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I blushed and looked to the side before muttering, "Damn you for being so attractive..." I sighed as he stifled his own laughter. This made me feel the urge to make some snarky remark to get back at him...but what I said was true, he is just too attractive and it hurts my heart sometimes.

"Look at me Kokichi," He said, as he stopped walking for a moment. The others looked back at us for a moment before they kept walking. I could tell they were walking slower so we wouldn't be too far to see the light. I looked up at Shuichi feeling confused and concerned about the random mood change. He looked so serious in this moment, so different from the teasing one I saw earlier. I thought he would have taken advantage of my flustered state more than he already did...but I have no clue what he is thinking right now, and that scared me.

"Hey, I love you more than anything," He said with a small sniffle. I immediately felt my face fall into a frown.

"Shu, baby, what's wrong?" I asked, gripping his shoulders with my hands. He let some tears fall from his eyes before he moved closer to me. His face was inching towards my own. I felt some embarrassment forming in my stomach and wanted to crack a joke or cover his lips to get rid of the feeling...but I just let him have control for now.

"Y-You could have been t-taken from me...and I don't want to lose you," He said in a breathy tone. I could feel his breath on my lips and it made my blush increase. I stood my ground as he slowly moved his hand up to cup my cheek. He looked into my eyes and I could see that he wanted to say something to me, but the words didn't ever make it out of his mouth...but I knew what he was trying to say.

I don't want you to scare me like that again, please stay by my side. The words were spoken so clearly even though no words came between us. I was soon becoming mesmerised by how close he was to me, and more specifically my lips. I could feel my breath hitch as his lips grazed my own.

It was a slow kiss as his lips slowly moved against my own. My eyes were already half lidded because of how close he was to my lips, and they were getting even closer to closing as we kissed. I felt my hands and arms move to wrap around his neck before they moved to his hair. He shuddered at the sudden touch and it made me smile. God, I missed you Shuichi...don't leave me again. I thought to myself before letting my eyes close.

The darkness wasn't as empty as it was before. It was not like the darkness in my nightmares, this was me and Shuichi's darkness, where we can be one for just a moment as all the light is closed out from our own eyes. His arms wrapped around my waist before his hand trailed up my back making me sigh at the feeling. It was like a million butterflies erupted throughout my body, spreading the warm and light feeling throughout me, down to my fingers and all the way to my toes.

This made me feel complete. Being in his arms as the world was quiet for just a moment as we collided. It made me feel whole again, like I was missing something and it just returned to me. I was missing something, I was missing my Shu-chan~ my baby. Now, I make this promise to you Shuichi Saihara,

"I won't ever leave you," I muttered out as he said the same thing. I felt him laugh first before he pulled away from me. It wasn't an abrupt parting, but a slow one, I could still feel the warmth of his lips and the heat from his breath lingering on my lips. I could tell he felt it too as he went to hold my hand before the two of us began walking again.

"I know you won't, I love you," He whispered as we started walking towards the light of Himiko's Necklace. It was still very bright and even from how behind we were we could still see everything around us very clearly.

"I love you too," The words seemed to dance off of my tongue, like the words of a good song stuck in your head making you want to dance to it. Making you feel this feeling you feel in no other way, the feeling of overwhelming happiness that you want to share with another person. Shuichi smiled at me and kissed my forehead before he started speed walking to catch up with the others.

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