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Saihara's POV

I haven't had a dream like that since the first time Maki choked him and told me how much she wanted him dead. By the way, Kokichi was talking I think I must have been sleep-talking... When I was a little kid my parents told me how I talked in my sleep. Maybe that's why I'm so nervous about falling asleep around other people...

Kokichi has been silent for a while... I wonder if what I said might have- No I shouldn't think like that. He said he was going to stay by my side. He wants to be around me and I want to be around him...

I pulled him closer to me petting his head. His hair is unexpectedly soft and it smells really good. Maybe that is kind of creepy...

"Saihara-chan?" Kokichi asked looking up at me. I could feel my face getting hot. The face he was making was too cute! I silently gushed at how cute he was as he continued.

"Kaito came to the door earlier... and" Kaito came? He must have wanted to apologize. He is one to be hotheaded in the moment only to apologize later. It's something I have had to get used too...

"He said that since your his sidekick he supports your decision to be with me..." He paused looking away from me sounding a little defeated. I can see why... Kaito and Kokichi aren't the best of friends.

"and he said that he wanted to apologize for losing his cool earlier..." Kokichi said cuddling into my chest again. I snaked my arms around his back and traced circles onto his back cause he does like affection.

"Kokichi... I know you're not the fondest of Kaito but could you please try to get along with him?" I asked hoping that he would say that he would. But honestly, I can never really guess what Kokichi is thinking or feeling. This causes me a lot of anxiety... Even before when he wouldn't come out of his room for days on end I could barely cope or contain the anxiety I was feeling. I hated it when I didn't have him by my side at all times cause I was worried that maybe... he was alone and was afraid... And when I found out my anxieties were correct... I broke down. Out of everyone here, he is the last one I want to lose.

Kokichi snuggled into my touch and let out a content sigh before wrapping his arms around my torso to get closer to me.

"Yeah, I tried my best not to scream at him at the door... I have been trying to get close to you but he always gets in the way... and it's so easy for me and him to get in really intense arguments... but if that would put your mind at ease I will try..." He said cut off by his shutter. He really is touch starved! I rub his back or play with his hair and it's like he can't stop himself from wanting more... Not going to lie it's really cute. I'm glad that he trusts me enough so we can have moments like this.

I do love you Kokichi and I hope I can get you to understand how much I love you, all of you Kokichi.

I love everything about you Kokichi.

And I want to do everything in my power to make you feel all the love I can give to you.

Kokichi's POV

Saihara-chan has some weird effects on me. I go limp whenever he and I have moments like this one. And Saihara-chan, I wish this could never end. I want to be able to be with you and you alone all the time. But I know that's selfish because you have friends and other people you care about. So only for you Saihara-chan, I will do everything in my power to make you happy even if it's not with me...

"Kokichi I'm really happy that you put forth the effort to try and be kinder to a person you don't like," Saihara said putting his hand on my chin to guide my head so we were looking at each other. I don't like it when other people make me look at them while I'm admitting something, but for some reason, because I'm with Saihara-chan I feel at ease and comfortable like this.

"And I'm very proud of you for being honest with me." He said before pulling me into a quick kiss. Whenever he kisses me any self-degrading thoughts I might be having to go away. I have no clue how he does it but he can make me complete and happy. Why couldn't I have figured this out before?

"I feel well rested now so we should probably get some lunch... Seeing as I made us miss breakfast and you probably are hungry..." He whispered sounding like he was chastising himself.

"Saihara-chan... I didn't want to say this but..." Might as well tell him now. I should tell him how untrue that statement is. I would have missed breakfast just to be able to see Saihara-chan stand up for me... It meant a lot to me.

"What is it Kokichi? Are you ok?" His voice was immediately concerned. He probably is making his anxiety skyrocket right now...

"Yeah, I just wanted to say... What you did in the cafeteria today made me happy... Nobody has ever stood up for me before and... When you stood up for me... It reminded me about how much I love you Saihara-chan." I tried to suppress the blush I could feel coming to my face... With no luck.

"Y-you're welcome Kokichi... I thought you would be angry I made a scene..." He said putting his hand over his face to try and cover the blush coming to it.

I pulled off his hand and kissed each one of his fingers before looking back up at him seeing he was now a flustered mess.

"You know I like to see your face. I do think the blush you have on your cheeks is adorable. And Saihara-chan you are super cute all the time so don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I moved my hand to his cheeks and caressed the soft surface.

"And I really don't care what you do Saihara-chan, because I want you to be happy..." I said bringing my voice to a whisper at the end. I felt his hands move to my shoulders to massage the tense muscles there causing me to fall into his arms.

"You know Kokichi. You always say that I can do whatever I want and that I should be with somebody else..." He said bringing his lips to my ear.

"But all I want is for you to be happy with me and I don't want anyone else I want you." On the last word, he blew on my ear causing me to do a full-body shudder.

"Cause to me Kokichi you are the only thing I could ever want,"

"In my eyes, you are perfect Kokichi,"

A/N I finished a chapter! I hope it is good enough... If you would like you can request what happens in the next chapter. Only if you would like though.


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