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T/W There are themes of self-hate and depression in this chapter and upcoming chapters

Shuichi's POV

Ding Dong Bing Bong

"Good morning students it is now 8 am at the ultimate academy!" Monophiane announced.

"So get the hell up you bastards!!" Monokid then yelled before the announcement flickered off.

"Kokichi, you need some new clothes to wear right?" I said looking down at his hair before he moved out of my embrace to look at me.

"Yeah sorry Saihara-chan..." He said looking to the side.

"Why are you sorry Kokichi?" I asked immediately concerned. Why would he be sorry? Is it because he thinks that he is intruding? I need to make sure that's not the reason... Cause he is doing anything but that...

"Because... Saihara-chan... I... I don't want to make you think you have to take care of someone like me... And I put you in a tough spot because if we leave and someone sees us they are going to think the worst... So I wanted to apologize for any problems I have caused and any that will be caused sometime in the future..." He said putting his head down, but I could tell what he said caused him to cry. I lifted his head to try and see if I was right. And this revealed a teary-eyed Kokichi.

"Kokichi you are anything, but a nuisance. I don't think and I will Never think you are a nuisance. Because like I said before I love you Kokichi." I said with a small smile and blush appearing on my face.

"Saihara-chan, I'm sorry you must be irritated with how I am acting. I will try and be better for you Saihara-chan." He said with a tight smile.

"Kokichi!" I said before a slight pause while I put my hands on both sides of his face making him have to look at me.

"I would never ask you to change for me! Because I like you for you ok, you just... Have to be able to believe that this is true." I said before leaning down and kissing him on the cheeks before planting one on his lips only to be interrupted by a knock on the door.




"Hey, Shuichi! I was wondering if you want to go to the cafeteria with me and Makiroll?" Kaito said from behind the door.

"Um Kaito, I will probably take a bit so you guys can leave without me!" I said in a yell to be able to make him hear from behind the door.

"Oh ok, I'll see you soon then," Kaito said before they could hear footsteps fading away from the door.

"Hey, do you want to go with me to your room and get you some clothes?" I said looking back over to Kokichi who was still in the oversized shirt I gave him the night before.

"Sure we might as well be quick so they don't see you with the likes of me..." He said the last part under his breath and I could barely make it out. I'm going to make sure that he knows that I would love to be around him all the time...

Kokichi's POV

"Come on Saihara-chan," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him off the bed. I pulled him over to the door before opening it. We walked to my room in silence to try and not bring any unwanted attention to us.

I unlocked my door and pulled him in before closing the door behind us.

"Kokichi your room looks cleaner than the last time I came here," Shuichi said from behind me.

"Ah! Yeah, Saihara-chan I cleaned it while debating if I was going to go to your room." I said feeling my face get hot. I really didn't want Saihara-chan to see this side of me, but out of anyone, I'm glad it was him. Cutting off my thoughts Saihara-chan came over and pulled me into a hug nuzzling his head into my hair.

"S-saihara-chan." Shit, I didn't mean to stutter. Saihara then seemed surprised by the reaction and moved his hands to my back. They traced circles onto my back and I fell into his embrace because I'm what you would call touch starved.

"S-s-s ai hara..." I said before I closed my eyes leaning into the touch. I have never really liked being touched by other people, but when I'm with Saihara-chan I feel so comfortable that I can't resist and I want more. He traced so more shapes onto my back while all I could do is go limp in his arms nuzzling into him to try and get more affection. I never would have thought Saihara-chan was so affectionate... But I'm not complaining.

He slowly stopped and looked down at me.

"You really liked that didn't you Kokichi?" I didn't even bother responding cause he probably already knew the answer. All I did was cuddle closer to him and wrap my arms around him. I could feel his chest move when he laughed.

"You are so cute Kokichi. You have no idea..." He said petting my hair before he stopped abruptly and made me groan from the loss of contact.

"Kokichi, you almost made me forget why we came here in the first place..." He said with another small laugh.

"Sorry, Saihara-chan," I said pulling out of his arms and walking over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes. I started by putting my scarf on over all the scars on my chest and put on the rest of my clothes quickly. When I was done I turned around to see a flustered Saihara-chan.

"Like what you see." When I said this with a smirk his blush only doubled.

"I-I-I wasn't-" He started, but I quickly cut him off shoving the shirt he let me borrow from him the night before.

"It's alright Saihara-chan if you looked cause I did when you were and Saihara-chan you are absolutely beautiful!" I announced to the room after pulling him into a hug proud of the beautiful boy that I get to be around. And the boy that gave me cuddles this morning and the boy that said he loved me. This thought caused my cheeks to go red.

"What were you thinking just now Kokichi?" He said with a smile on his red face.

"Saihara-chan I was just thinking of how amazing you are and how lucky I am that you chose someone like me," I said with a smile on my face and for once I think it was actually genuine. I could see he was surprised to see me being honest for once and I can't say I'm not surprised by this. Because I am Never completely honest with anyone...

What is this boy doing to me?

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