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"Shuichi! I'm so glad you are alright!" I gasped rushing over to his side after the others started making their way over to me and Shuichi. Shuichi slowly opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment before he blushed.

Before me or him could say anything to me the others came over to embrace him. He hugged Maki and Himiko before giving a handshake to Tenko. I smiled at this and walked up to grab his hand. I watched them with a smile on my face, but I felt a little ping of sadness in the back of my mind...because he went to the others first...and he didn't even come towards me...

I felt more thoughts come to my mind, making the others blocked out from my mind. Leaving me alone with the toxic self-loathing thoughts. Before I even noticed that Shuichi moved towards me, he quickly moved towards me and kissed me.

"Mmph!" My eyes widened and I tried to say something, but he just grabbed my cheeks with one of his hands and made me open my mouth. I blushed at this but decided I wasn't going to let him get the upper hand on me. So, I bit his tongue making him pull back reflexively.

"What the fuck Kokichi?!" He yelled at me, making me laugh. He must have figured it out~ Oh poor Shuichi~ So innocent and kind~ that must have been his way of trying to get me back~ I thought to myself making me want to laugh harder.

"Are you mad that you didn't get poisoned~? Or are you mad about what you drank instead?" I asked, putting a hand to my chin. Shuichi slowly moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug making me blush a bit. I didn't expect him to hug me so suddenly...but he is my boyfriend and he did just make it out of a pretty intense situation where one of us could have died...

"I-I'm glad you are ok." He said with a blush on his face. He didn't meet my eyes out of embarrassment and it made me frown. So I just put my head against his chest, letting my body relax a bit knowing that he was alive. His heartbeat and his scent are here with him, and he is here with me, he is mine and I am his till the end of time.

"We should find a way out of here," Maki said looking over to the slightly opened book shelf in the back of the room. Maybe that leads out of here...or even just out of this room. There was silence in the room other than our own breathing. I flinched a bit at the sudden remark, but decided it would be good if we all started making our way out of here.

"Yes you are right, we should get out of here while we have the chance," I said before grabbing Shuichi's hand and moving towards the bookshelf. There was a small light coming out of the secret door and I was a little nervous about what we would find on the other side.

"Here, you go first," Maki said to Tenko and Himiko. They looked back at the two of us with a smile.

"See you on the other side." Himiko said, giving me and Shuichi brief hugs before she left into the door.

"See you soon," I whispered before they were consumed by the light and it came to when me and Shuichi had to go. I gave his hand a supportive squeeze before we slowly moved towards the door. I looked back over my shoulder for a moment and saw Maki with a troubled expression on her face.

"Hey Maki you don't have to be alone...I know how much it must hurt to not have him here." I paused pulling my hand away from Shuichi. I could tell he was confused by this action but regardless he let me go.

Maki stepped away from me and I slowly kept my distance. "You are with us now, we all care about you and want you to make it out of here alive." I whispered gently, taking her hand in my own. She looked over to one of the fallen robots and was eyeing the knife. I could tell she was on the verge of crying...I know I would be the same way if it was Shuichi...and I know for a fact they would all be here to help me and care for me, showing me that he wouldn't want me to just let myself waste away...

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