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Shuichi finished making the sandwiches and we both ate them quietly after we went back to the empty table. Kaito and Maki already left because of how long we took in the kitchen because of the whole Tsumugi situation. I could barely focus with all the thoughts coming into my mind.

Is she really the mastermind? I can't stop thinking about all of the possibilities...wait, in the first trail she was one of the people that we put suspicion on...She had to leave to go to the bathroom for a brief period while she was in the dining hall with some of the other students. That means that she, if she is in fact the mastermind, would have been able to access the secret room and knowing Rantaro could get into that room...and knew where to find it, she saw him as a threat. Therefore, she ended up taking him out. That would also make sense because of the way we all came to the conclusion where Kaede was the murderer. What if the ball missed his head? Wouldn't he have raised his head when the announcement played? Knowing that, Kaede wasn't guilty in the first place...that was just a lie that the mastermind made us believe...oh my god. Tsumugi is the mastermind! She has always been a little more suspicious to me than the others because she blended into the background so well. Why didn't I see this before?!

I looked up at Shuichi as I finished my food and he was giving me a look that told me that he just came to the same conclusion. I smiled a bit knowing that the mastermind was probably watching the two of us...we definitely need to tell the others about this.

Ding Dong

Bing Bong

What I assumed to be the nighttime announcement went off and Shuichi and I turned our heads towards the screen to see what the hell Monokuma wanted to say this time.

"Heyo Ultimates!" He screeched through the monitor making me flinch a bit at the loud sound.

"We have a special announcement for tomorrow! So be sure to meet in the gym after the morning announcement! Goodnight!!" He yelled once more before the monitor quickly shut off, soon returning to it's dormant state on the wall.

"What do you think he wants?" Shuichi asked me as we both stood up. I shrugged my shoulders. I did this mostly because I didn't want to say anything that the mastermind could find out about our plan...

When we both got to the kitchen once more we washed our plates before rinsing them off and putting them away. Shuichi had to take my plate because the shelf was too high for me to reach...sometimes I resent how small I am. I hate being short sometimes...but I mean I can beat Kaito in a race, so there are definitely some perks that come with it.

"We should head to the meeting, dontcha think Shu~?" I said with a teasing tone when I saw him open his mouth to say something. I could tell he wanted to say something about my height...and honestly I don't feel like letting him have the upper hand with that.

"Ah, ok then Koki," He said rustling my hair with his hand. I blushed at this and went to move his hand away before he kissed me.

"H-hey!" I gasped backing up a little from him, but not far enough to get out of his grip. He smirked at me before he kissed me on my forehead.

"I knew you were flustered about having to get my help earlier~," He teased gently rubbing my shoulders so my body relaxed and fell against him. I moved my head into his chest not wanting to have to face him now.

"We should get going as you said," He said with a smile, I could tell by his eyes that he was still teasing me as he moved away from me and grabbed my hand.

"Yes~ we really should, my beloved~," I teased again with a smile on my face. He blushed a bit at this, but I'm sure it's only because he knows I'm going to give him hell later~

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