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I wanted to ask Shuichi why he still wanted to be around me. Because I can be annoying...even I can tell. But I was cut off by someone yelling from behind us.

"Shuichi!" We both turned around to see Kaito walking over from the area that was surrounded by a wall. There was a sigh for a Casino overhead so there must be one back there.

"I have been looking at the wall over there for a while and I think you should take a look at it," He said before Shuichi gave him and nod and took my hand walking over to the Casino area. I still felt a little flustered from him kissing my hand earlier but suppressed it. Because there is no way in hell I'm going to let them see me flustered.

"That does look like this lever could open it up." Shuichi places the lever in the spot and turned it and just like he said the board sealing the door opened so we could go inside.

"Well, that worked?" He sighed and walked in with me. I think it's super cute how he is super confused right now. He is like 'what the fuck? Why are all these new areas opening like this?! Can't monokuma do things normally...I guess not because he is a fucking sadistic bear!!' I laughed to myself as we looked around.

The Casino was hella bright. There was a dark atmosphere in this place. It feels like it's nighttime already. I mean what the hell? I turned around and saw another building...

Hotel Kama-...fuck. I blushed deeply seeing the love hotel. God, why would people even use that?! I mean maybe...no. I'm way too self-conscious about my body and Shuichi wouldn't want to...probably? I hate my body enough as it is. I don't want him to have to see more than he already has...God, I'm so disgusting. I mean he also does get hella flustered, I'm not saying I wouldn't but I don't think that would be good...

I am completely fine with cuddles and kisses. Cause I can tease him better in those situations and it's more comfortable. It's sweet and endearing. It makes me feel safe. I smiled to myself knowing this man is some mystical being who can deal with me on a daily basis...almost constantly. Is he some kind of god?

"So, the Casino seems nice!" Kaito rushed over to the door completely ignoring the other building. Maybe it's better that way. "Kokichi, do you want to go into the Casino?" Shuichi asked looking me in the eyes. I still felt a little nervous to make direct eye contact but I shoved that down and kissed his cheek.

"Of course Shumai! It will be fun!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the Casino completely dismissing my other thoughts. I want to hang out with Shuichi. So let's just hang out!

We were in the Casino for a good hour or so and to be honest it was hella hilarious when Kaito got cocky and lost all his money! I mean seriously if you know you can't do it just stop and don't let people keep egging you on.

"We used all the items we were given," Shuichi said with a confident smile. "I'm glad we figured it out ShuShu!" I kissed him before Kaito coughed making me frown.

"Do you guys want to go to the pool tomorrow?" He asked looking at Shuichi. I wanted to glare at him but I remembered what Shuichi told me. I have to not make him blow a fuse...which is surprisingly hard to do because this man gets angry at almost anything that comes out of my mouth.

"Maybe we could, would you want to go Kokichi?" He held my hand in his. I didn't want to make him feel like he couldn't go because of me. "Yeah," I cut myself off not wanting to say anything else. I felt the fear kick in making my handshake. I could feel Shuichi give me a side glance but he didn't say anything which I was hella grateful for! Because Kaito would never let me live this down.

"Alright! I make sure that me and Maki are there!! Make sure to ask around!" He exclaimed before walking up the stairs to go out of the area. I sighed and smiled when I felt Shuichi's hand give me a supportive squeeze.

"If you don't want to go swimming we could just stay and hang out instead." I felt my heart drop. I don't want him to feel like he has to stay behind because of me. Kokichi get your shit together! I shook my head before taking both of his hands in my own.

"I don't want to drag you away from your friends and I think it could be fun! But I wanted to ask...how would I get a swimsuit to cover these?" I gestured to my arms and legs...I asked the question under my breath. Mostly because I was afraid of his response. He just rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles.

"It's alright, I bet we could ask Kirumi for some help." I felt a weight come off my shoulder making me relax. "Thanks, Shuichi," I wrapped my arms around him and let myself be held. "I love you Kokichi," He placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder and trailed them up to my forehead.

"You fucking dork!" I teased poking his cheek. He laughed at my comment before adding, "But I'm your dork and you love me~," He teased back making me laugh in return.

"I love your laugh Koki!" I felt a small blush come to my cheeks. "Well I love how adorable my little Shu is~, you laugh, your blush, and how flustered you get when I tease you!" He looked away hiding his blush. I smirked and grabbed his cheeks. He kissed me sweetly before pulling away from me a little abruptly.

"We should go back it's almost time for dinner," He looked over to the stairs. I just nodded feeling a little nervous about how he abruptly pulled away earlier. Did I do something wrong?

"Hey, Kokichi I can tell something's on your mind...do you want to talk about it?" I flinched at his words feeling my old walls start to come back up. No, I should just tell him...he is going to find out sooner or later. "Yeah, why did you pull away so abruptly earlier...did I do something wrong." I felt my shoulders slump. I hate feeling like this...

"Oh sorry I was just remembering something...you know the love hotel..." He looked to the side blushing. "Yeah, I was thinking about that earlier..." I let my voice trail off not wanting to admit anything...

"Well, I just wanted you to know if I ever make you feel uncomfortable let me know. I don't want to make you feel that way." I smiled at how politely he said that. "I think the cuddles and kisses from My Beloved are all I need!" I smiled making him laugh again.

"Me too."

-I have an update schedule now so I will be updating this book every Monday! Thanks for reading!-


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