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We walked down the hall to go up to the floor we unlocked after the last trial...it looked like there was a door near Maki's lab.

"Hey, ShuShu! What about this~!" I said gesturing to the door. Shuichi nodded and walked over pulling out the key. Soon after he put the key into the door the wall broke down like it broke down when we were able to access this floor.

"That still makes me jump..." Shuichi sighed grabbing my hand in his. I could tell he was shaking from before...it made me frown a bit. I brought his hand to my lips and let them linger there for a moment.

"I love you~," I cooed letting his hand fall back to my side. He blushed but didn't say anything else before we moved up the stairs.

"I love you too..." He said covering his face with his other hand. I giggled before I was cut off by the aura the new floor brought.

The walls were red and had weird symbols on them. The floor was uneven and I made sure to watch my step. There were three rooms lined up on the wall of a hall with an odd picture frame on the wall at the end. Then there was Korekiyo's lab...and yeah it was full of ancient artifacts and full of scrolls and a ton of history. No surprise there.

Angie's lab was full of sculpting things and other art supplies. There were a lot of things going on in the room...but the one thing I noticed was there were two different locks on the front and side door...interesting.

"Two new labs on this floor," Shuichi said as a matter of factly. I smiled as he put his hand on his chin observing the room.

"Hey, Shuichi, remember the ninja statue outside?" I paused until he nodded back at me.

"Why don't we go and use this on the statue?" I asked with a smirk. He looked at me for a moment before he nodded his head.

"That sounds like a good plan," He grabbed my hand again and we walked down to the courtyard where the statue was.

"Hey, Shuichi!" Kaito yelled running over to us. Shuichi's eyes widened when he looked over at Kaito.

"What is it?" He asked cautiously. I felt his hand shake in mine...it made me sad how this situation makes him so nervous...I mean it makes sense knowing what situation we are in...

"Maki wanted your both to come to training today!" He exclaimed raising his arms. I could tell by the way he was talking that this was not all we would be doing at training...

Maki must want to have another meeting. Did she find something? Was she also hearing what they were saying to me? I mean she probably did...she knows a lot and is way smarter than I gave her credit for.

"Ok, we will be there..." Shuichi must have noticed the off-tone Kaito was using. I pulled him down the stairs to the other part of the courtyard.

"Thank you, Kaito! Later!!" I yelled back at him. Shuichi looked at me with a startled look. I stopped in place and moved so I facing him.

"Hey, ShuShu it's going to be ok," I moved my hands to his shoulders. I rubbed his shoulders making him slump against me. I smiled and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

I could tell he was nervous. I could feel him shaking in my arms...and it made me frown...I know we had to get the new areas unlocked...but it's more important that my love is feeling safe.

It's ok

I'm right here love

Just breathe

I love you so much

Shh shh

It's going to be alright

I'm not going to leave you

I love you Shuichi

His shoulders soon relaxed. "Thanks, Kokichi...I'm just feeling so nervous about all of this...what if something happens to you and-" I put my finger to his lips before planting a kiss on both of his cheeks.

"I won't let that happen, I love you and it's going to be ok," I kissed his lips for a moment and let myself relax into the embrace.

I took in his scent and let myself get lost in my moment with my love. The killing game and all the other students all disappeared as his lips moved gently against mine. His arms snake around my waist pulling me closer to him. I smiled against his lips and let myself wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you Kokichi," He gave me a smile before he grabbed my hand and led me to the statue. He paused for a moment before he placed the scroll in the statue.

"Well, this is another lab, at least, I think it is," Shuichi awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I chuckled at his awkwardness before walking up next to him.

"Yeah, but who's though?" I asked looking up at Shuichi. He quickly looked down at me and smiled.

"Why don't we go and find out~," Shuichi said in a teasing tone that made me freeze for a moment. My face got slightly pink before I shook my head and suppressed my blush.

"Yeah~ it will be nice~," I teased back regaining my composure. Shuichi sighed and laughed slightly when we walked into the lab.

It was definitely Tenko's lab. There was martial arts stuff all over the place...it was kind of unnerving...

We didn't spend much time on Tenko's lab before we went back upstairs. Some more students have come upstairs and are looking around the new floor.

We saw Monokuma standing next to the odd picture at the end of the hall. It was especially weird how he was missing patches of his fur...

"Monokuma?" Shuichi asked only to get silence. He sighed and put his hand on the bridge of his nose.

"What do you want us to do? Why are you even here?" He asked slowly only to get the same silence. What the hell is going on with Monokuma?!

"Hey wait we have a hammer!" I yelled suddenly getting an idea and break the picture frame. Shuichi gasped when I grabbed the hammer but didn't stop me.

I rushed up to the picture and slammed the hammer as hard as I could against it.


-Here is the next part!! Thank you all so much for reading!! I went on a walk with my friend Cherry-San today! It was super fun!! I hope you are all having a good day!! Thanks again!!-


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