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T/W: Scenes of intense gore, and scenes that may cause anxiety, this is a warning.

We walked cautiously up to the second floor...I was wondering how many floors and traps we are going to have to make it past...I pushed that out of my thoughts and let the thoughts of Shuichi come back for just a moment before we entered the second floor.

The walls were a deep pink color this time...and they looked like they are covered in blood...I shivered and wrapped my arms around my shoulders. God, why does this remind me of him...I pushed the other me out of my thoughts as I slowly motioned for the others to move forward. This was moments before there was a wiring sound and a crash. I couldn't even process what just happened, until I saw Keebo pinned up against the wall with an extisal over him.

"Keebo!" I shouted as me and Kaito moved towards him in hopes of getting the extisal away from him. But it was no use...

"Don't!" He yelled before he cried out in pain. I couldn't even process what happened before his scream reached my ears. The extisal had taken his arm in it's hand and crushed it. The sound echoed throughout the hallway and it made me flinch. I motioned for the others to come behind me and Kaito.

"Keebo! Let me help you get out of there!" He yelled, but it was in vain. Before he could even move closer to try to get the extisal off of him the extisal ripped his arm off. The wires snapped apart as his arm was torn off and thrown to the side. Keebo hadn't even reacted before the blue fluid came gushing out of his arm.

"KEEBO!" Kaito yelled now pushing past me and Maki to try to get the extisal off of him. But the extisal moved around and a voice soon came from the metal contraption.

"Don't try to save him~ Because daddy wants him dead! And TsuTsu wants him to suffer~ Just like the rest of you!" Monotaro's voice called out. I felt my hand clench at my side before I called out,

"Let him go!" I yelled before Kaito was pushed to the ground and the extisal crushed his ankle. The bone was slightly visible from the pool of pink that erupted from his ankle as he screamed. I looked back over to Keebo who was covered in the blue fluid coming from his arm. It was coming out of his mouth and dripping from his head. There was a small pause as Maki rushed to Kaito's side and helped him up. He bit his lip and made it bleed in the process of trying to keep his screams in.

"Just go...on without me," He choked out before the extisals arm moved.

"Can't do that~" He said before the hand smashed into Keebo's face making metal pieces fly everywhere. HIs eye was visible for a moment before it closed and flew to the side. Leaving Keebo in a pile of rubble and blue fluid. I felt my brain screaming at me for not being better about leading them...but I know we need to get away from the extisal, because as of now we can't take on an extisal.

"We need to keep moving," I whispered to Maki who started pushing the others in the direction of the stairs. Tenko and Himiko were paralized and Himiko seemed to be on the verge of tears again...why is this happening, if we were only a little bit faster- I can't blame myself now, we need to get the remaining students out of this floor and to find Shuichi.

"Gck...haa..." Kaito groaned while Maki gently rubbed his back as he leaned on her. I was surprised that she was able to hold him up so well and help him to the point where they were staying up with the group.

"We need to keep going, I think there should be no more than 6 floors...but knowing the school's layout changed..." I whispered as we were coming to the door, only the floor was no longer there. There was a dark void in front of the stairs. I sighed to myself and felt Maki nudge me.

"What should we do?" She asked, making the others look at me as well. I took a moment to think of an Idea...ok so the floor seems to not be here...but there must be some trick...I looked up slightly and saw that there was a part of the wall that wasn't completely pink. There was a small place on the wall where the pink faded out to black. I walked over to it because it was still on our side.

There was a hole in the wall and I was able to feel a button in the hole, but before I could touch it something poked my hand. I pulled my hand away because of the pain, but soon was going to put my hand in again to push the button a second time.

"What's that?" Tenko asked, sounding more concerned than before. I looked over to Maki who was looking down at the blood coming out of my hand. There was a small mark on my hand like a tattoo was being done on my hand. A black dot is what remained on my hand. I looked down at it sceptically.

"I'm not sure," I said looking at my hand. "But there is a button in here and I think it has something to do with the floor." I added before the announcement went off.

"You made it past the second puzzle! Well, you almost did~ Kokichi be a dear and hit that button~" She said with a sadistic smirk. I flinched from the gaze and looked to the others. They all seemed to look to me waiting for me to do something...I sighed to myself and put my hand in again and pushed the button, but before I could pull my hand out there was something that was stopping me. I think it was some wall that must have come up around my hand.

I looked over to the monitor, "I did as you asked. Now give me my hand back." I said with a serious tone. She seemed to laugh at this for a long moment. All I could do is sit there feeling fear rise up in me...what is going to happen? Why did she trap my hand?

"Well~ You need a souvenir from here so you can remember~!" She said with another smirk and a laugh. I flinched...is she going to give me a tattoo? Why now? Why like this? God, I don't want something tattooed on my hand...because it's going to hurt like hell...and I have no idea what she could put...

"Aren't I so nice to do that for you~!" She said before I felt a stabbing pain in my hand. Before I could stop myself I let out a small yelp. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I felt like I was going to cry. Again and again the stabbing pain came before it left and was back in a fast motion. All of my muscles clenched as the pain was making me start to silently cry as I bit into my other hand to conceal the pain I was feeling.

"Kokichi!" Himiko yelled before she came to my side before Tenko could stop her.

"Himiko wait!" Tenko called out making her way over to Himiko. Himiko was already by my side trying to move the constraint around my hand.

"I can't get it open!" She yelled tears falling out of her eyes. I let out another whimper of pain as there was an intense stinging pain instead of the stabbing pain. Slowly the restraint let up and my hand was free. I pulled it out of the hole and held it to my chest trying to calm the intense pain in my hand.

"Are you alright?" Tenko asked. I looked up to her after a moment and gave her my best smile.

"I-I'll be alright..." I whispered as I got to my feet and saw all the blood getting onto my shirt. Before I could say anything Himiko pulled out some fabric that she had on her and grabbed my wrist.

"We should stop the bleeding," She said, wrapping it around my wrist and hand. I noticed there were two gashes on my wrist as well as the black ink on the top of my hand...it still sung like hell.

"We should keep moving," She said, sounding more confident in herself. I gave her a small nod still trying to keep my tears under control.

"It's ok to cry," She said, giving me a smile as she wiped one of my tears. I smiled back at her and turned to the hole in the floor. I felt the ground start to shake from under us and it made my heart race with the fear of another puzzle on this floor...

"Thank you," I whispered before she gave me a smile. I saw Tenko give me a glare before I hesitantly returned Himiko's smile.

Himiko joined me in the front before the floor in front of us rose up making a clear path we could walk on. The path was a bright white and it made my eyes hurt just by looking at it...but we walked across together before walking up the stairs.

"Be sure to be alert guys...." I whispered looking back at the others for a moment before they nodded. The third floor...this is going to be harder than the last one...god, I don't want any one else to be lost...the scene of Keebo's death played again in my mind as the fear of Shuichi's life came to my mind again. We need to make it up there...

"I'm coming Shuichi..." I whispered as we entered the third floor. "No matter what..."

-I have been able to stay up to date on my assignments so I should be able to do some recording tomorrow! I hope I am able to anyway~ Thank you all so much for reading!-


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