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"Remember that dragon Tsumugi thought was odd?" Shuichi asked putting his hand to his chin. "Yeah, the one next to Kaede's ultimate lab." I felt a little nervous about saying Kaede's name...because I don't want him to feel sad about it.

"That's the one, we should go and see if we could use one of these on that?" He sounded confused. I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Well, we got no time to lose!" I exclaimed walking towards Kaede's lab. "Y-yeah," I still think his stutter is super cute! I love how nervous my ShuShu can be~,

"D-do you think this is going to cause another m-murder?" Shuichi's hand started to shake in mine. I hated having him feel so nervous about this...I'm not saying I don't think about that often...but I don't want my love to feel so nervous about something like that.

"I wish I could tell you there wouldn't be another murder." I cupped his cheeks in my hands. "But if you want me to be honest...there was just a new motive..." I cut myself off. I didn't want to bring up the last motive we had along with Kaede...

"That would be wishful thinking...but I'm glad you are here with me, to figure all of this out." He smiled before placing a small kiss on my forehead before pulling me into a hug. "I love you Kokichi, don't forget that...thanks for being honest with me." He said quietly planting a kiss on my neck before placing another on my cheek.

"Shumai~ I love you too~!" I said pulling him into a quick kiss before grabbing his hand to walk to the statue. "Thanks, Kokichi," He whispered under his breath after putting his free hand over his mouth.

"Ok...it is missing one of its eyes..." Shuichi muttered before I grabbed the gem out of his hand. "We should give it another one then!!" I shoved the gem into its other eye jumping up to reach it. The statue started to shake soon afterward. Shuichi pulled me away from it wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well, that worked?" Shuichi asked loosening his grip on me. "Yeah! Look at how well we work as partners Shumai!!" I gasped hugging him playfully before we walked over to the new hallway. The wall had come down and now there was a whole mother part of the floor on the other side.

"I guess," He smiled before walking through the hallway. I rushed over to him and grabbed his hand again. I could tell he was tense because of the loudness of the noise coming from the wall. I rubbed my thumb over his tense knuckles. Bringing his hand my lips briefly planing a kiss on each of his fingers. I gave him a side glance and could tell he was blushing but he was avoiding eye contact.

I do understand that he is easily embarrassed...but I love to see his face. The expressions he can make are super cute and adorable. I love all of them! Except for when others make my Shumai cry...

"This looks like another ultimate lab," Shuichi said bringing me back into the present. I looked at the door and nodded. "We should go and check it out," I said before pushing open the door to reveal Kirumi and Korekiyo standing in the room. The lab was definitely a lad suitable for the ultimate made or mom.

She is like the mom I never had. I respect her a lot...even though I tease her and my ShuShu all the time it doesn't mean that I don't respect them. I respect them a lot more than most people...almost all actually.

"Hello Kokichi and Shuichi," Kirumi said politely before Korekiyo gave a small nod. "This definitely mom-Chan's lab!!" I said making Shuichi sighed. "Yeah, this is suitable for the ultimate maid." Shuichi put his hand on my shoulder making me slightly confused, but I didn't think that much about it.

"Yes, this will make it easier for me to serve others," She said with a bow. I looked around the room and did notice there was a lot of cleaning tools...even a pressure washer. Impressive.

Shuichi looked around the room and went to talk to Kirumi and Korekiyo for a brief moment before he said goodbye and walked out of the room with me. "Shumai?" I asked confused why he seemed more rushed now.

"I just want to find what all of these can be used for." He said but I could tell something was up. Liar. I knew he was lying to me but I didn't want to just pressure him to tell me, especially when other people are around.

"What is this?" I grabbed the ocarina out of his hand and examined it. "It's an ocarina, a wind instrument," Shuichi said walking down the stairs back to the first floor because we had already checked for anything else.

"Shuichi!" Tenko yelled from the front door. "Tenko?" He asked looking over to her confused. Why does she need Shuichi? This is weird coming from the girl who yells degenerate male whenever any boy speaks. I swear on my life this girl has a crush on Himiko. I mean why else would she praise anything she said even if it made no sense?

"We found a building on the way to the back of the school," She said before me and Shuichi followed her to where she was talking about.

Keebo was already by the building that was covered in vines. There were music notes on something that looked like a gravestone. Music notes...the ocarina!

I grabbed the ocarina from Shuichi's hands and looked at the notes. "Smart thinking Kichi!" He said patting me on the head. I blushed at the contact before shaking my head to compose myself.

I played the notes and the vines came down to reveal a pool building. "This is new? There's a pool?" Shuichi has been so confused since we have been unlocking new areas. I mean it isn't that normal for walls to be coming down.

"This is so cool!" Tenko gasped looking at the pool. I think she is way too excited about this...maybe it's just because I would never go swimming for obvious reasons...I looked down at my arms feeling a little disappointed.

Shuichi moved his hand to my arm and rubbed over my scars before placing a kiss on my cheek. It calmed me down. I knew that I would never be able to not be disappointed in my scars...but at least Shuichi doesn't hate them.

-Today has been a slow and weird day...I got a chapter done! Thanks for reading!!-


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