heard that name before...

"You mean Nagito Komaeda right?" Himiko said, grabbing the attention of Hajime. Hajime blushed and moved his hand to the back of his neck.

"Ah, I didn't know any of you knew him--how do you know him if you don't mind me asking," He said as he started walking with his daughter's hand in his own. We all followed behind him and I think all the others felt the same weight come off of our shoulders. It felt nice to be in the presence of someone so nice...and some one who happens to be in the community like me and Shuichi.

"Yeah, I met him once after a show because he was able to see through my master's magic...so I know him," She said, looking to the side timidly. Tenko gently rubbed her shoulders.

"I'm sure your magic is just as great as his! And I'm sure we will be able to find him so you can show him all the things you have learned!" Tenko said, making Himiko smile.

"Thank you," She was blushing and hid his face by lowering her hat over her eyes. I remember when Shuichi would do that all the time...it was annoying to me, but it was also adorable so I let it slide~

"So, how did you know it was us?" I asked, moving to a more serious topic. Hajime looked over his shoulder at me for a moment before he turned back to see the path in front of him.

"Nagito and I used to both go to Hope's Peak...so when the news went out that 15 students from our high school went missing we tried to help all we could to find them...Chiaki and some of our other classmates from that school tried to help as well, but we never had any luck...I was just beginning to think we would never be able to find you...." He looked down for a moment. I felt the sun beating against my back and it made me feel a little sleepy because of how warm it was against my skin.

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