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We got to the dining hall and as before there were already students talking in their own little groups. There weren't as many glares this time...but maybe that's only because I have three other people around me.

"Ah, Sidekick! You made it!" Kaito said with an excited expression. He gets way to over excited about anything these days...I mean it is Shuichi we are talking about, but this isn't the only instance he has gotten way excited over something that would be considered a normal meeting.

"Yeah, nice to see you," Shuichi said gently, helping me sit down as he took the seat next to me. I smiled at him and let my head rest against his arm as he and Kaito started to chat.

"So, where were you all day today?" Kaito asked with the same smile he always wears. It kind of annoys me how he is always smiling like an idiot even if we are in the middle of the trial. I mean this guy has no chill whatsoever.

"Kokichi and I went on a library date today and then took a brief nap because today has been exhausting," He answered a little bluntly. I blushed for a moment before I was able to get my emotions under control. He always knows exactly what to say to make my brain malfunction while a damn blush comes to my cheeks, I don't even understand how he does it.

"Kokichi on a library date...I didn't know Kokichi liked to read!" He yelled, drawing more attention over to our table. I frowned to myself before I smirked at Kaito. I need to keep the mask on around this idiot...I mean he is Shuichi's friend and all but that doesn't mean I trust him.

"Yeah! My evil organization prides ourselves in our intelligence so reading and literature is something I enjoy!" I said in my normal teasing tone. Kaito frowned at this but then just gave me a smile.

"I'm glad that you and my sidekick have that in common!" He said again, giving me this weird brothery vibe. I looked over at Maki with a confused expression. She just shrugged and went back to eating her food in silence...I sighed to myself internally before smiling back at him.

"Me as well~ Isn't that right Shu~" I teased moving one of my hands to cup his cheek. His cheeks heated up a little at this but his eyes showed me that he wasn't backing down.

"I love that about you~," He teased back, making me feel like breaking down to a flustered mess...but I kept my composure. I'm not giving in that easily Shuichi.

"There are a lot of things I love about you~ Including your-" I was cut off by Himiko interjecting as she and Tenko sat besides the both of us. Tenko took the seat next to Maki and Himiko took the seat next to Shuichi. I'm assuming this was done because Shuichi was a 'degenerate male' in Tenko's eyes.

"Anyway!" She said with an embarrassed look on her face. Oh~ She must have thought I meant something else~ I was just going to list what I like about him like his soft hair, his golden eyes, his cuddles~ and everything about him.

"How are you guys doing after the trail?" She asked the both of us looking a little more serious than she would usually be. Did something happen? Maybe that's why she is sitting over here with us instead of the small groups that were whispering about me a little while ago...that's strange...

"I'm feeling alright," Shuichi admitted, seeming a little embarrassed for saying that. I smiled and gently moved my hand into his own to give it a supportive squeeze.

"That's good," She said before Tenko interfered.

"Why don't we all train together tonight!" She blurted out, making Himiko facepalm. Is something going on with the two of them? They have been acting very suspicious since dinner started.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" Kaito exclaimed with a smile as his voice boomed out. I swear on my life this dude has no inside voice...

"Awesome! Meet up after the announcement?" Tenko asked as Himiko recovered. Maki nodded as though to tell them that they were right.

"Meet us outside the dorms and in that small pavilion!" Kaito added before the two girls walked out of the dining hall. Gonta soon walked over to the table making me even more confused. Wait...what if they all realized something from being in the group of people that sit with Tsumugi...this could be some good information.

"Hey, Gonta want to go too," He said, bluntly lowering his head a bit as though he was bowing. I laughed a bit at how he was acting but didn't say anything.

"Sure!" Kaito said before Gonta left with the other two. I looked up at Shuichi and saw that he was as confused as me.

"What do you think is going on?" I whispered to him. He looked over at the other group with a side glance, seeing that the only two people at the table were Keebo and Tsumugi. I put my hand to my chin for a moment. Maybe I was right to think that...maybe Tsumugi is the mastermind...I mean there is some evidence for this, well, not just some, there is lots...but it's hard to find some solid evidence that is the cold hard truth...

"I think we should discuss it at the meeting...or maybe even just us after dinner..." He whispered back before I gave him a nod.

"We should get something to eat before then though," He said in a slightly louder voice. I gave him another nod as he helped me up once more as we went into the kitchen.

There was some cut bread on the counter. Shuichi walked over to the counter that was empty and helped me sit up on it before he spoke. "Does a sandwich sound good?" He asked looking into my eyes. I blushed at the look he was giving me, but nodded my head quickly not trusting my voice.

"Alright, two sandwiches coming up." He said with a small laugh at my flustered behavior. I wanted to get him back for making fun of me...but I could always do that later~ Maybe even at the meeting or the training~

"Thanks," I muttered, still getting over myself. He smiled at me before he started making the sandwiches.

"Hey, Kichi?" He asked, catching me off guard. He doesn't usually ask me questions while he is cooking, but I don't mind this at all~

"Yes my beloved shumai~?" I asked with a teasing smile. He looked down for a moment which made guilt come over my shoulders. Is something bothering him?

"Ah...nevermind," He said, making me feel worse. I want to know what he wanted to say to me...but then I looked over to the entrance to the kitchen with a side glance before realizing that Tsumugi was standing in the door frame.

"Hello!" She chirped, acting way out of character. I looked at her as her hair fell still over her shoulders as she stopped moving suddenly. I jumped out of surprise from this because I was scared that maybe someone stabbed her or something.

"Hi," I said with a smile trying to keep my fear under control. If she is the mastermind this whole nice girl act is all a lie...how could I not see it before. Her smile soon came back after a moment before she turned around and went to leave.

"I'll leave you to it!" She said leaving without another word. This left me and Shuichi even more confused.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself not knowing the words came out of my mouth until I looked over at Shuichi.

"What the hell was that?" He asked and all I could do is shrug back at him. What is going on with Tsumugi...maybe she is actually the mastermind.

-Another update! I hope you all are enjoying the story! Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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