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When we were all standing on the metal floor there was a slam that came from behind us. I looked back and saw that the open stairway behind us was no longer there...this was just another reminder that we are all trapped here and we will never be able to get out...no. No. NO! I can't think that! We are all going to make it out of here alive! Live on for our fallen classmates, friends, and comrades...we are going to live on so they didn't die in vain.

Rantaro, I didn't know much about him but he was trying to end the killing game, just like me, and just like the rest of us. He seems like a big brother kind of guy and maybe that's why I felt like I would be able to trust him better than any of the others. Why did he have to die first...why did that whole trial have to take place if Kaede didn't kill anyone...Kaede

Kaede, she was a very happy and outgoing person. She did have a tendency to keep pushing people even if they were already past there limit...but overall I'm grateful for her, and wished that she didn't have to die...because Shuichi was good friends with her, and I can still tell that her death bothers him...and I know for a fact he sadly is still blaming himself for it.

"Kokichi, it's quiet..." Himiko whispered, cutting my thoughts off for a moment. I looked around the dimly lit room. There was nothing standing in the way of us and you could see the staircase...so why were they not moving?

"The staircase is over there so shouldn't we-" Tenko asked, answering my question, but she got cut off by the floor creaking loudly. I had to cover my ears because of the inhuman screeching sound that came from the ground. I slowly opened my eyes as the sound died down.

The room was now surrounded with walls that extended higher than I could see the top of...so this is the game, it's a maze. I thought to myself before looking to the others. Kaito's eyes were closed and I could tell he was using every ounce of energy he had left to stay awake so Maki didn't have to carry all of his weight. Maki was looking forward with a determined look in her eyes. Himiko looked slightly worried and Tenko looked shocked.

"This is a maze, and I'm assuming that we need to get through it to find the staircase," I said pointing to the three hallways in front of us. Left, Center, and Right...which one to choose.

"We all need to stick together, because breaking up in this maze would make us all easier to pick off..." Tenko whispered the last couple of words, almost as if she was afraid to say them...I'm assuming because of all the people we have already lost.

"Good plan." Maki said, taking the front before going into the Left hallway. I briefly looked to the others and they just shrugged before following behind them. I walked in the very back before the announcement went off, making the others stop to look at the monitor that was being held by one of the MonoKubs.

"Upupupu!" Tsumugi laughed, making me groan...why this bitch? I shook my head a couple of times to try to get rid of the headache that was starting to form.

"The last floor wow~! You have come so far~" She teased slowly moving the camera. She was in a room where there were vials on one shelf with binders and folders stacked on another bookshelf. Then there was Shuichi tied into a chair...I felt myself yell before I could hold it back.

"Shuichi!" I called out hoping that somehow he would hear my call, and that he would move to show me that he is still living and here with the rest of us. He didn't move at all Tsumugi's grin widened showing her white teeth.

"Oh~ You want Shuichi don'tcha darling~" She said gently placing her hand on his cheek before caressing it. I flinched...she can't touch Shuichi....NOT LIKE THAT!!

"Don't touch him you bitch!!" I yelled before Himiko pulled me back. I didn't know I moved towards the monitor until I felt her arms pull me back from walking towards it.

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