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"Who came for you?" I asked, feeling my entire body tense up. What did they do to him? And what were they planning to do to me?

"..." Shuichi didn't respond while Maki finished bandaging his wounds. He has a small gash on his forehead, probably from him hitting it on a door or a table. Then he had some blood on the bottom of his chin and some on his lip. His lip was cut, but it also seemed like he coughed some up.

I moved Maki away from him after she finished and lifted up his shirt. There wasn't anything noticeable on his chest...but there was a bruise where his stomach is. I assumed that the blood he must have thrown up must have been because of a blow to the stomach. I slowly took my fingers away from the soft cloth of his shirt and slowly trailed my hand up to his cheek.

His cheeks had traces of tear stains on them and this made me frown. I don't think I was asleep much longer after he was taken from the room...but I was wondering why no one heard all of this going down...wouldn't there have been a clattering noise or even a slight thump from them taking him out of his own room and somehow transporting him to my own. This leads me to another question...how were they able to get into my room. I'm positive it can't be Maki, Kaito, or me, because they both wouldn't do something so crazy out of nowhere...not that anyone would particularly, I'm just saying it's unlikely. It must have been the mastermind because no one else could have opened my door other than me...and they would have also been able to open Shuichi's door as well...and assuming the mastermind, or Tsumugi, has like a master key of some sort, then she could have opened both doors to accomplish this task...

"Ko...Ki..." Shuichi whispered, drawing my attention back to him. His eyes were still closed and his chest was slowly rising and falling as his breath slowly escaped his lips. I gently stroked his cheek with my hand before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Maki, would you be alright helping me take Shuichi back to his room?" I asked looking over at her. She gave me a nod and hoisted Shuichi up, wrapping an arm around his waist while the other was holding his arm over her shoulder. I did the same on the other side before we slowly walked out of my room, down the stairs, before coming back to Shuichi's dorm. I grabbed the key out of his pocket and noticed there was some blood on it as well...pushing that thought aside, I opened the door.

"Are you going to take care of him?" She asked after we both laid him down on the bed. He moved a little bit before a groan could be heard from him. I frowned to myself knowing he must still be in pain from the attacker. I gave her a nod, yet again not trusting my voice to stay steady and calm.

Without another word, Maki nodded and left the room closing the door behind her. This left Shuichi and I alone in the room like we were before our sleep was interrupted. I sighed and moved to the door making sure it was securely locked, before I made my way back to Shuichi's side.

"Shu, are you awake?" I asked quietly. I wanted to keep my voice down because he does already seem pretty exhausted, and I'm sure the whole thing with the attacker was making it worse.

"Mnnn," He groaned before he reached his hand out to me. I curiously walked over and took his hand into my own, watching as our fingers intertwined together. He gave my hand a squeeze as if to give me an answer. I moved to sit next to him on his bed and felt the bed dip from our weight pushing onto it.

"Shu, baby...I don't want you getting hurt...so can you tell me who came into the room to take you?" I asked, putting a hand to his forehead. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he slowly looked up at me. His mouth opened as if he was trying to say something, but he ended up closing it again.

I clenched my hand on my knee feeling frustrated from the lack of sleep--as well as the lack of answers. Shuichi put a finger to my lips before his eyes slowly shut once more. But this time it didn't seem like he was exhausted or anything like that, he was just taking a moment to think. His eyebrows knitted together as his face contorted slightly. I'm assuming because of the painful memory I was asking him to recall.

I moved my thumb over the back of his palm of his hand that was still interwoven with my own. His eyebrows softened at this and after a few more moments of silence he opened his eyes again.

"Tsumugi came in to take you, she slowly started pulling you out of bed and you almost woke up." He paused and looked to the side for a moment.

"I still had my arms around your waist so I pulled you closer to my chest and looked up at her with a glare...then all she did was smile at me before pain came through my skull. When my vision went dark I panicked and right when I woke up there was blood dripping down my forehead." I slowly moved to lie beside him. The bed was soft and sleep was quietly calling out to me, telling me it could ease my exhaustion...but I was worried about Shuichi, and I needed to know that he was going to be alright.

"I was in your room and I tried to get up only to get punched in the gut. I coughed up some blood before I looked up again and saw Tsumugi dashing out of the room. I just sat there for a moment worried I was going to die...but then you and Maki walked in and I felt more at ease knowing you were alright..." He said finally. His hand slowly made it's way from my side, to my shoulder, to my neck, up to my ear before he tucked some of my hair behind it.

"I'm glad you are safe....but I think the best option is to go to the assembly tomorrow to see what it's about...then we can suggest doing a trial or maybe even coming together to take Tsumugi out somehow...?" He asked looking into my eyes. I met his gaze and we stayed there for a moment before my brain finally decided to speak up.

"I think that's a good Idea...why don't you get some rest as I keep watch...or maybe we could even go outside for some stargazing?" I asked propping myself up on my elbow. He smiled a bit at that and pulled me closer to him as he slowly gave me a hug.

"That sounds nice," He sighed, making me giggle a bit. His breath came into my hair making it tickle my nose. He smiled before he pulled back again.

"I'm going to keep an eye on you...because I don't want you getting hurt." He said, sounding a little more stern. I looked up at him and quickly cupped his cheeks.

"Awe! You are so sweet my beloved! But same for you~" I said in a slightly teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Alright," He said ruffling my hair with his hand before he slowly moved to get up. He pulled me to my feet after he got off the bed. I felt a little off balance from all the stress on my shoulders, but he helped me stand for long enough where I was able to get my own balance.

We walked out of the room without another word. Like an unspoken promise as our hands linked together. Knowing that for tonight, even after the events that took place before, we were going to be together, in the presence of the other for this moment. I smiled and waved our hands back and forth as the cold air of the courtyard surrounded the both of us. The night sky was dark, but it was nice to look at. The calming feeling of being with him by my side as the cool air surrounded the two of us in an embrace. Making us move closer to each other because of the cold.

Shuichi wrapped his arm around my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulder before letting my eyes close for a moment. I took in his scent and the scent of the nature and night around us. My eyes slowly opened again. This is nice, calming, and charming.

"Look at the sky, even if there is a cage covering it...it still looks absolutely amazing," I whispered as we both laid down on a part of the grass. He let his arm serve as my pillow as I inched closer to him. We were laying in the grass with our legs tangled together as the night came to a close.

-So, today I didn't even want to get out of bed...but I was able to and got the things done today that I needed to get done! Thank you all so much for reading!! Also! Thank you all so much for 100k reads!!-


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